Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


indilib : INDI Astronomical Control Protocol library ( https://www.indilib.org/ )

indilib-driver-aagcloudwatcher-ng : INDI driver for the AAG Cloud Watcher (AAGware - http://www.aagware.eu/) ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-ahp-xc : INDI driver to control the AHP XC8 Telescope Array Correlator ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-aok : INDI driver to control the AOK Skywalker mounts ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-apogee : INDI driver for the Apogee Alta (U and E) line of CCDs ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-armadillo-platypus : INDI driver for Lunatico Astronomia Armadillo and Platypus controllers. ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-asi : INDI driver for the ZWO Optics ASI cameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-asi-power : INDI driver for controlling power distribution from a Raspberry Pi usinng the GPIO pins. ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-astroasis : INDI driver for the Oasis Focuser ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-astrolink4 : INDI driver to control the Astrolink4 mini device ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-astromechfoc : the INDI driver for Astromechanics Lens Controller https://astromechanics.org ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-atik : the INDI driver for the ATIK cameras and filter wheels ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-avalon : INDI driver to control Avalon Instruments mounts with StarGO control ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-avalonud : INDI driver to control Avalon Instruments mounts with StarGO control ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-beefocus : INDILIB driver for beefocus, an Open Source Hardware/ Software Telescope Focuser ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-bresserexos2 : INDILIB driver for Bresser Exos II GoTo Telescope Mount ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-celestronaux : INDI driver for the NexStar and other Celestron AUX-protocol mounts ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-dreamfocuser : the INDI driver for DreamFocuser http://astromaniak.pl/viewtopic.php?f=1andt=39917 ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-dsi : INDI driver for the Meade Deep Sky Imager ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-duino : INDI driver for the Arduino boards ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-eqmod : INDI driver for mounts compliant to the SkyWatcher Protocol ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-ffmv : INDI driver for the Point Grey FireFly MV camera ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-fishcamp : INDI driver for the Fishcamp Engineering's Starfish CMOS autoguider ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-fli : INDI driver for the Finger Lakes Instruments CCD and Focuser ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-gige : INDI driver for the Point Grey FireFly MV camera ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-gphoto : INDI driver for the gphoto2 compatible cameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-gpsd : INDI driver for GPS daemon ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-gpsnmea : INDI driver for GPS NMEA data sources. ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-inovaplx : INDI driver for the i.Nova PLx series CCD/CMOS cameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-libcamera : INDI driver for libcamera devices ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-limesdr : INDI driver for the LimeSDR series receivers. ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-maxdomeii : INDI driver for the Maxdome II ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-mgen : INDI driver for Lacerta MGen standalone autoguider ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-mi : INDI driver for the Moravian MI CCD cameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-nexdome : INDI driver for NexDome ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-nightscape : INDI driver for the Celestron Nightscape 8300 line of CCDs ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-nut : INDI driver for uniterrupted power supplies ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-ocs : INDI driver for the Observatory Control System (OCS) ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-orion-ssg3 : the INDI driver for the Orion StarShoot G3 and G4 cameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-pentax : INDI driver for the Pentax DSLR ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-playerone : the INDI driver for the Player One Astronomy's Camera ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-qhy : INDI driver for the QHY CCD cameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-qsi : INDI driver for the Quantum Scientific Imaging CCDs and Filter Wheels ( http://indlib.org )

indilib-driver-rolloffino : INDI driver for the RollOff ino roof ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-rpi-gpio : INDI driver for the RaspebrryPi GPIOs ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-rpicam : INDI driver for the RaspebrryPi Camera ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-rtklib : INDI driver for the RTKLIB (GNSS positioning) ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-sbig : INDI driver for the Santa Barbra Instruments Group line of CCDs and Filter Wheels ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-shelyak : INDI driver for Shelyak spectrographs ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-spectracyber : INDI driver for the Radio Astronomy Supplies' SpectraCyber spectrometer ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-starbook : INDI driver for the Vixen Starbook telescope controllers ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-starbook-ten : INDI driver for the Vixen Starbook TEN telescope controllers ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-svbony : INDI driver for the SVBONY SV305 Camera ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-sx : INDI driver for the SX astronomical equipement ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-talon6 : INDI driver for TALON6 Roll Off Roof ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-toupbase : INDI driver for the Touptek cameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-webcam : INDI driver for various types of webcameras ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-driver-weewx-json : INDI driver for WeeWX weather report ( http://indilib.org )

indilib-drivers : Metapackage containing all 3rdparty drivers for INDI library ( http://www.indilib.org/ )

libahp-gt : SDK and firmware for the AHP Telescope Controller ( http://indilib.org )

libahp-xc : SDK and firmware for the AHP Telescope Correlator ( http://indilib.org )

libaltaircam : This is the Altair Library SDK ( http://indilib.org )

libapogee : Driver for the Apogee ALTA device drivers ( http://indilib.org )

libasi : Udev rules and firmware for ZWO Optics ASI cameras. ( http://indilib.org )

libastroasis : Driver for the Oasis Focuser ( http://indilib.org )

libatik : Driver for the for the ATIK cameras and filter wheels ( http://indilib.org )

libbressercam : This is the Bresser Library SDK ( http://indilib.org )

libfishcamp : Firmware for the Fishcamp Engineering's Starfish CMOS autoguider ( http://indilib.org )

libfli : Driver for the Finger Lakes Instruments CCD and Focuser ( http://indilib.org )

libinovasdk : SDK and firmware for the i.Nova PLx series CCD/CMOS cameras ( http://indilib.org )

libmallincam : This is the Mallincam Library SDK ( http://indilib.org )

libmeadecam : This is the library that supports the Meade-branded Touptek camers ( http://indilib.org )

libmicam : SDK and firmware for the Moravian MI CCD cameras ( http://indilib.org )

libnncam : This is the NN Library SDK for Linux and MacOS ( http://indilib.org )

libogmacam : This is the Teleskop Library SDK ( http://indilib.org )

libomegonprocam : This is the Omegan Pro Library SDK ( http://indilib.org )

libpktriggercord : Shared library wrapper for pktriggercord by Karl Rees (2020) ( http://indilib.org )

libplayerone : Driver for the Player One Astronomy's Camera Driver ( http://indilib.org )

libqhy : SDK and firmware for the QHY CCD cameras ( http://indilib.org )

libqsi : Driver for the Quantum Scientific Imaging CCDs and Filter Wheels ( http://indilib.org )

libricohcamerasdk : RICOH Camera USB SDK for C++ ( http://indilib.org )

libsbig : Driver for the Santa Barbara Instruments Group line of CCDs and Filter Wheels ( http://indilib.org )

libstarshootg : This is the Orion Starshoot G Library SDK for Linux and MacOS ( http://indilib.org )

libsvbony : SDK and firmware for the SvBony cameras ( http://indilib.org )

libtoupcam : This is the Toupcam Library SDK ( http://indilib.org )

libtscam : This is the Teleskop Library SDK ( http://indilib.org )

sgp4 : Simplified perturbations models ( https://github.com/dnwrnr/sgp4 )

Add an ebuild in portage :

The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a hamari

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/hamari-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org