microdc -
0.11.0 (A lightweight text-based DirectConnect client.)
moodriver -
0.09 (MooDriver to use Mooseekd or museekd)
napshare -
2.2.3 (NapShare est un client automatique pour le reseau P2P MUTE prevu pour etre lance 24h/24)
solipsis -
0.10 (Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. Built on twisted. )
btscanner -
2.1 (btscanner is a tool designed specifically to extract as much information as possible from a Bluetooth device without the requirement to pair.)
carwhisperer -
0.2 (The carwhisperer project intends to sensibilise manufacturers of carkits for the possible security threat evolving from the use of standard passkeys.)
cowpatty -
4.3 (coWPAtty is designed to audit the security of pre-shared keys selected in WiFi Protected Access (WPA) networks. )