Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


DAWG-Python : Pure-python reader for DAWGs (DAFSAs) created by dawgdic C++ library. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

EbookLib : Ebook library which can handle EPUB2/EPUB3 and Kindle format ( https://github.com/aerkalov/ebooklib https://pypi.org/project/EbookLib/ )

ManimPango : Binding for Pango, to use with Manim. ( https://github.com/ManimCommunity/ManimPango https://pypi.org/project/manimpango )

NSKeyedUnArchiver : Unserializes binary|text|file|memory plist data to Python dict ( https://github.com/avibrazil/NSKeyedUnArchiver )

PyPubSub : Python Publish-Subscribe Package ( https://github.com/schollii/pypubsub https://pypi.org/project/PyPubSub/ )

PyQt5-stubs : Stubs for PyQt5 ( HOMEPAGE=" )

PyWavefront : Python library for importing Wavefront .obj files ( https://github.com/pywavefront/PyWavefront https://pypi.org/project/PyWavefront )

PythonQwt : Qt plotting widgets for Python ( https://pypi.org/project/PythonQwt )

SLPP : Simple lua-python parser ( HOMEPAGE=" )

TakeTheTime : Take The Time, a super-neat Python library for timing chunks of code ( https://github.com/ErikBjare/TakeTheTime )

adb-shell : A Python implementation of ADB with shell and FileSync functionality. ( https://pypi.org/project/adb-shell/ https://github.com/JeffLIrion/adb_shell )

ahocorasick : Python module implementing Aho-Corasick algorithm ( https://github.com/WojciechMula/pyahocorasick )

aiomysql : aiomysql is a library for accessing a MySQL database from the asyncio ( HOMEPAGE=" )

aiopg : Postgres integration with asyncio ( HOMEPAGE=" )

anytree : Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure with various plugins ( https://anytree.readthedocs.io/ )

arpy : Library for accessing ar files ( https://github.com/viraptor/arpy )

ascim : Manipulate ASCII art as you would do with raster images ( https://github.com/fakefred/ascim )

asgi-lifespan : Programmatic startup/shutdown of ASGI apps ( HOMEPAGE=" )

aspectlib : Aspect-oriented programming, monkey-patch and decorators library ( HOMEPAGE=" )

asyncinotify : An async python inotify package ( https://gitlab.com/Taywee/asyncinotify )

asyncmy : A fast asyncio MySQL driver ( HOMEPAGE=" )

asyncpg : PostgreSQL driver for asyncio ( HOMEPAGE=" )

auditok : A module for Audio/Acoustic Activity Detection ( https://github.com/amsehili/auditok/ )

autoflake : Removes unused imports and unused variables from Python code ( https://github.com/PyCQA/autoflake/ https://pypi.org/project/autoflake/ )

avro : Apache Avro is a data serialization system ( HOMEPAGE=" )

azure-core : Microsoft Azure Core Library for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

azure-storage-blob : Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

b2sdk : The client library for BackBlaze's B2 product ( https://github.com/Backblaze/b2-sdk-python )

baron : Full Syntax Tree for python to make writing refactoring code a realist task ( https://github.com/PyCQA/baron https://baron.pycqa.org )

base58 : Base58 and Base58Check implementation ( HOMEPAGE=" )

betamax-serializers : A set of third-party serializers for Betamax ( https://pypi.org/project/betamax-serializers/ https://gitlab.com/betamax/serializers )

bidict : The bidirectional mapping library for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

billiard : Python multiprocessing fork ( HOMEPAGE=" )

biplist : A binary plist parser/generator for Python ( https://pypi.org/project/biplist/ https://github.com/wooster/biplist )

blurhash : Pure-Python implementation of the blurhash algorithm ( HOMEPAGE=" )

cassowary : Run Windows Applications on Linux as if they are native (Using a VM and FreeRDP) ( https://github.com/casualsnek/cassowary )

celery : Asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing ( HOMEPAGE=" )

chevron : A Python implementation of mustache ( https://github.com/noahmorrison/chevron )

click-aliases : Add (mutiple) aliases to a click group or command ( HOMEPAGE=" )

click-command-tree : click plugin to show the command tree of your CLI ( https://pypi.org/project/click-command-tree/ )

click-repl : Subcommand REPL for click apps ( HOMEPAGE=" )

cloudflare : Python wrapper for the Cloudflare v4 API ( https://pypi.org/project/cloudflare/ )

cloup : Click + option groups + constraints + aliases + help themes + ... ( https://github.com/janluke/cloup https://pypi.org/project/cloup/ )

codecov : Hosted coverage reports for GitHub, Bitbucket and Gitlab ( https://github.com/codecov/codecov-python https://pypi.org/project/codecov )

colored : Very simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal ( https://gitlab.com/dslackw/colored )

colorspacious : Python library for doing colorspace conversions ( HOMEPAGE=" )

colorthief : Module for grabbing the color palette from an image ( HOMEPAGE=" )

convertdate : Utils for converting between date formats and calculating holidays ( https://github.com/fitnr/convertdate )

cryptg : Hachoir is a Python library to view and edit a binary stream field by field ( https://github.com/cher-nov/cryptg/ )

dacite : This module simplifies creation of data classes (PEP 557) from dictionaries ( https://github.com/konradhalas/dacite )

daff : The daff can produce and apply tabular diffs ( https://github.com/paulfitz/daff )

daiquiri : Library to configure Python logging easily ( HOMEPAGE=" )

darkdetect : Detect OS dark mode from Python ( https://github.com/5yutan5/PyQtDarkTheme https://pypi.org/project/PyQtDarkTheme )

dasbus : DBus library in Python 3 ( https://github.com/dasbus-project/dasbus )

dateparser : Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages ( HOMEPAGE=" )

decopatch : Create decorators easily in python ( https://pypi.org/project/decopatch/ https://github.com/smarie/python-decopatch )

defcon : A set of UFO based objects for use in font editing applications ( https://github.com/robotools/defcon )

desktop-notifier : desktop-notifier is a Python library for cross-platform desktop notifications ( HOMEPAGE=" )

devtools : Dev tools for python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

digitalocean : Digitalocean API access library ( https://github.com/koalalorenzo/python-digitalocean )

django-browser-reload : Automatically reload your browser in development ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-constance : Django live settings with pluggable backends, including Redis ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-picklefield : Pickled object field for Django ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-tailwind : Tailwind CSS Framework for Django projects ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-tinymce : TinyMCE integration for Django ( HOMEPAGE=" )

doxypypy : A more Pythonic version of doxypy, a Doxygen filter for Python ( https://github.com/Feneric/doxypypy )

dropbox : The offical Dropbox SDK for Python ( https://www.dropbox.com/developers )

dtreeviz : A python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation ( HOMEPAGE=" )

evernote2 : Unofficial Evernote SDK for Python 3 ( HOMEPAGE=" )

exif : Read and modify image EXIF metadata using Python. ( https://gitlab.com/TNThieding/exif )

faust-cchardet : universal character encoding detector ( https://github.com/faust-streaming/cChardet )

flask-restx : Framework API development with Flask ( https://flask-restx.readthedocs.io )

fontawesomefree : Font Awesome Free ( HOMEPAGE=" )

gbinder : Python bindings for libgbinder ( https://github.com/erfanoabdi/gbinder-python )

gemcall : A library and CLI tool for making gemini requests ( https://notabug.org/tinyrabbit/gemcall/ )

glcontext : Modern OpenGL binding for python ( https://github.com/moderngl/glcontext https://pypi.org/project/glcontext )

glfw : Python bindings for GLFW ( https://github.com/FlorianRhiem/pyGLFW https://pypi.org/project/glfw )

glicko2 : glicko2 implementation in python ( https://github.com/deepy/glicko2 )

gnuplot-py : A python wrapper for Gnuplot ( https://gnuplot-py.sourceforge.net/ )

googletrans : Free Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge. ( https://pypi.org/project/googletrans/ https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans )

graphene : GraphQL Framework for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

graphql-core : Python port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL ( HOMEPAGE=" )

graphql-relay : Relay library for graphql-core ( HOMEPAGE=" )

grpc-stubs : gRPC typing stubs for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

guidata : Library for user interfaces for easy dataset editing and display ( https://pypi.org/project/guidata/ )

guiqwt : Efficient 2D plotting Python library based on PythonQwt ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/guiqwt )

guppy3 : A Python Programming Environment and Heap analysis toolset ( HOMEPAGE=" )

hachoir : Hachoir is a Python library to view and edit a binary stream field by field ( https://github.com/vstinner/hachoir/ )

hashids : Implements the hashids algorithm in python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

hid_ups : Python-based library for interpreting UPS HID data. ( https://github.com/desultory/hid_ups )

hid_ups_exporter : Python-based library for exporting HID UPS data as metrics for Prometheus. ( https://github.com/desultory/hid_ups_exporter )

hijridate : Accurate Hijri-Gregorian date converter based on the Umm al-Qura calendar ( https://github.com/dralshehri/hijridate )

http-ece : Encrypted Content Encoding for HTTP ( HOMEPAGE=" )

hunter : Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit ( HOMEPAGE=" )

i3ipc : An improved Python library to control i3wm and sway. ( https://github.com/altdesktop/i3ipc-python )

iOSbackup : Reads and extracts files from a password-encrypted iOS backup ( HOMEPAGE=" )

icecream : Pythonic task execution ( https://github.com/gruns/icecream https://pypi.org/project/icecream/ )

injector : Python dependency injection framework, inspired by Guice ( https://github.com/python-injector/injector )

internetarchive : Lib and CLI for archive.org - for search, uploading, downloading, rename... ( https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive )

invoke : Pythonic task execution ( https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke https://pypi.org/project/invoke/ )

isosurfaces : Construct isolines/isosurfaces of a 2D/3D scalar field defined by a function ( HOMEPAGE=" )

itemadapter : Common interface for scrapy data container classes ( https://scrapy.org/ )

itemloaders : Library to populate items using XPath and CSS with a convenient API ( https://scrapy.org/ )

iuliia : Transliterate Cyrillic to Latin in every possible way ( HOMEPAGE=" )

jinja2-cli : CLI for Jinja2 ( https://github.com/mattrobenolt/jinja2-cli )

jplephem : Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides for Astronomical Alamanac ( https://pypi.org/project/jplephem/ )

jpype : Bridge to allow Python programs full access to Java class libraries ( https://github.com/jpype-project/jpype/ )

json_exporter : Python-based library for exporting JSON data as metrics for Prometheus. ( https://github.com/desultory/json_exporter )

jsonfeed : Python package for parsing and generating JSON feeds. ( https://github.com/lukasschwab/jsonfeed )

jsonlines : Library with helpers for the jsonlines file format ( https://pypi.org/project/jsonlines/ )

jupyter-sphinx : Jupyter Sphinx Extensions ( https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx )

kurbopy : Python wrapper around Rust kurbo 2D curves library ( https://github.com/simoncozens/kurbopy )

langdetect : Port of Google's language-detection library to Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

latexify-py : Annotate Python source code to get LaTeX expressions ( HOMEPAGE=" )

libusb1 : Pure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0 ( HOMEPAGE=" )

lru-dict : Dict like LRU container ( HOMEPAGE=" )

manhole : Debugging manhole for python application ( HOMEPAGE=" )

markdownify : Convert HTML to Markdown ( HOMEPAGE=" )

mastodon-py : Python wrapper for the Mastodon API ( HOMEPAGE=" )

material-color-utilities : Python port of material-color-utilities used for Material You colors ( HOMEPAGE=" )

mautrix : A Python 3 asyncio Matrix framework ( HOMEPAGE=" )

mininet : Emulator for rapid prototyping of Software Defined Networks ( HOMEPAGE=" )

mitype : Typing speed test in terminal ( https://github.com/Mithil467/mitype https://pypi.org/project/mitype/ )

mkdocs-blog-plugin : Plugin for MkDocs to keep a simple blog section inside your documentation. ( https://github.com/fmaida/mkdocs-blog-plugin https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs-blog-plugin )

mkdocs-bootstrap-tables-plugin : A MkDocs plugin to add bootstrap classes to plan markdown generated tables. ( https://github.com/byrnereese/mkdocs-bootstrap-tables-plugin )

mkdocs-exclude : Lets you exclude files or trees from your output ( HOMEPAGE=" )

mkdocs-git-committers-plugin : A mkdocs plugin for displaying the last commit and a list of contributors. ( https://github.com/byrnereese/mkdocs-git-committers-plugin )

mkdocs-rss-plugin : MkDocs plugin to generate a RSS feeds. ( https://github.com/Guts/mkdocs-rss-plugin https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs-rss-plugin )

mobi : Unpack unencrypted mobi files ( HOMEPAGE=" )

moderngl : Modern OpenGL binding for python ( https://github.com/moderngl/moderngl https://pypi.org/project/moderngl )

moderngl-window : A cross platform utility library for ModernGL ( https://github.com/moderngl/moderngl-window https://pypi.org/project/moderngl-window )

mollie-api-python : Mollie API client for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

moreorless : Wrapper to make difflib.unified_diff more fun to use ( https://github.com/thatch/moreorless )

mpxj : Read/Write project management files (MPP, MSPDI, MPX, PMXML, etc) ( HOMEPAGE=" )

msrest : AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime ( https://github.com/Azure/msrest-for-python )

mwclient : Unofficial lib for MediaWiki API ( HOMEPAGE=" )

nkdfu : Python DFU tool for updating Nitrokeys' firmware ( https://pypi.org/project/nkdfu/ )

notion-client : Python client for the official Notion API ( HOMEPAGE=" )

notofonttools : Noto fonts support tools and scripts plus web site generation ( HOMEPAGE=" )

opentype-sanitizer : Python wrapper for the OpenType Sanitizer ( HOMEPAGE=" )

oscrypto : TLS sockets, key generation, encryption, decryption, signing, verification ( HOMEPAGE=" )

parsel : Utility to extract data from XML/HTML documents using XPath or CSS selectors ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pem : Easy PEM file parsing in Python ( https://pem.readthedocs.io/ )

persist-queue : A thread-safe disk based persistent queue in Python ( https://github.com/peter-wangxu/persist-queue )

pg8000 : PostgreSQL interface library ( HOMEPAGE=" )

phx-class-registry : An intersection of the Registry and Factory pattern ( https://github.com/todofixthis/class-registry )

pillow-heif : Python interface for libheif library ( HOMEPAGE=" )

playsound : Single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds ( HOMEPAGE=" )

plexapi : Python bindings for the Plex API. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

plotext : Plotting on terminal ( https://github.com/piccolomo/plotext )

plum : Pack/Unpack Memory ( https://gitlab.com/dangass/plum )

podman-compose : A script to run docker-compose.yml using Podman ( https://github.com/containers/podman-compose )

praw : Python Reddit API Wrapper ( HOMEPAGE=" )

prawcore : Low-level communication layer for PRAW ( HOMEPAGE=" )

prometheus_exporter : Python Prometheus exporter library ( https://github.com/desultory/prometheus_exporter )

proselint : A linter for prose ( HOMEPAGE=" )

protego : Pure-Python robots.txt parser with support for modern conventions ( HOMEPAGE=" )

proxy_tools : Simple proxy (as in the GoF design pattern) ( https://pypi.org/project/proxy_tools/ )

psycopg2cffi : Implementation of the psycopg2 module using cffi. Compatible with Psycopg 2.5. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

py-nanoid : Python Nanoid ( https://github.com/puyuan/py-nanoid https://pypi.org/project/nanoid )

pyagentx : Python AgentX Implementation ( https://github.com/hosthvo/pyagentx )

pyclip : Python clipboard module ( https://pypi.org/project/pyclip/ )

pydantic-settings : Settings management using Pydantic ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pydispatcher : Multi-producer-multi-consumer signal dispatching mechanism ( https://github.com/mcfletch/pydispatcher )

pydub : Manipulate audio with an simple and easy high level interface ( http://pydub.com/ )

pyfiglet : Pure-python FIGlet implementation ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pygaljs : Python package providing assets from https://github.com/Kozea/pygal.js ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pygments-promql : A PromQL lexer for Pygments ( https://github.com/pabluk/pygments-promql )

pygsl : Python interface for the GNU scientific library (gsl) ( https://github.com/pygsl/pygsl )

pykeepass : Python library to interact with keepass databases (supports KDBX3 and KDBX4) ( https://github.com/libkeepass/pykeepass )

pymeeus : Python implementation of Jean Meeus astronomical routines ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pymemcache : A comprehensive, fast, pure-Python memcached client ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pymorphy3 : Morphological analyzer (POS tagger + inflection engine) for Russian language. ( https://github.com/no-plagiarism/pymorphy3 https://pypi.org/project/pymorphy3/ )

pymorphy3-dicts-ru : Russian dictionary for PyMorphy3 ( https://pypi.org/project/pymorphy3-dicts-ru/ )

pymorphy3-dicts-uk : Ukrainian dictionary for PyMorphy3 ( https://pypi.org/project/pymorphy3-dicts-uk/ )

pynput : Sends virtual input commands ( https://github.com/moses-palmer/pynput https://pypi.org/project/pynput )

pyodbc : Python ODBC library ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pypandoc : Pypandoc provides a thin wrapper for pandoc, a universal document converter ( https://github.com/JessicaTegner/pypandoc https://pypi.org/project/pypandoc )

pyperscan : An opinionated Python binding for Hyperscan ( https://github.com/vlaci/pyperscan https://vlaci.github.io/pyperscan/ )

pyqtdarktheme : A flat dark theme for PySide and PyQt. ( https://github.com/5yutan5/PyQtDarkTheme https://pypi.org/project/PyQtDarkTheme )

pyrr : A cross platform utility library for ModernGL ( https://github.com/adamlwgriffiths/pyrr https://pypi.org/project/pyrr )

pysnooper : Never use print for debugging again ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pystardict : Library for manipulating StarDict dictionaries from within Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pytest-benchmark : py.test fixture for benchmarking code ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pytest-cases : Separate test code from test cases in pytest ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pytest-celery : a shim pytest plugin to enable celery.contrib.pytest ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pytest-click : Pytest plugin for Click ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pytest-flask : A set of pytest fixtures to test Flask applications ( http://pytest-flask.readthedocs.org )

pytest-harvest : Store and retrieve data created during your pytest tests execution ( https://pypi.org/project/pytest-harvest/ https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-harvest )

pytest-mypy-plugins : pytest plugin for testing mypy types, stubs, plugins ( HOMEPAGE=" )

pytest-relaxed : Relaxed test discovery for pytest ( https://github.com/bitprophet/pytest-relaxed https://pypi.org/project/pytest-relaxed )

pytest-steps : Create step-wise / incremental tests in pytest ( https://pypi.org/project/pytest-steps/ https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-steps )

pytest-syrupy : The sweeter pytest snapshot plugin ( https://github.com/tophat/syrupy https://pypi.org/project/syrupy )

pytest-vcr : Plugin for managing VCR.py cassettes ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-barbicanclient : Client library for Barbican API. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-fire : Library for automatically generating command line interfaces from Python objects ( https://pypi.org/project/python-fire/ )

python-http-client : HTTP REST client, simplified for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-lsp-isort : isort plugin for the Python LSP Server ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-lsp-mypy : Mypy plugin for the Python LSP Server ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-magnumclient : A client for the OpenStack Magnum API ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-octaviaclient : A client for the OpenStack Octavia API ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-olm : Python bindings for dev-libs/olm ( https://gitlab.matrix.org/matrix-org/olm/ )

python-pidfile : PIDFile context processor. Supported py2 and py3 ( https://github.com/mosquito/python-pidfile )

python-socketio : Python implementation of the Socket.IO realtime server. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-statemachine : Python Finite State Machines made easy. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python-telegram-bot : Python wrapper of telegram bots API ( https://docs.python-telegram-bot.org https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot )

pywebview : A lightweight cross-platform wrapper around a webview component ( https://github.com/r0x0r/pywebview )

queuelib : Collection of persistent and non-persistent queues for Python ( https://scrapy.org/ )

readability-lxml : fast html to text parser (article readability tool) ( HOMEPAGE=" )

readmdict : Read mdx/mdd files ( HOMEPAGE=" )

rectangle-packer : Pack a set of rectangles into a bounding box with minimum area ( https://github.com/Penlect/rectangle-packer )

repology-client : Asynchronous wrapper for Repology API ( HOMEPAGE=" )

rpmautospec-core : Core functionality used by rpmautospec ( HOMEPAGE=" )

rst2ansi : Render reStructuredText documents to the terminal ( HOMEPAGE=" )

rstcheck : Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it ( https://github.com/rstcheck/rstcheck )

scramp : A pure-Python implementation of the SCRAM authentication protocol. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

scrapy : A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework ( https://scrapy.org/ )

screeninfo : Fetch location and size of physical screens. ( https://github.com/rr-/screeninfo https://pypi.org/project/screeninfo )

sendgrid : Twilio SendGrid library for Python ( https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-python/ https://pypi.org/project/sendgrid/ )

sentence-splitter : Sentence splitter using heuristic algorithm by Philipp Koehn and Josh Schroeder ( HOMEPAGE=" )

signalstickers-client : A Python client for the Signal stickers API ( https://github.com/signalstickers/signalstickers-client )

simplemma : A simple multilingual lemmatizer for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sjcl : Decrypt and encrypt 'Stanford Javascript Crypto Library'-compatible messages ( https://github.com/berlincode/sjcl )

skia-pathops : Python bindings for the Skia Path Ops ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sortedcollections : Apache2 licensed Python sorted collections library ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sphinx-argparse-cli : Render CLI arguments (sub-commands friendly) defined by argparse module ( https://github.com/tox-dev/sphinx-argparse-cli https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-argparse-cli/ )

sphinx-click : Sphinx plugin to automatically document click-based applications ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sphinx-design : A sphinx extension for designing beautiful responsive web components ( https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-design https://pypi.org/project/sphinx_design/ )

sphinx-hoverxref : Sphinx extension to show tooltips with content embedded when hover a reference ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sphinx-paramlinks : Allows param links in Sphinx function/method descriptions to be linkable ( https://github.com/sqlalchemyorg/sphinx-paramlinks https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-paramlinks/ )

sphinx-rtd-dark-mode : Dark mode for the Sphinx Read the Docs theme ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sphinx-sitemap : Sitemap generator for Sphinx ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sphinxcontrib-katex : KaTeX Sphinx extension for rendering of math in HTML pages ( https://github.com/hagenw/sphinxcontrib-katex )

sphinxext-opengraph : Sphinx extension to generate unique OpenGraph metadata ( https://github.com/wpilibsuite/sphinxext-opengraph https://pypi.org/project/sphinxext-opengraph/ )

sse-starlette : Server Sent Events for Starlette ( HOMEPAGE=" )

starkbank-ecdsa : A lightweight and fast pure python ECDSA library ( https://github.com/starkbank/ecdsa-python/ https://pypi.org/project/starkbank-ecdsa/ )

stdlibs : What's in the Python stdlib ( https://github.com/omnilib/stdlibs/ )

steam : Python package for interacting with Steam ( https://github.com/ValvePython/steam )

stone : The Official Api Spec Language for Dropbox ( HOMEPAGE=" )

stringcase : Convert string cases between camel case, pascal case, snake case etc. ( https://github.com/okunishinishi/python-stringcase )

survey : A simple library for creating beautiful interactive prompts ( HOMEPAGE=" )

svgelements : SVG Parsing for Elements, Paths, and other SVG Objects. ( https://github.com/meerk40t/svgelements https://pypi.org/project/svgelements )

system_hotkey : Multi-platform system-wide hotkeys ( https://github.com/timeyyy/system_hotkey )

templated-dictionary : Python dictionary with Jinja2 expansion ( HOMEPAGE=" )

tempus-themes : Accessible themes for Pygments ( HOMEPAGE=" )

tempy : A simple, visually pleasing weather report in your terminal ( https://github.com/noprobelm/tempy )

termynal : A lightweight and modern animated terminal window ( https://termynal.github.io/termynal.py/ https://github.com/termynal/termynal.py )

textual : Modern Text User Interface framework ( https://github.com/Textualize/textual https://pypi.org/project/textual/ )

textual-dev : Modern Text User Interface framework ( https://github.com/Textualize/textual-dev https://pypi.org/project/textual-dev/ )

timeslot : Time slots/intervals with an arbitrary start and stop ( https://github.com/ErikBjare/timeslot )

trailrunner : Walk paths and run things ( https://github.com/omnilib/trailrunner )

tree-sitter-languages : Python wheels for all tree sitter languages ( HOMEPAGE=" )

tulir-telethon : Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3 ( HOMEPAGE=" )

tweepy : An easy-to-use Python library for accessing the Twitter API. ( https://www.tweepy.org/ )

types-protobuf : Typing stubs for protobuf ( HOMEPAGE=" )

types-requests : Typing stubs for requests ( HOMEPAGE=" )

typing-inspect : Runtime inspection utilities for Python typing module ( https://github.com/ilevkivskyi/typing_inspect )

undervolt : Undervolt Intel CPUs under Linux ( https://github.com/georgewhewell/undervolt )

urlmatch : A Python library for easily pattern matching wildcard URLs ( https://github.com/jessepollak/urlmatch )

validator-collection : Python library of 60+ commonly-used validator functions. ( https://github.com/insightindustry/validator-collection https://pypi.org/project/validator-collection )

volatile : A small extension for the tempfile module ( https://github.com/mbr/volatile )

w3lib : Library of web-related functions ( HOMEPAGE=" )

webpy : A web framework for python that is as simple as it is powerful ( HOMEPAGE=" )

webrtcvad : Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD) ( https://github.com/wiseman/py-webrtcvad )

xattr : Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes ( HOMEPAGE=" )

xpybutil : Abstraction layer for xpyb ( https://github.com/BurntSushi/xpybutil )

xunitparser : Read JUnit/XUnit XML files and map them to Python objects ( https://gitlab.com/woob/xunitparser/ )

yams : Yet Another MPD Scrobbler (for Last.FM) ( https://github.com/Berulacks/yams )

zopfli : Zopfli module for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

Add an ebuild in portage :

The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a guru

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/guru-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org