Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


Ces ebuilds viennent du site .

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PyGithub : Python library to access the Github API v3 ( )

PyRSS2Gen : RSS feed generator written in Python ( http://www.dalkescientific.com/Python/PyRSS2Gen.html https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyRSS2Gen )

bitstring : Python module for creation and analysis of binary data ( https://pythonhosted.org/bitstring/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/${PN} ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

cffi : Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code ( http://cffi.readthedocs.org/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cffi )

configclass : Python class to hold configuration values ( )

doit : Task management and automation tool ( http://pydoit.org/ ${GH_HOMEPAGE} https://pypi.python.org/pypi/doit )

doit-py : doit tasks for python stuff ( https://pythonhosted.org/doit-py ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

fusepy : Simple ctypes python bindings for FUSE ( )

ghp-import : Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch ( )

gipc : Child process management and IPC in the context of gevent ( http://gehrcke.de/gipc ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

gitlab : Python wrapper for the GitLab API ( https://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

google-maps-services : Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services ( )

html : Simple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/html )

husl : Human-friendly HSL ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/husl http://www.husl-colors.org )

logbook : Logging replacement for Python ( ${GH_HOMEPAGE} https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Logbook )

mergedict : Python 'dict' with a merge() method ( )

micawber : Small library for extracting rich content from urls ( https://micawber.readthedocs.io ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

mypy : Optional static typing for Python ( http://www.mypy-lang.org/ ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

natsort : Natural sorting for Python ( ${GH_HOMEPAGE} https://pypi.python.org/pypi/natsort )

notebook : Jupyter Interactive Notebook ( http://jupyter.org ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

piexif : Exif manipulation in pure python ( )

posix-spawn : Python posix_spawn bindings with cffi ( ${GH_HOMEPAGE} https://pypi.python.org/pypi/posix-spawn )

posix_ipc : POSIX IPC primitives (semaphores, shared memory and message queues) for Python ( http://semanchuk.com/philip/posix_ipc/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/${PN} )

pycharm : ${JBIJ_PN_PRETTY} is a Python IDE for professional developers ( )

pycharm-community : ${JBIJ_PN_PRETTY} is a Python IDE for professional developers ( )

pycurl : Python interface to libcurl ( ${GH_HOMEPAGE )

pygal : Python SVG charts generator ( http://pygal.org/ ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

pyinotify : Python module used for monitoring filesystems events ( ${GH_HOMEPAGE} https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyinotify )

pyopenssl : Python interface to the OpenSSL library ( ${GH_HOMEPAGE )

pyphen : Python module for hyphenation using hunspell dictionaries ( https://github.com/Kozea/Pyphen )

qBittorrent : Python wrapper for qBittorrent Web API (for versions above v3.1.x) ( )

terminaltables : Generate simple tables in terminals from a nested list of strings ( )

tinycss : Complete yet simple CSS parser for Python ( )

typed-ast : Fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support ( )

typeshed : Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types ( )

typing : Type Hints for Python ( ${GH_HOMEPAGE} https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html )

webassets : Asset management for Python web development ( )

ws4py : Client and server library for Python implementing the WebSocket protocol ( https://ws4py.readthedocs.io ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

xkcdpass : Flexible and scriptable password generator, inspired by XKCD 936 ( )

yapsy : Fat-free DIY Python plugin management toolkit ( http://yapsy.sourceforge.net/ ${GH_HOMEPAGE} )

Pour rajouter une e-build dans l'arbre de portage :

L'ebuild est alors rajouté dans l'arbre de portage.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser layman : emerge layman puis layman -a rindeal

Pour Paludis utilisez ce rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/rindeal-portage

En cas de problèmes : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org