Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


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Rx : Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python ( HOMEPAGE=" )

actdiag : actdiag generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file. ( http://blockdiag.com/ )

aenum : Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum) ( HOMEPAGE=" )

aiosmtpd : asyncio based SMTP server ( https://aiosmtpd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ )

anytree : Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure ( https://github.com/c0fec0de/anytree/ )

authheaders : A library wrapping email authentication header verification and generation ( HOMEPAGE=" )

blockdiag : Generate block-diagram image from text ( http://blockdiag.com/ https://pypi.org/project/blockdiag/ https://github.com/blockdiag/blockdiag/ )

cfu : Configuration file validation and generation ( https://pypi.org/project/confu )

command-runner : Platform agnostic command and shell execution tool ( https://pypi.org/project/command-runner )

confu : Configuration file validation and generation ( https://pypi.org/project/confu )

cymruwhois : Client for the whois.cymru.com service ( https://pythonhosted.org/cymruwhois/ )

deepdiff : Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django : High-level Python web framework ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-allauth : Django 3rd party (social) account authentication ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-appconf : A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gracefully ( https://django-appconf.readthedocs.io/ )

django-compressor : Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into single cached files ( https://django-compressor.readthedocs.io/ )

django-cors-headers : Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-cryptography : Easily encrypt data in Django ( https://pypi.org/project/django-cryptography )

django-debug-toolbar : A configurable set of panels that display debug information ( HOMEPAGE=" )

django-extensions : A collection of custom extensions for the Django Framework ( https://github.com/django-extensions/django-extensions )

django-graphiql-debug-toolbar : Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE ( https://pypi.org/project/django-graphiql-debug-toolbar/ )

django-gravatar2 : Essential Gravatar support for Django ( https://github.com/twaddington/django-gravatar )

django-haystack : Pluggable search for Django ( https://haystacksearch.org/ )

django-js-asset : script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media ( https://github.com/matthiask/django-js-asset )

django-mptt : utilities for modified preorder tree traversal and trees of model instances ( https://github.com/django-mptt/django-mptt )

django-pglocks : PostgreSQL locking context managers and functions for Django ( https://github.com/Xof/django-pglocks )

django-picklefield : Pickled object field for Django ( https://github.com/gintas/django-picklefield )

django-prometheus : Library to export Django metrics for Prometheus ( https://github.com/korfuri/django-prometheus )

django-q : A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django ( https://django-q.readthedocs.org )

django-rq : A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue) ( https://github.com/rq/django-rq/ )

djangorestframework : Web APIs with django made easy ( https://www.django-rest-framework.org/ )

drf-yasg : Automated generation of real Swagger schemas from Django code ( HOMEPAGE=" )

dublintraceroute : Python bindings for Dublin Traceroute ( https://dublin-traceroute.ne )

elasticsearch-py : Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch ( https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py )

falcon : A supersonic micro-framework for building cloud APIs ( HOMEPAGE=" )

flufl-bounce : Email bounce detectors ( https://gitlab.com/warsaw/flufl.bounce )

flufl-i18n : A high level API for Python internationalization ( https://gitlab.com/warsaw/flufl.i18n )

flufl-testing : Small collection of test tool plugins ( https://gitlab.com/warsaw/flufl.testing https://pypi.org/project/flufl.testing/ )

graphene : GraphQL Framework for Python ( https://graphene-python.or )

graphene-django : Graphene Django integration ( https://pypi.org/project/graphene-django/ )

graphql-core : GraphQL for Python ( https://github.com/graphql-python/graphql-core )

graphql-relay : Relay library for graphql-core-next ( https://github.com/graphql-python/graphql-relay-py )

hunter : Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit ( HOMEPAGE=" )

jinja2_error : Jinja2 Extension for Raise Error ( https://github.com/mumubin/jiaja2_error https://pypi.org/project/jinja2-error/ )

junos-eznc : Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers ( https://pypi.org/project/junos-eznc )

lazr-config : Create configuration schemas, and process and validate configurations ( https://code.launchpad.net/lazr.config )

lazr-delegates : Easily write objects that delegate behavior ( https://code.launchpad.net/lazr.delegates )

loguru : Python logging made (stupidly) simple ( https://github.com/Delgan/loguru )

markdown-include : Syntax which allows for inclusion of contents of other Markdown docs ( https://github.com/cmacmackin/markdown-include )

markuppy : MarkupPy - An HTML/XML generator ( https://pypi.org/project/MarkupPy/ https://github.com/tylerbakke/MarkupPy )

matrix-nio : A Python Matrix client library, designed according to sans I/O" ( https://github.com/poljar/matrix-nio )

mautrix : A Python 3 asyncio Matrix framework ( https://github.com/mautrix/python/ )

mkdocs-material : A Material Design theme for MkDocs ( HOMEPAGE=" )

mrtparse : MRT format data parser ( https://github.com/t2mune/mrtparse )

mysql-replication : Pure Python Implementation of MySQL replication protocol ( HOMEPAGE=" )

napalm : Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer ( https://pypi.org/project/napalm )

napalm-dellos6 : NAPALM Driver for Dell EMC OS6 Enterprise ( https://github.com/ggiesen/napalm-dellos6 )

ncclient : Python library for NETCONF clients ( https://pypi.org/project/ncclient )

netmiko : Multivendor library to simplify Paramiko SSH connections to netdev ( https://pypi.org/project/netmiko/ https://github.com/ktbyers/netmiko )

nornir : Pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management ( https://pypi.org/project/nornir )

nornir_napalm : NAPALM's plugins for nornir ( https://pypi.org/project/nornir-napalm/ )

nornir_netbox : Pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management ( https://pypi.org/project/nornir )

nornir_utils : Pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management ( https://pypi.org/project/nornir )

ntc-templates : TextFSM Templates for net-devs, and TextFSM's CliTable wrapper ( https://pypi.org/project/ntc-templates )

nwdiag : nwdiag generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file. ( http://blockdiag.com/ )

odfpy : Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files ( HOMEPAGE=" )

peeringdb : PeeringDB python client ( https://peeringdb.github.io/peeringdb-py )

promise : Promises/A+ implementation for Python ( https://github.com/syrusakbary/promise )

pydata-sphinx-theme : Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community ( https://github.com/pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme )

pyeapi : Python Client for eAPI ( https://pypi.org/project/pyeapi )

pygal : A python SVG charts generator ( https://github.com/Kozea/pygal/ )

pynetbox : Python API client library for NetBox ( https://github.com/digitalocean/pynetbox )

pytest-benchmark : py.test fixture for benchmarking code ( HOMEPAGE=" )

python3-openid : OpenID support for modern servers and consumers ( https://github.com/necaris/python3-openid )

rcssmin : CSS minifier written in python ( http://opensource.perlig.de/rcssmin/ )

rjsmin : Javascript minifier written in python ( http://opensource.perlig.de/rjsmin/ )

robot-detection : Module to detect if a given HTTP User Agent is a web crawler ( https://github.com/rory/robot-detection )

ruamel-yaml : YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip comment preservation ( HOMEPAGE=" )

scp : scp module for paramiko ( https://pypi.org/project/scp/ https://github.com/jbardin/scp.py )

seqdiag : seqdiag generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file. ( http://blockdiag.com/en/ )

sphinx-theme-builder : A tool for authoring Sphinx themes with a simple (opinionated) workflow. ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sphinxcontrib-actdiag : A sphinx extension for embedding activity diagram using actdiag. ( https://github.com/blockdiag/sphinxcontrib-actdiag )

sphinxcontrib-blockdiag : A sphinx extension for embedding block diagrams using blockdiag ( HOMEPAGE=" )

sphinxcontrib-napoleon : Allow a different format in dosctrings for better clarity ( https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/ )

sphinxcontrib-nwdiag : A sphinx extension for embedding network related diagrams using nwdiag. ( https://github.com/blockdiag/sphinxcontrib-nwdiag )

sphinxcontrib-seqdiag : A sphinx extension for embedding sequence diagram using seqdiag. ( https://github.com/blockdiag/sphinxcontrib-seqdiag )

tablib : Format-agnostic tabular dataset library ( https://pypi.org/project/tablib/ https://github.com/jazzband/tablib/ )

textfsm : Python module for parsing semi-structured text into python tables ( https://pypi.org/project/textfsm/ https://github.com/google/textfsm )

tomlkit : Style preserving TOML library ( https://pypi.org/project/tomlkit )

twentyc-rpc : client for 20c's RESTful API ( https://pypi.org/project/twentyc.rpc )

yamllint : A linter for YAML files ( https://pypi.org/project/yamllint )

yamlordereddictloader : YAML loader and dump for PyYAML allowing to keep keys order ( https://pypi.org/project/yamlordereddictloader )

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Vous pouvez aussi utiliser layman : emerge layman puis layman -a SwordArMor

Pour Paludis utilisez ce rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/SwordArMor-portage

En cas de problèmes : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org