Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


actionlib : Provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks ( )

actionlib_msgs : Common messages to interact with an action server and an action client ( )

actionlib_tutorials : Actionlib tutorials ( )

amcl : Probabilistic localization system for a robot moving in 2D ( )

angles : Set of simple math utilities to work with angles ( )

audio_capture : Transports audio from a source to a destination ( )

audio_common_msgs : Messages for transmitting audio via ROS ( )

audio_play : Outputs audio to a speaker from a source node ( )

base_local_planner : Trajectory Rollout and Dynamic Window approaches to local robot navigation on a plane ( )

bond : A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated ( )

bondcpp : C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated ( )

bondpy : Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated ( )

camera_calibration : Calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target ( )

camera_calibration_parsers : Routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters ( )

camera_info_manager : C++ interface for camera calibration information ( )

carrot_planner : Attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow ( )

class_loader : ROS-independent package for loading plugins ( )

clear_costmap_recovery : Recovery behavior that attempts to clear space by reverting the costmaps to the static map ( )

cmake_modules : CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages ( )

collada_parser : C++ parser for the Collada robot description format ( )

collada_urdf : Tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLADA documents ( )

compressed_depth_image_transport : Plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images using PNG compression ( )

compressed_image_transport : Plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG ( )

control_msgs : Base messages and actions useful for controlling robots ( )

control_toolbox : Modules that are useful across all controllers ( )

controller_interface : Interface base class for controllers ( )

controller_manager : The controller manager ( )

controller_manager_msgs : The controller manager ( )

controller_manager_tests : Tests for the controller manager ( )

convex_decomposition : Convex Decomposition Tool for Robot Model ( )

costmap_2d : Creates a 2D costmap from sensor data ( )

cpp_common : C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related ( )

cv_bridge : Converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images ( )

depth_image_proc : Nodelets for processing depth images such as those produced by OpenNI camera ( )

diagnostic_aggregator : Aggregates ROS diagnostics ( )

diagnostic_analysis : Converts diagnostics data into a series of CSV files ( )

diagnostic_common_diagnostics : Generic nodes for monitoring a linux host ( )

diagnostic_msgs : Standardized interface for the diagnostic and runtime monitoring systems in ROS ( )

diagnostic_updater : Tools for updating diagnostics ( )

driver_base : Framework for writing drivers that helps with runtime reconfiguration, diagnostics and self-test ( )

dwa_local_planner : Dynamic Window Approach to local robot navigation on a plane ( )

dynamic_reconfigure : Provides a means to change node parameters at any time without having to restart the node ( )

eigen_conversions : Conversion functions between Eigen and KDL and Eigen and geometry_msgs ( )

eigen_stl_containers : Provides a set of typedef's that allow using Eigen datatypes in STL containers ( )

fake_localization : A ROS node that simply forwards odometry information ( )

filters : Standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters ( )

gazebo_msgs : Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS ( )

gazebo_plugins : Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components ( )

gazebo_ros : ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with gazebo ( )

gazebo_ros_control : ROS control plugins for gazebo ( )

gencpp : ROS C++ message definition and serialization generators ( http://wiki.ros.org/gencpp )

geneus : EusLisp ROS message and service generators ( )

genlisp : Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators ( )

genmsg : Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages ( )

genpy : Python ROS message and service generators ( http://wiki.ros.org/genpy )

geodesy : Python and C++ interfaces for manipulating geodetic coordinates ( )

geographic_msgs : ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems ( )

geometric_shapes : Generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies ( )

geometry_msgs : Messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses ( )

global_planner : Path planner library and node ( )

gmapping : ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping ( )

hardware_interface : Hardware Interface base class ( )

hector_compressed_map_transport : Means for transporting compressed map data through the use of image_transport ( )

hector_geotiff : Node to save occupancy grid map, robot trajectory and object of interest data to GeoTiff images ( )

hector_geotiff_plugins : Plugins that extend geotiff maps generated by hector_geotiff ( )

hector_imu_attitude_to_tf : Publish the roll/pitch attitude angles reported via a imu message to tf ( )

hector_imu_tools : Tools for processing IMU messages ( )

hector_map_server : Service for retrieving the map, as well as for raycasting based obstacle queries ( )

hector_map_tools : Functions related to accessing information from OccupancyGridMap maps ( )

hector_mapping : SLAM approach that can be used without odometry and on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion ( )

hector_marker_drawing : Convenience functions for easier publishing of visualization markers ( )

hector_nav_msgs : Messages and services used in the hector_slam stack ( )

hector_pose_estimation : hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet ( )

hector_pose_estimation_core : Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot ( )

hector_slam_launch : Launch files for launching hector_slam with different robot systems/setups/postprocessing scenarios ( )

hector_trajectory_server : Keeps track of tf trajectories and makes this data accessible via a service and topic ( )

image_geometry : C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images geometrically ( )

image_proc : Single image rectification and color processing ( )

image_rotate : Rotates an image stream minimizing the angle between an arbitrary vector and the camera frame ( )

image_transport : Transparent support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats ( )

image_view : Simple viewer for ROS image topics ( )

interactive_marker_tutorials : Interactive marker tutorials ( )

interactive_markers : 3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools ( )

ivcon : Mesh Conversion Utility ( )

joint_limits_interface : Interface for enforcing joint limits ( )

joint_state_publisher : Tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF ( )

kdl_conversions : Conversion functions between KDL and geometry_msgs types ( )

kdl_parser : Constructs a KDL tree from an XML robot representation in URDF ( )

laser_assembler : Nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages ( )

laser_filters : Assorted filters designed to operate on 2D planar laser scanners ( )

laser_geometry : Class for converting from a 2D laser scan into a point cloud ( )

librviz_tutorial : Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features ( )

map_msgs : Messages commonly used in mapping packages ( )

map_server : Offers map data as a ROS service ( )

message_filters : Set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time ( )

message_generation : Build-time dependencies for generating language bindings of messages ( )

message_runtime : Package modeling the run-time dependencies for language bindings of messages ( )

message_to_tf : Translates pose information from different kind of common_msgs message types to tf ( )

mk : A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements ( )

move_base : Given a goal in the world, will attempt to reach it with a mobile base ( )

move_base_msgs : Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package ( )

move_slow_and_clear : Move slow and clear ( )

moveit_msgs : Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt ( )

nav_core : Common interfaces for navigation specific robot actions ( )

nav_msgs : Common messages used to interact with the navigation stack ( )

navfn : Fast interpolated navigation function that can be used to create plans for a mobile base ( )

nodelet : Provides a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport ( )

nodelet_topic_tools : Common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle ( )

nodelet_tutorial_math : Nodelet tutorial ( )

object_recognition_msgs : ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core ( )

octomap_msgs : Messages and serializations / conversion for the OctoMap library ( )

opencv_apps : OpenCV applications for ROS ( )

opencv_tests : Tests for ROS OpenCV integration ( )

openslam_gmapping : ROS-ified version of gmapping SLAM ( )

pcl_conversions : Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types ( )

pcl_msgs : PCL (Point Cloud Library)-related ROS messages ( )

pcl_ros : PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack ( )

pluginlib : Provides tools for writing and dynamically loading plugins using the ROS build infrastructure ( )

pluginlib_tutorials : Pluginlib tutorials ( )

pointcloud_to_laserscan : Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan ( )

polled_camera : C++ helper classes for implementing a polled camera driver node and requesting images from it ( )

pr2_dashboard_aggregator : Aggregates all of the topics that a 'pr2_dashboard' app might be interested in ( )

pr2_description : Description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the PR2 robot ( )

pr2_machine : xxx.machine files that describe the different hosts a node can be spawned on ( )

pr2_msgs : Messages for representing PR2 state, such as battery information and the PR2 fingertip sensors ( )

python_qt_binding : Infrastructure for an integrated graphical user interface based on Qt ( )

qt_dotgraph : Helpers to work with dot graphs ( )

qt_gui : ROS infrastructure for an integrated graphical user interface based on Qt ( )

qt_gui_app : Main to start an instance of the integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui ( )

qt_gui_cpp : Foundation for C++-bindings for dev-ros/qt_gui and creates bindings for every generator available ( )

qt_gui_py_common : Common functionality for ROS RQT GUI plugins written in Python ( )

random_numbers : Wrappers for generating floating point values, integers, quaternions using boost libraries ( )

realtime_tools : Set of tools that can be used from a hard realtime thread, without breaking the realtime behavior ( )

resource_retriever : Retrieves data from url-format files ( )

robot_pose_ekf : Estimate the 3D pose of a robot, based on (partial) pose measurements coming from different sources ( )

robot_state_publisher : Package for publishing the state of a robot to tf ( )

rosbag : Set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics ( )

rosbag_storage : Set of tools for recording from and playing back ROS message ( )

rosbash : Assorted shell commands for using ros with bash ( )

rosboost_cfg : Tool for determining cflags/lflags/etc. of boost on your system ( )

rosbuild : Scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS ( )

rosclean : Cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files) ( )

rosconsole : ROS console output library ( )

rosconsole_bridge : Connects console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging ( )

roscpp : C++ implementation of ROS ( )

roscpp_serialization : Code for serialization ( )

roscpp_traits : Message traits code ( )

roscpp_tutorials : Attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters ( )

roscreate : Tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources ( )

rosgraph : Prints information about the ROS Computation Graph ( )

rosgraph_msgs : Messages relating to ROS comm ( )

roslang : Common package for all ROS client libraries ( )

roslaunch : Tool for easily launching multiple ROS nodes ( )

roslib : Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS ( )

roslint : Performs static checking of Python or C++ source code for errors and standards compliance ( )

roslisp : Lisp client library for ROS ( )

roslz4 : Python and C++ implementation of the LZ4 streaming format ( )

rosmake : ROS dependency aware build tool ( )

rosmaster : ROS Master implementation ( )

rosmsg : Command-line tools for displaying information about message and services ( )

rosnode : Command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS nodes ( )

rosout : System-wide logging mechanism for messages sent to the /rosout topic ( )

rospack : Retrieves information about ROS packages available on the filesystem ( )

rosparam : Command-line tool for getting and setting ROS Parameters on the parameter server ( )

rospy : Python client library for ROS ( )

rospy_tutorials : Attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters ( )

rosservice : Command-line tool for listing and querying ROS Services ( )

rostest : Integration test suite based on roslaunch that is compatible with xUnit frameworks ( )

rostime : Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries ( )

rostopic : Command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS Topics ( )

rosunit : Unit-testing package for ROS ( )

roswtf : Tool for diagnosing issues with a running ROS system ( )

rotate_recovery : Recovery behavior that attempts to clear space by performing a 360 degree rotation of the robot ( )

rqt_action : Introspect all available ROS action (from actionlib) types ( )

rqt_bag : GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files ( )

rqt_bag_plugins : GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files ( )

rqt_console : GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages ( )

rqt_controller_manager : RQT control manager plugin ( )

rqt_dep : GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS dependency graph ( )

rqt_graph : GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph ( )

rqt_gui : Main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui ( )

rqt_gui_cpp : Enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS ( )

rqt_gui_py : Enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS ( )

rqt_image_view : GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport ( )

rqt_launch : Easy view of .launch files ( )

rqt_logger_level : GUI plugin for configuring the logger level of ROS nodes ( )

rqt_moveit : Assists monitoring tasks for MoveIt! motion planner ( )

rqt_msg : Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types ( )

rqt_nav_view : Provides a gui for viewing navigation maps and paths ( )

rqt_plot : GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot ( )

rqt_pose_view : GUI plugin for visualizing 3D poses ( )

rqt_publisher : GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values ( )

rqt_py_common : Common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python ( )

rqt_py_console : Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console ( )

rqt_reconfigure : Provides the way to view and edit the parameters that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure ( )

rqt_robot_dashboard : Infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt ( )

rqt_robot_monitor : Displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by diagnostic_aggregator ( )

rqt_robot_steering : GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages ( )

rqt_runtime_monitor : GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages ( )

rqt_rviz : GUI plugin embedding RViz ( )

rqt_service_caller : GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services ( )

rqt_shell : GUI plugin providing an interactive shell ( )

rqt_srv : GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types ( )

rqt_tf_tree : GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree ( )

rqt_top : RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes ( )

rqt_topic : GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics ( )

rqt_web : Simple web content viewer for rqt ( )

rviz : 3D visualization tool for ROS ( )

rviz_plugin_tutorials : Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz ( )

rviz_python_tutorial : Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts ( )

self_test : Robot self-test node ( )

sensor_msgs : Messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders ( )

shape_msgs : Messages for defining shapes, such as simple solid object primitives, planes, and meshes ( )

smach : Task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior ( )

smach_msgs : Set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach ( )

smach_ros : Extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS ( )

smclib : The State Machine Compiler (SMC) converts the description of a state machine into source code ( )

sound_play : ROS node that translates commands on a ROS topic (robotsound) into sounds ( )

stage_ros : ROS specific hooks and tools for the Stage simulator ( )

std_msgs : Standard ROS Messages ( )

std_srvs : Messages relating to ROS comm ( )

stereo_image_proc : Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing ( )

stereo_msgs : Messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images ( )

test_bond : Tests for bond, bondpy and bondcpp ( )

test_diagnostic_aggregator : diagnostic_aggregator tests ( )

test_nodelet : Nodelet unit tests ( )

test_nodelet_topic_tools : Nodelet topic tools unit tests ( )

test_rosbag : Unit tests for rosbag ( )

test_rosbag_storage : Unit tests for rosbag_storage ( )

test_roscpp : Unit tests for roscpp ( )

test_rosgraph : Unit tests for rosgraph ( )

test_roslaunch : Unit tests for roslaunch ( )

test_roslib_comm : Unit tests for roslib ( )

test_rosmaster : Unit tests for rosmaster ( )

test_rosparam : Unit tests for rosparam ( )

test_rospy : Unit tests for rospy ( )

test_rosservice : Unit tests for rospy ( )

test_tf2 : TF2 unit tests ( )

tf : Maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time ( )

tf2 : The second generation Transform Library in ROS ( )

tf2_bullet : TF2 bullet support ( )

tf2_geometry_msgs : The second generation Transform Library in ROS ( )

tf2_kdl : KDL binding for tf2 ( )

tf2_msgs : TF2 messages ( )

tf2_py : TF2 python bindings ( )

tf2_ros : ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++ ( )

tf2_sensor_msgs : Transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2 ( )

tf2_tools : TF2 tools ( )

tf_conversions : Conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes into identical datatypes used by other libraries ( )

theora_image_transport : Plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec ( )

timestamp_tools : Classes to help timestamp hardware events ( )

topic_tools : Tools for directing, throttling and selecting ROS topics ( )

trajectory_msgs : Messages for defining robot trajectories ( )

transmission_interface : Transmission Interface ( )

turtle_actionlib : Demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim ( )

turtlesim : Tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages ( )

unique_id : ROS Python and C++ interfaces for universally unique identifiers ( )

urdf : C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) ( )

urdf_parser_plugin : C++ base class for URDF parsers ( )

urdf_tutorial : URDF tutorials ( )

uuid_msgs : ROS messages for universally unique identifiers ( )

visp_auto_tracker : Online automated pattern-based object tracker relying on visual servoing ( )

visp_bridge : Converts between ROS structures and ViSP structures ( )

visp_camera_calibration : Calibration of cameras using a customizable pattern and ViSP library ( )

visp_hand2eye_calibration : Estimates the camera position with respect to its effector using the ViSP library ( )

visp_tracker : Wraps the ViSP moving edge tracker provided by the ViSP visual servoing library into a ROS package ( )

visualization_marker_tutorials : Visualization marker tutorials ( )

visualization_msgs : Messages used by higher level packages that deal in visualization-specific data. ( )

voxel_grid : Implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid ( )

xacro : XML macro language ( )

xmlrpcpp : C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol ( )

Add an ebuild in portage :

The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a gentoo

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/gentoo-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org