Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java.

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


abbot : Java GUI Test Framework. ( http://abbot.sourceforge.net/ )

ant-jalopy : Apache Ant's optional tasks for Jalopy ( http://jalopy.sourceforge.net/jalopy-ant/ )

ant-pretty : ant code Beautifier from jrefactory package ( http://jrefactory.sourceforge.net/ )

apache-addressing : Apache Addressing is an implementation of the Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing), published by the IBM, Microsoft and BEA as a joint specification, on top of Apache Axis (The Next Generation SOAP). ( http://ws.apache.org/ws-fx/addressing/ )

asm : Bytecode manipulation framework for Java ( http://asm.ow2.org )

asterisk-java : Java classes for interaction with an Asterisk PBX Server with support for FastAGI and Manager API. ( http://asterisk-java.org/ )

axiom : Apache WSS4J is an implementation of the OASIS Web Services Security (WS-Security) ( http://ws.apache.org/wss4j/index.html )

bare-bones-browser-launch : Simple browser launcher for Swing applications ( http://www.centerkey.com/java/browser/ )

batik : Java based SVG toolkit ( http://xml.apache.org/batik/ )

blackdown-jdk : Blackdown Java Development Kit ( http://www.blackdown.org )

buildmagic-tasks : JBoss buildmagic tasks module ( http://www.jboss.org )

burlap : The Burlap web service protocol. ( http://www.caucho.com/burlap/ )

byaccj : A java extension of BSD YACC-compatible parser generator ( http://byaccj.sourceforge.net/ )

cacao : Cacao Java Virtual Machine ( http://www.cacaojvm.org/ )

carol : CAROL is a library allowing to use different RMI implementations. ( http://carol.objectweb.org/ )

caucho-services : The com.caucho.services package used by dev-java/hessian and dev-java/burlap. ( http://www.caucho.com/ )

cewolf : Cewolf is a tag library for charts of all kinds. It enables every JSP to easily embedd chart images. ( http://cewolf.sourceforge.net/ )

classworlds : Advanced classloader framework ( http://classworlds.codehaus.org/ )

commons-chain : An implementation of the Chain of Responsibility pattern ( http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/chain/ )

commons-digester-rss : An rss library application from the commons-digester examples. ( http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/digester/ )

commons-email : Commons Email aims to provide a API for sending email. ( http://commons.apache.org/email/ )

cornerstone-connection : ( )

cornerstone-sockets : ( )

cornerstone-threads : ( )

crimson : Apache Crimson XML 1.0 parser ( http://xml.apache.org/crimson/ )

cssparser : The CSS Parser inputs Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 source text and outputs a Document Object Model Level 2 Style tree. ( http://cssparser.sourceforge.net/ )

dnsjava : dnsjava is an implementation of DNS in Java. ( http://www.dnsjava.org/ )

dom4j : Java library for working with XML ( http://dom4j.sourceforge.net/ )

doxia : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

dvsl : Declarative Velocity Style Language. ( http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/dvsl/index.html )

easymock : EasyMock provides Mock Objects for interfaces in JUnit tests by generating them on the fly using Java's proxy mechanism ( http://www.easymock.org/ )

easymockclassextension : EasyMock provides Mock Objects for interfaces in JUnit tests by generating them on the fly using Java's proxy mechanism ( http://www.easymock.org/ )

ebean : An ORM for Java from Avaje ( http://www.avaje.org/ )

echo2extras : Echo2 Extras are additional components for the Echo Web Framework ( http://echo.nextapp.com/site/echo2/addons/extras )

echopointng : A rich collection of web components which seamlessly integrate with the Echo Web Framework ( http://echopoint.sourceforge.net/ )

ecj-gcj : A subset of Eclipse Compiler for Java compiled by gcj, serving as javac in gcj-jdk ( http://www.eclipse.org/ )

escher : Escher is a collection of libraries for X Window System written purely in Java. ( http://escher.sourceforge.net )

eventbus : Pub-sub event broadcasting mechanism ( https://eventbus.dev.java.net/ )

excalibur-component : ( )

excalibur-datasource : ( )

excalibur-instrument : ( )

excalibur-pool : ( )

excalibur-pool-api : Pool from the Excalibur containerkit ( http://excalibur.apache.org/component-list.html )

excalibur-pool-impl : Pool from the Excalibur containerkit ( http://excalibur.apache.org/component-list.html )

excalibur-testcase : ( )

excalibur-thread : ( )

explicitlayout : ExplicitLayout is a powerful layout manager for Java ( http://www.zookitec.com/explicitlayout.html )

fast-md5 : Fast MD5 Implementation in Java ( http://www.twmacinta.com/myjava/fast_md5.php )

fb-contrib : Findbugs plugin with additionl detectors ( http://fb-contrib.sourceforge.net/ )

filters : Java Image Processing Classes ( http://www.jhlabs.com/ip/filters/ https://pixels.dev.java.net/ )

findbugs-bcel : The Byte Code Engineering Library patched for performance for findbugs package ( http://jakarta.apache.org/bcel/ )

flickrj : Flickrj is Java API which wraps the REST-based Flickr API ( http://flickrj.sourceforge.net/ )

flip : open source library of high-quality Java components ( http://flib.sourceforge.net/ )

fuse : Fuse is a lightweight resource injection library specificall ( https://fuse.dev.java.net" SRC_URI="${HOMEPAGE}/files/documents/4589/32550/fuse-src-${PV}.zip )

gcj-jdk : Java wrappers around GCJ ( http://www.gentoo.org/ )

gdata : The Google Data APIs (GData) provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web ( http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/ )

gef : Java Graph Editing Framework ( http://gef.tigris.org )

gentoo-void-jar : a void jar ( http://www.gentoo.org )

geronimo-specs : Apache's Geronimo implementation of J2EE specification ( http://geronimo.apache.org )

gjt-jpl-pattern : A set of interfaces used to recognize well known design patterns in a software system. ( http://www.gjt.org/pkgdoc/org/gjt/lindfors/pattern/ )

gjt-jpl-util : A collection of miscellaneous classes and methods that generally come in handy in all sorts of situations. ( http://www.gjt.org/pkgdoc/org/gjt/lindfors/util/ )

gluegen : GlueGen is a tool which automatically generates the Java and JN ( http://jogamp.org/gluegen/www/ )

gnu-classpath : Free core class libraries for use with virtual machines and compilers for the Java language ( http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath )

gson : Java library to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa ( http://code.google.com/p/google-gson/ )

guava : A collection of Google's core Java libraries ( http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/ )

guice : Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 5 and above. ( http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/ )

h2 : Java SQL Database ( http://www.h2database.com/ )

hamcrest : Library of matchers for building test expressions. ( http://code.google.com/p/hamcrest/ )

hawtjni-runtime : A JNI code generator based on the generator used by the Eclipse SWT project ( http://jansi.fusesource.org/ )

hessian : The Hessian binary web service protocol makes web services usable without requiring a large framework, and without learning yet another alphabet soup of protocols. ( http://www.caucho.com/hessian/ )

hibernate : Hibernate is a powerful, ultra-high performance object / relational persistence and query service for Java. ( http://www.hibernate.org )

hibernate-annotations : Annotations support for Hibernate ( http://annotations.hibernate.org )

high-scale-lib : A collection of Concurrent and Highly Scalable Utilities. ( http://high-scale-lib.sourceforge.net/ )

howl-logger : HOWL is a logger implementation for the ObjectWeb JOTM project an ( http://howl.objectweb.org/ )

htmlcleaner : HTML parser written in Java that can be used as a tool, library or Ant task ( http://htmlcleaner.sourceforge.net/ )

ibm-jdk-bin : IBM Java SE Development Kit ( http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/" DOWNLOADPAGE="${HOMEPAGE}linux/download.html" ALT_DOWNLOADPAGE="${HOMEPAGE}linux/older_download.html )

icedtea : A harness to build OpenJDK using Free Software build tools and dependencies ( http://icedtea.classpath.org )

icedtea-web : FOSS Java browser plugin and Web Start implementation ( http://icedtea.classpath.org )

ini4j : Simple Java API Windows style .ini file handling ( http://ini4j.sourceforge.net/ )

irmi : Intercepting RMI implementation for the Java platform ( http://carol.objectweb.org/ )

itext : Java library that generate documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF) and/or HTML ( http://www.lowagie.com/iText/ )

izpack : IzPack is an installers generator for the Java platform. ( http://www.izforge.com/izpack/ )

j3d-core : Java3D Core API and Utils package ( https://java3d.dev.java.net/ )

jackson : High-performance JSON processor ( http://jackson.codehaus.org )

jacorb : The free Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA standard. ( http://www.jacorb.org/ )

jai-imageio : A library for managing images based on JAI ( https://jai-imageio.dev.java.net/ )

jakarta-cactus : Cactus is a simple test framework for unit testing server-side java code (Servlets, EJBs, Tag Libs, Filters, ...). ( http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/ )

jalopy : Java source code formatter ( http://jalopy.sourceforge.net/ )

jama : A Java matrix package ( http://math.nist.gov/javanumerics/jama/ )

jaminid : Jaminid is a very small daemon meant to embed in Java applications as an add-on HTTP interface. ( http://jaminid.sourceforge.net/ )

janino : An embedded compiler for run-time compilation purposes ( http://www.janino.net/index.html )

jansi : Jansi is a small Java library that allows you to use ANSI escape sequences in your console output ( http://jansi.fusesource.org/ )

jansi-native : Native JNI component for dev-java/jansi ( http://jansi.fusesource.org/ )

java-config : Java environment configuration tool ( http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/java/ )

java-kernel-support : Java(tm) Binary Kernel Support for Linux ( http://www.linuxhq.com/java.html )

java-service-wrapper : A wrapper that makes it possible to install a Java Application as daemon. ( http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/ )

java3dsloader : Java3D 3DS FileLoader ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/java3dsloader/ )

javacsv : Java library for reading and writing CSV and plain delimited text files ( http://www.csvreader.com/java_csv.php )

javapp : Java preprocessor with cpp-like syntax and Ant support ( http://www.slashdev.ca/javapp/ )

jcip-annotations : Annotations for Concurrency ( http://www.jcip.net/ )

jdbc2-stdext : A standard set of libs for Server-Side JDBC support ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html )

jdbm : Jdbm aims to be for Java what GDBM is for Perl, Python, C, ... ( http://jdbm.sourceforge.net/ )

jdic : The JDesktop Integration Components (JDIC) API ( https://jdic.dev.java.net/ )

jeremie : Jeremie provides an RMI-like programming style. ( http://jonathan.objectweb.org/ )

jersey-atom : JAX-RS Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services - atom ( https://jersey.dev.java.net/ )

jersey-client : JAX-RS Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services - client ( https://jersey.dev.java.net/ )

jersey-core : JAX-RS Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services - core ( https://jersey.dev.java.net/" SVN_SRC_URI="${HOMEPAGE}/svn/${PROJ_PN}/tags/${PROJ_P} )

jersey-fastinfoset : JAX-RS Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services - fastinfoset ( https://jersey.dev.java.net/ )

jhighlight : Small embeddable pure Java library for syntax highlighting ( https://jhighlight.dev.java.net/ )

jinput : An implementation of an API for game controller discovery and polled input ( https://jinput.dev.java.net )

jline : A Java library for handling console input ( https://github.com/jline/jline2 )

jmbus : Java Message Bus (RFC 3259) library ( http://www.mbus.org/ )

joal : Java binding for OpenAL API ( https://joal.dev.java.net/ )

joesnmp : joeSNMP is an open-source Java SNMP class library published under the LGPL. ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/joesnmp/ )

jogl : Java(TM) Binding fot the OpenGL(TM) API ( http://jogamp.org/jogl/www/ )

jonathan-core : Jonathan is a Distributed Object Platform (DOP) written entirely in Java. ( http://jonathan.objectweb.org/index.html )

joone-engine : Java Object Oriented Neural Engine ( http://www.jooneworld.com/ )

jopt-simple : A Java library for parsing command line options ( http://pholser.github.com/jopt-simple/ )

joscar : A Java library for AIM's OSCAR protocol ( http://joust.kano.net/joscar )

jotm : JOTM (Java Open Transaction Manager) is a fully functional open source standalone transaction manager that implements the XA protocol and is compliant with the JTA APIs. ( http://jotm.objectweb.org/index.html )

jpcap : Java library for capturing and sending network packets ( http://netresearch.ics.uci.edu/kfujii/jpcap/doc/index.html )

jrefactory : Open source Java refactoring tool ( http://jrefactory.sourceforge.net/ )

jrosetta : Provides a common base for graphical component to build a graphical console. ( http://dev.artenum.com/projects/JRosetta )

jsap : Java Simple Arguments Parser (JSAP) ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsap )

jsfapi : JavaServer Faces technology is a framework for building user interfaces for web applications ( http://myfaces.apache.org/ )

json : Java implementation of the JavaScript Object Notation ( http://www.json.org/java/ )

jspeex : Speex speech codec library for Java ( http://jspeex.sourceforge.net/ )

jsr305 : JSR 305: Annotations for Software Defect Detection in Java ( http://code.google.com/p/jsr-305/ )

juddi : jUDDI is an open source Java implementation of the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification for Web Services. ( http://ws.apache.org/juddi/ )

junitx : A junit module, allowing to test private and protected Java classes, methods and variables. ( http://www.extreme-java.de/junitx/ )

jutils : A set of APIs utilized by the Java Game Technology Group. ( https://jutils.dev.java.net )

jwordsplitter : jWordSplitter a a small Java library that splits compound words into their parts. ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/jwordsplitter/ )

kilim : Kilim is a generic configuration framework for Java, which can be used easily with existing applications, frameworks, and systems ( http://kilim.objectweb.org/ )

kxml : Some java libary ( http://kxml.sourceforge.net/ )

libhttpd : Blommers IT java HTTP Server Library ( http://www.blommers-it.nl/libhttpd/ )

liquidlnf : Provides a look and feel based on the Mosfet Liquid KDE 3.x theme ( https://liquidlnf.dev.java.net/ )

lwjgl : The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) ( http://www.lwjgl.org )

maven : The core of Maven ( http://maven.apache.org )

maven-artifact : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-base-poms : base poms for maven ( http://maven.apache.org )

maven-build-context : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-core : The core of Maven ( http://maven.apache.org )

maven-embedder : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-error-diagnostics : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-lifecycle : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-model : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-model-v3 : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-monitor : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-plugin-api : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-plugin-descriptor : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-plugin-parameter-documenter : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-plugin-registry : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-plugins : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-profile : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-project : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-reporting : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-scm : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-script : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-settings : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

maven-shared-components : Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. ( http://maven.apache.org/ )

monolog : The goal of Monolog is to define and maintain the ObjectWeb API for the logging. ( http://monolog.objectweb.org/ )

morfologik-stemming : Java implementation of a finite-state automaton (FSA) traversal routine ( http://morfologik.blogspot.com/ )

msv : Multi-Schema XML Validator, a Java tool for validating XML documents ( http://www.sun.com/software/xml/developers/multischema/ https://msv.dev.java.net/ )

myfaces : The first free open source Java Server Faces implementation ( http://myfaces.apache.org/ )

neethi : Apache WSS4J is an implementation of the OASIS Web Services Security (WS-Security) ( http://ws.apache.org/wss4j/index.html )

nimrodlf : NimROD Look and Feel. ( http://personales.ya.com/nimrod/ )

objenesis : A small Java library with one purpose: To instantiate a new object of a class. ( http://objenesis.googlecode.com/ )

opensaml : an Open Source Security Assertion Markup Language implementation ( http://www.opensaml.org/ )

p6spy : A framework that enables database data to be intercepted and manipulated with no code changes. ( http://www.p6spy.com/ )

picocontainer : Small footprint Dependency Injection container ( http://www.picocontainer.org )

pircbot : PircBot is a Java framework for writing IRC bots quickly and easily. ( http://www.jibble.org/pircbot.php )

plexus-active-collections : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-archiver : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-classworlds : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-cli : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-compiler : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-component-api : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-component-factories : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-container-default : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-digest : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-i18n : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-interactivity-api : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-io : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-mail-sender : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-resources : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-server : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-utils : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

plexus-velocity : The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. ( http://plexus.codehaus.org/ )

ptplot : A Java plotting package ( http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/java/ptplot${PV}/ptolemy/plot/doc/index.htm )

rife-continuations : General-purpose library providing native continuations for Java. ( https://rife.dev.java.net/ )

rmock : A Java mock object framework to use with jUnit ( http://rmock.sourceforge.net/ )

saxon : The SAXON package is a collection of tools for processing XML documents: XSLT processor, XSL library, parser. ( http://saxon.sourceforge.net/ )

scout : Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 (JAXR) ( http://ws.apache.org/scout/index.html )

seda : A robust, high-performance platform for Internet services ( http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mdw/proj/seda/ )

sequence : Helper library for SVNKit ( http://svnkit.com/ )

sevenzipjbinding : A Java wrapper around the native 7-Zip library ( http://${MY_PN}.sourceforge.net )

sinjdoc : A javadoc compatible Java source documentation generator. ( http://www.cag.lcs.mit.edu/~cananian/Projects/GJ/ )

smoothmetal : A wrapper for some of Sun's Java Look and Feels to enable anti-aliasing. ( http://smoothmetal.sourceforge.net/ )

snmptrapappender : An appender to send logging event strings to a specified managment host ( http://www.m2technologies.net/asp/snmpTrapAppender.asp )

spice-jndikit : JNDI Kit is a toolkit designed to help with the construction of JNDI providers. ( http://spice.codehaus.org/ )

sqlite-jdbc : SQLite JDBC driver from the Xerial project ( http://www.xerial.org/trac/Xerial/wiki/SQLiteJDBC )

stax2-api : Experimental extended Stax API, used by Woodstox ( http://woodstox.codehaus.org/ )

stempel : Algorithmic Stemmer for Polish Language ( http://www.getopt.org/stempel/ )

stripes : A java presentation framework for building web applications ( http://stripes.mc4j.org/confluence/display/stripes/Home )

struts : A powerful Model View Controller Framework for JSP/Servlets ( http://struts.apache.org/ )

struts-legacy : Jakarta Struts Legacy Library ( http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/ )

struts-sslext : Extension to Struts that allows automatically switching between the http and https. ( http://sslext.sourceforge.net/ )

sun-ejb-spec : Sun's Enterprise Java Beans specification ( http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/ )

sun-jce-bin : Sun's J2SE Cryptographic extensions, version ${PV} ( http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/ )

sun-jdbc-rowset-bin : JDBC Rowset for Java releases prior to 1.5 ( http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/ )

sun-jdk : Sun's Java SE Development Kit ( http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/ )

swingx : A collection of powerful, useful, and just plain fun Swing components. ( http://swinglabs.org/index.jsp )

swingx-ws : SwingX-WS contains a set of JavaBeans for interacting with we ( https://swingx-ws.dev.java.net )

swt : GTK based SWT Library ( http://www.eclipse.org/ )

swtcalendar : A port of Kai Toedter's JCalendar to Eclipse's SWT. ( http://swtcalendar.sourceforge.net/ )

tablelayout : Layout manager that makes creating user interfaces fast and easy ( https://tablelayout.dev.java.net/ )

taglibrarydoc : Utility for automatically generating javadoc-style documentation for JavaServer Pages Technology Tag Libraries ( https://taglibrarydoc.dev.java.net/ )

testng : TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit ( http://testng.org/ )

timingframework : Java Utility and Framework for timing and animations. ( https://timingframework.dev.java.net )

tomcat-jasper : Jasper 2 is the Tomcat JSP Engine ( http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat )

trilead-ssh2 : A library that implements the SSH2 protocol in pure Java ( http://www.trilead.com/Products/Trilead_SSH_for_Java/ )

uuid : An implementation of the UUIDs and GUIDs specification in Java ( http://johannburkard.de/software/uuid/ )

vecmath : Sun J3D: 3D vector math package ( https://vecmath.dev.java.net/ )

velocity-tools : A collection of Velocity subprojects for web and non-web apps using the Velocity template engine. ( http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/tools/ )

vldocking : Docking solution for Java Swing ( http://www.vlsolutions.com/en/products/docking/ )

wagon-file : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

wagon-ftp : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

wagon-http : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

wagon-http-lightweight : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

wagon-http-shared : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

wagon-provider-api : A simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org/wagon/ )

wagon-ssh : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

wagon-ssh-common : A simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org/wagon/ )

wagon-ssh-common-test : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

wagon-ssh-external : The Wagon API project defines a simple API for transfering resources (artifacts) to and from repositories ( http://maven.apache.org )

webwork : An action-based web framework for Java ( http://opensymphony.com/webwork )

werkz : Goal-oriented process framework ( http://werkz.sourceforge.net/ )

ws-policy : Apache WSS4J is an implementation of the OASIS Web Services Security (WS-Security) ( http://ws.apache.org/wss4j/index.html )

wss4j : Apache WSS4J is an implementation of the OASIS Web Services Security (WS-Security) ( http://ws.apache.org/wss4j/index.html )

xapool : XAPool is an open source XA Pool ! ( http://xapool.experlog.com/ )

xbeans : Software component that takes XML as input and processes it in some fashion ( http://www.xbeans.org )

xerces : The next generation of high performance, fully compliant XML parsers in the Apache Xerces family ( http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/index.html )

xml-security : The XML Security project is aimed at providing implementation o ( http://xml.apache.org/security/Java/index.html )

xmlenc : Performance-optimized XML output library for Java ( http://xmlenc.sourceforge.net/ )

xmlpull-api : XmlPull V1 API ( http://xmlpull.org )

xmlrpc : Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC ( http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/ )

zonelayout : Simple, intuitive, powerful, source-code-based syste ( http://www.zonelayout.com/index.php )

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The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a java-overlay

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/java-overlay-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org