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1d6 : A partial implementation of the Troll dice-rolling language in Racket. ( https://github.com/jessealama/1d6 )

2048 : The game of 2048 in Racket ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/2048 )

2htdp-typed : A partial version of 2htdp for Typed Racket ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-2htdp-typed )

3d-model : 3d-model vertex/tri representaion library ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/3d-model )

3s : positional sound and mixing for lux and other programs ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/3s )

4chdl : 4chan image downloader and library to interact with the JSON API. ( https://github.com/winny-/4chdl )

_ : The _ Racket package ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-_ )

_-exp : The _-exp Racket package ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/_-exp )

abnf : Attributed BNFs for Scribble ( https://github.com/samth/abnf )

access : Access Path for Racket ( https://github.com/lang-library/racekt-access )

acl2s-scribblings : a scribble document for beginner mode of ACL2s ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/acl2s-scribblings )

acmsmall : Port of the acmsmall style to Scribble ( https://github.com/stamourv/acmsmall-scribble )

adapton : Adapton: Composable, Demand-Driven Incremental Computation ( https://github.com/plum-umd/adapton.racket )

adjutor : A helper library ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/adjutor )

admiral-edu-server : The Racket code associated with the Captain Teach server ( https://github.com/jbclements/admiral-edu-server )

advent-of-code : Package for fetching Advent of Code input. ( https://github.com/eutro/advent-of-code-racket )

affix : Managing Racket application state ( https://github.com/morcmarc/affix )

afl : a lang-extension that provides rackjure-like anonymous function literals ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/afl )

aful : A fork of #lang afl which also supports #lang aflu/unhygienic. ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/aful )

agatha : Uma linguagem para Logica de primeira ordem ( https://github.com/joseildofilho/Agatha-Lang )

agile : #lang agile ;; == (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse)) ( https://github.com/bennn/agile )

al2-test-runner : Alternative way of running rackunit tests ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/al2-test-runner )

alexis-collection-lens : Deprecated. Use the collections-lens package instead. ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/alexis-collection-lens )

alexis-collections : Deprecated. Use the collections package instead. ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-alexis-collections )

alexis-multicast : One-to-many buffered asynchronous channels ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-alexis )

alexis-pvector : Deprecated. Use the pvector package instead. ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-alexis-pvector )

alexis-util : Various utilities and helper functions I've found useful ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-alexis )

alexknauth-music : Some stuff for representing music and music theory ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/music )

alexknauth-my-object : my version of objects, inspired by things from heresy ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/my-object )

algebraic : Algebraic Racket ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-algebraic )

algorithms : The algorithms Racket package ( https://github.com/codereport/racket-algorithms )

amap : Gaode Amap web service API ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/amap )

amazon-msk-sasl-lib : A SASL implementation for AWS MSK IAM-based authentication. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-kafka )

amb : Ambiguous Operator ( https://github.com/NoahStoryM/amb )

amb-parser : Simple parser generator for ambiguous grammars ( https://github.com/InAnYan/amb-parser )

anaphoric : The anaphoric Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/anaphoric )

anarki : Community-managed variant of the Arc dialect of Lisp ( https://github.com/arclanguage/anarki )

andlet : Coupling and logic to let and let* forms. ( https://bitbucket.org/derend/andlet )

ansi : ANSI and VT10x escape sequences for Racket. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-ansi )

ansi-color : The ansi-color Racket package ( https://github.com/renatoathaydes/ansi-color )

ansi-terminal : Interface to ANSI escape sequences for terminals. ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-ansi-terminal )

anu-web-quantum-rng : The ANU-Web-Quantum-RNG Racket package ( https://bitbucket.org/Tetsumi/anu-web-quantum-rng )

aoc-racket : The aoc-racket Racket package ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/aoc-racket )

aosd : FFI bindings to the Atheme Project's libaosd ( https://github.com/takikawa/racket-aosd )

apply : The apply Racket package ( https://github.com/zaoqil/apply )

appveyor-racket : Help for using AppVeyor with Racket projects ( https://github.com/liberalartist/appveyor-racket )

apse : a pixel-based sprite editor (good with mode-lambda) ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/apse )

argo : Validate JSON data using JSON Schema. ( https://github.com/jessealama/argo )

arguments : The arguments Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-mock )

array : Generic and Dynamic Arrays ( https://github.com/rvs314/array )

arroy : The arroy Racket package ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/arroy )

art : The art Racket package ( https://github.com/jagen31/art3 )

art-doc : The art-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/jagen31/art3 )

art-lib : The art-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/jagen31/art3 )

asi64 : The Racket based 6502 assembler ( https://github.com/pezipink/asi64 )

asm : The asm Racket package ( https://github.com/lwhjp/racket-asm )

asn1 : ASN.1 library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/asn1 )

asn1-doc : ASN.1 library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/asn1 )

asn1-lib : ASN.1 library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/asn1 )

asn1-test : ASN.1 library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/asn1 )

aspell : Interface to GNU ASpell spell-checking ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-aspell )

asyncunit : RackUnit helper functions for asynchronous channels ( https://github.com/schuster/asyncunit )

atomichron : A microbenchmarking library ( https://github.com/jackfirth/atomichron )

aurie : The aurie Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/spritely/aurie )

auto-syntax-e : The auto-syntax-e Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/auto-syntax-e )

automata : a library for defining efficient automata using match patterns ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/automata )

automata-doc : a library for defining efficient automata using match patterns ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/automata )

automata-lib : a library for defining efficient automata using match patterns ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/automata )

automata-test : a library for defining efficient automata using match patterns ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/automata )

auxiliary-macro-context : Match-expander-style syntactic extensibility outside expressions. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-auxiliary-macro-context )

avl : AVL Trees for Racket ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-avl )

avro : The Apache Avro serialization format. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-avro )

avro-lib : The Apache Avro serialization format. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-avro )

avro-test : The Apache Avro serialization format. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-avro )

aws : The aws Racket package ( https://github.com/greghendershott/aws )

axe : Handy utilities(macros/functions) for racket ( https://github.com/lotabout/axe )

azelf : The azelf Racket package ( https://github.com/kalxd/azelf )

backport-template-pr1514 : The backport-template-pr1514 Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/backport-template-pr1514 )

barrel : An esoteric golfing lang ( https://github.com/the-cellar/barrel )

base32 : Provides encoding to and from Crockford's Base32 encoding. ( https://github.com/afldcr/racket-base32 )

base58 : Provides Base58Check encoding and decoding functions. ( https://github.com/marckn0x/base58 )

base58check : The base58check Racket package ( https://github.com/MohamedLEGH/base58check )

base64 : The base64 Racket package ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-base64 )

base64-lib : The base64-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-base64 )

basedir : XDG Basedir Spec library ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-basedir )

basm : The basm Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/pythondude325/basm )

bazaar : A personal collection of useful definitions. Quite unstable. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/bazaar )

bcrypt : A Racket interface to the bcrypt key derivation function. ( https://github.com/samth/bcrypt.rkt )

beautiful-racket : The beautiful-racket Racket package ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/beautiful-racket )

beautiful-racket-demo : The beautiful-racket-demo Racket package ( https://github.com/mbutterick/beautiful-racket )

beautiful-racket-lib : support library for beautiful-racket ( https://github.com/mbutterick/beautiful-racket )

beautiful-racket-macro : Subpackage with just the br/macro and br/syntax modules ( https://github.com/mbutterick/beautiful-racket )

bech32 : bech32 and bech32 encoding functions ( https://github.com/MohamedLEGH/bech32 )

beeswax : A Pollen-friendly template language ( https://github.com/otherjoel/beeswax )

begin-with-local : Syntactic sugar around splicing-let ( https://github.com/plane/begin-with-local )

behavior : The behavior Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/behavior )

benchmark : Benchmarking library ( https://github.com/stamourv/racket-benchmark )

benchmark-ips : The benchmark-ips Racket package ( https://github.com/zenspider/benchmark-ips-racket )

bencode : BitTorrent Bencode Decoding ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/bencode )

bencode-codec : Library for reading and writing Bencoded data. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-bencode )

biginterval : The biginterval Racket package ( https://github.com/oflatt/biginterval )

binary-class : Classes for writing and reading binary data ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/binary-class )

binary-class-dbf : Interface to *.dbf files (dBase, Foxpro, ...) ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/binary-class-dbf )

binary-class-exif : Class for reading and writing Exif in JPEG or TIFF ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/binary-class-exif )

binary-class-mp3 : MP3 ID3v2.1 and ID3v2.2 tags parser ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/binary-class-mp3 )

binary-class-riff : Classes for reading and writing RIFF files ( https://github.com/lwhjp/binary-class-riff )

binary-matcher : Destructure and extract data from bytestrings with match patterns. ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-binary-matcher )

binaryio : functions for reading and writing binary data ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/binaryio )

binaryio-lib : functions for reading and writing binary data ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/binaryio )

bincraft : multipurpose library focused on CTF ( https://github.com/a11ce/bincraft )

binfmt : The binfmt Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-binfmt )

binfmt-lib : The binfmt-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-binfmt )

binfmt-test : The binfmt-test Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-binfmt )

binutils : Utilities for manipulating machine code object files ( https://github.com/lwhjp/racket-binutils )

bip32 : Racket implementation of Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32. ( https://github.com/marckn0x/bip32 )

bitsyntax : Erlang-like binary pattern-matching and bit string manipulation for Racket. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-bitsyntax )

bitwise-ops : The bitwise-ops Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/bitwise-ops )

bleir-sandbox : The bleir-sandbox Racket package ( https://github.com/rebcabin/bleir-sandbox )

bloggy : A very simple Racket blog system ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/bloggy )

bluetooth-socket : The bluetooth-socket Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/bluetooth-socket )

bnf : Concise Typed Racket syntax for declaring recursive data in BNF ( https://github.com/philnguyen/bnf )

boincrpc : The boincrpc Racket package ( https://github.com/parnikkapore/rkt-boincrpc )

bookcover : The bookcover Racket package ( https://github.com/otherjoel/bookcover )

box-extra : Extra utilities for working with boxes in Racket. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-box-extra )

box-extra-lib : Extra utilities for working with boxes. (implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-box-extra )

bqn : Proof of concept for compiling BQN code into Racket ( https://github.com/Nesuniken/BQN.rkt )

br-parser-tools : The br-parser-tools Racket package ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/br-parser-tools )

br-parser-tools-doc : fork of parser-tools-doc for Beautiful Racket ( https://github.com/mbutterick/br-parser-tools )

br-parser-tools-lib : fork of parser-tools-lib for Beautiful Racket ( https://github.com/mbutterick/br-parser-tools )

brag : The brag Racket package ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/brag )

brag-lib : The brag-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/mbutterick/brag )

brazilian-law : The brazilian-law Racket package ( https://github.com/OAB-exams/brazilian-law-parser )

brush : A semi-literate programming package for Scribble ( https://github.com/david-christiansen/brush )

bs : A Bitcoin Script Implementation for testing Script riddles. ( https://github.com/oldsin/bs )

buid : The buid Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-buid )

buid-lib : The buid-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-buid )

buid-test : The buid-test Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-buid )

bumpv : Bump your Racket-based project version. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-bumpv )

bumpv-doc : Bump your Racket-based project version. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-bumpv )

bumpv-lib : Bump your Racket-based project version. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-bumpv )

bv : Bitvectors for Racket a-la Rosette ( https://github.com/pmatos/racket-bv )

bystrotex : A tool for preparing HTML slides with LaTeX formulas, based on Scribble ( https://github.com/amkhlv/amkhlv )

bzip2 : bzip2 compression and decompression ( https://github.com/97jaz/racket-bzip2 )

c : A language level for writing C code in DrRacket. ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/c )

c-defs : Simple C value access ( https://github.com/belph/c-defs )

c-utils : Utilities for manipulating C source code. ( https://github.com/samth/c.rkt )

cadnr : car, cdr, caaaaddddr, and everything in between. ( https://github.com/eutro/cadnr )

cairo : The cairo Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/cairo )

cairo-lib : The cairo-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/cairo )

cairo-test : The cairo-test Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/cairo )

calendar : The calendar Racket package ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-calendar )

canonicalize-path : The canonicalize-path Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/canonicalize-path )

canvas-list : The canvas-list Racket package ( https://github.com/massung/racket-canvas-list )

carl-lib : Backend for Causal Relational Learning implementation ( https://github.com/mkyl/carl-lib )

case-kw-lambda : The case-kw-lambda Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/case-kw-lambda )

case-kw-lambda-doc : The case-kw-lambda-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/case-kw-lambda )

case-kw-lambda-lib : The case-kw-lambda-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/case-kw-lambda )

casemate : Case converter in the style of camel-snake-kebab ( https://github.com/jozip/casemate )

cbor : Implementation of Concise Binary Object Representation (RFC 8949) for Racket. ( https://git.sr.ht/~williewillus/racket-rfc8949 )

cc4101-handin : The cc4101-handin Racket package ( https://github.com/pleiad/cc4101-handin-client )

ccnum : Credit Card Number Utilities ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/ccnum )

chain-module-begin : The chain-module-begin Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/chain-module-begin )

charterm : Character-cell Terminal Interface ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/charterm )

chat : Simple OpenAI ChatGPT Client ( https://github.com/Antigen-1/chat )

check-sexp-equal : A simple extension for rackunit that provides s-expression diffs on failure. ( https://github.com/zenspider/check-sexp-equal )

chess : A library for modeling games of chess ( https://github.com/jackfirth/chess )

chez-runner : run chez scheme programs in drracket ( https://github.com/Syntacticlosure/chez-runner )

chido-parse : Parsing with delimited continuations. ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-chido-parse )

chief : Chief runs Procfile-based applications. Like foreman, but written in Racket. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-chief )

chk : a minimal tester ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/chk )

chk-doc : a minimal tester ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/chk )

chk-lib : a minimal tester ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/chk )

chk-test : a minimal tester ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/chk )

choose-lang : Pick #lang at read-time ( https://gitlab.com/bengreenman/choose-lang )

choose-out : Conditional provide (choose during expansion of importing module) ( https://gitlab.com/bengreenman/choose-out )

circular-layout : A lightweight module for drawing nodes and edges in a circular layout. ( https://github.com/HouptLab/circular-layout )

ckanren : Constraint programming language ( https://github.com/calvis/cKanren )

cksum : The cksum Racket package ( https://github.com/jeroanan/cksum )

clang : Toolbox for C family in Typed Racket ( https://github.com/wargrey/clang )

classicthesis-scribble : Scribble wrapper for the classicthesis LaTeX style. ( https://github.com/stamourv/classicthesis-scribble )

cldr-bcp47 : API for BCP47 extensions to CLDR ( https://github.com/97jaz/cldr-bcp47 )

cldr-core : API for cldr-core data set ( https://github.com/97jaz/cldr-core )

cldr-dates-modern : API for cldr-dates-modern data set ( https://github.com/97jaz/cldr-dates-modern )

cldr-localenames-modern : API for cldr-localenames-modern data set ( https://github.com/97jaz/cldr-localenames-modern )

cldr-numbers-modern : API for cldr-numbers-modern data set ( https://github.com/97jaz/cldr-numbers-modern )

cli : Simple and expressive command line interfaces. ( https://github.com/countvajhula/cli )

clicker-assets : Assets for clicker games ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/clicker-assets )

client-cookies : Client cookies jar for net/url and similar libs.Deprecated: use net/cookies. ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/client-cookies )

clotho : A library for enabling parametric randomness in Racket applications. ( https://gitlab.flux.utah.edu/xsmith/clotho )

cobalt2-theme : The Cobalt 2 color theme for DrRacket. ( https://github.com/DexterLagan/cobalt2-theme )

code-sync : Fast Code Sharing for DrRacket ( https://github.com/rymaju/code-sync )

codepoint : Library for operations on Unicode codepoints, and UCD properties. ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-codepoint )

collections : A generic interface for collections ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-collections )

collections-doc : The collections-doc Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/collections-doc )

collections-lens : Lenses for generic collections ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/collections-lens )

collections-lib : The collections-lib Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/collections-lib )

collections-test : The collections-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-collections )

collector2 : Parse Racket packages catalog and generate ebuild scripts. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-collector2 )

collector2-doc : Parse Racket packages catalog and generate ebuild scripts. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-collector2 )

collector2-lib : Parse Racket packages catalog and generate ebuild scripts. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-collector2 )

collector2-test : Parse Racket packages catalog and generate ebuild scripts. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-collector2 )

colon-kw : a lang-extension for writing :kw for #:kw ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/colon-kw )

colon-match : The colon-match Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/colon-match )

colophon : An experimental static site generator ( https://github.com/basus/colophon )

color-flood : A game where the player must fill the board with colors before its opponent ( https://github.com/Metaxal/color-flood )

color-strings : Makes identifiers for common colors. Prevents silly mispellings. ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/color-strings )

colorblind-palette : Lists of colorblind friendly colors ( https://gitlab.com/bengreenman/colorblind-palette )

colorize : colorize your console ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/colorize )

colormaps : Additional colormaps for the Racket plot package ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/colormaps )

colors : A library for HSB colors. ( https://github.com/florence/colors )

colors-as-strings : Provides common color strings as identifiers. ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/colors-as-strings )

combinator-parser : The combinator-parser Racket package ( https://github.com/takikawa/combinator-parser )

comm-panel : The comm-panel Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/comm-panel )

command-line-ext : Extensible form of command-line with command-line-flag-expanders ( https://github.com/jackfirth/command-line-ext )

command-tree : The command-tree Racket package ( https://github.com/euhmeuh/command-tree )

commatize-number : Commatize a number ( https://github.com/johnnyodonnell/commatize-number )

commonmark : Fast, CommonMark-compliant Markdown parser ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-commonmark )

commonmark-doc : The commonmark-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-commonmark )

commonmark-lib : The commonmark-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-commonmark )

compact-annotations : Function type annotation syntax for Typed Racket similar to Haskell ( https://github.com/jackfirth/compact-annotations )

compiler-goodies : The compiler-goodies Racket package ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-compiler-goodies )

component : Simple dependency injection (docs and implementation). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-component )

component-doc : Simple dependency injection (docs). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-component )

component-lib : Simple dependency injection (implementation only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-component )

component-test : Tests for component-lib. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-component )

compose-app : The compose-app Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/compose-app )

cond-contract : Conditional contracts for Racket ( https://github.com/pmatos/cond-contract )

cond-strict : cond: what it should have been ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/cond-strict )

config : File base configuration parameter system ( https://github.com/themetaschemer/config )

configurable : A simple software configuration system. ( https://github.com/llazarek/configurable )

confluent-schema-registry-lib : A client for the Confluent Schema Registry API. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-kafka )

continued-fractions : Exact computer arithmetic and base conversion via continued fractions. ( https://derend@bitbucket.org/derend/continued-fractions )

contract-etc : Miscellaneous contracts. ( https://github.com/camoy/contract-etc )

contract-etc-lib : The contract-etc-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/camoy/contract-etc )

contract-parameter : Dynamically bound contracts. ( https://github.com/camoy/contract-parameter )

contract-repl : A REPL that prints contracts on values ( https://github.com/takikawa/contract-repl )

control : Control structures ( https://github.com/soegaard/control )

coroutines : The Coroutines Racket package ( https://github.com/spdegabrielle/coroutines )

counter : Small counter library to use for console output, logging, etc. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/scheme-counter )

country : Facilities for working with country data. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-country )

cover : A code coverage tool ( https://github.com/florence/cover )

cover-badge : A badge generator for coverage ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/cover-badge )

cover-benchmarks : benchmarks for cover ( https://github.com/florence/cover )

cover-cobertura : The cover-cobertura Racket package ( https://github.com/EFanZh/cover-cobertura )

cover-codecov : The cover-codecov Racket package ( https://github.com/florence/cover-codecov )

cover-coveralls : The cover-coveralls Racket package ( https://github.com/rpless/cover-coveralls )

cover-doc : A code coverage tool, documentation ( https://github.com/florence/cover )

cover-lib : A code coverage tool, implementation part ( https://github.com/florence/cover )

cover-test : A code coverage tool, test part ( https://github.com/florence/cover )

covid19 : Racket wrapper of QQ/Sina's COVID-19 API ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/covid-19 )

cow-repl : Cowsay in your REPL ( https://github.com/takikawa/racket-cow-repl )

cpu-affinity : A library for getting/setting CPU affinity ( https://github.com/takikawa/racket-cpu-affinity )

cpuinfo : CPU Information ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/cpuinfo )

crc32c : Implementation of CRC32-C ( https://bitbucket.org/Tetsumi/crc32c )

crontab : Cron-like scheduling for Racket. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-crontab )

crontab-lib : Cron-like scheduling for Racket. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-crontab )

crontab-test : Cron-like scheduling for Racket. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-crontab )

crypto : Cryptography library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/crypto )

crypto-doc : Cryptography library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/crypto )

crypto-lib : Cryptography library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/crypto )

crypto-sign : ECDSA and Schnorr algorithm ( https://github.com/MohamedLEGH/crypto-sign )

crypto-test : Cryptography library ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/crypto )

crystal : The crystal Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/spritely/crystal )

cs-bootstrap : Creates Chez Scheme boot files from source ( https://github.com/racket/racket )

cs135-drtools : DrRacket Tools for CS 135 course at UWaterloo. ( https://github.com/Raymo111/cs135-drtools )

cs2500f16-jsonlab : Teachpack for CS2500 JSON lab ( https://github.com/rmacnz/cs2500jsonlab )

cs7480-util : Static analysis utilities ( https://github.com/MiloDavis/cs7480-util )

csexp : Canonical s-expressions for Racket. ( https://gitlab.com/spritely/racket-csexp )

csfml : Bindings for CSFML 2.5 (https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/csfml/) ( https://github.com/massung/racket-csfml )

csp : solve constraint-satisfaction problems ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/typesetting )

csrmesh : Implementation of the Bluetooth CSR Mesh protocol. ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/csrmesh )

css-expr : S-expression-based CSS ( https://github.com/leafac/css-expr )

css-tools : Tools for generating and manipulating CSS (unstable) ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/css-tools )

csv : csv file reader and writer ( https://github.com/halida/csv )

csv-reading : Comma-Separated Value (CSV) Parsing ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/csv-reading )

csv-writing : simple functions to write CSV files (and TSV files) ( https://github.com/jbclements/csv-writing )

cuecore : CueCore Lighting Control ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-cuecore )

cur : Dependent types and meta-programming ( https://github.com/wilbowma/cur )

cur-doc : The cur-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/wilbowma/cur )

cur-lib : The cur-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/wilbowma/cur )

cur-test : The cur-test Racket package ( https://github.com/wilbowma/cur )

curly-fn : The curly-fn Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-curly-fn )

curly-fn-doc : The curly-fn-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-curly-fn )

curly-fn-lib : The curly-fn-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-curly-fn )

curly-fn-test : The curly-fn-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-curly-fn )

custom-load : A load handler that avoids stale zo files. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/custom-load )

dali : Simple text templating (mustache/handlebars style) for Racket. ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/dali )

dallas : Experimental RDBMS based on the Darwen and Date's D language ( https://github.com/jessealama/dallas )

dallas-doc : Documentation for Dallas ( https://github.com/jessealama/dallas )

dallas-lib : Dallas (implementation) ( https://github.com/jessealama/dallas )

dallas-test : Tests for Dallas ( https://github.com/jessealama/dallas )

dan-scheme : The dan-scheme Racket package ( https://github.com/david-christiansen/dan-scheme )

darwin : Static blog generator application. Supports Twitter Bootstrap, Pygments, more. ( https://github.com/pmatos/darwin )

data-frame : A data frame implementation for Racket ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/data-frame )

data-red-black : The data-red-black Racket package ( https://github.com/dyoo/data-red-black )

data-type : data type syntax for typed/racket ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/data-type )

database-url : Parse DATABASE_URL for use with the Racket db module ( https://github.com/lassik/racket-database-url )

datacell : A simple embedded dataflow language ( https://github.com/florence/datacell )

datadef : Racket library for database data retrieval and database mocking. ( https://github.com/adzai/datadef )

datatype : Algebraic(-like) Data Types ( https://github.com/pnwamk/datatype )

date : The date Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/date )

dbg : Remote debugging client and server implementation. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-dbg )

dbg-doc : Documentation for the dbg and dbg-ui packages. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-dbg )

dbg-ui : Remote debugging GUI client for the dbg package. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-dbg )

dbm : An interface to UNIX dbm files using a libdbm FFI ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/dbm )

dbus : Native D-Bus for Racket ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-dbus )

ddict : Deterministic Dictionaries ( https://github.com/pnwamk/ddict )

debug : a lang-extension for debugging, and a macro for inserting a debug-repl ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/debug )

debug-scopes : Some utilities which help debugging scope-related issues for unhygienic macros ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/debug-scopes )

decentralized-internet : A package for building distributed computing projects ( https://github.com/Lonero-Team/Racket-Package )

defensive-to-contracts : The defensive-to-contracts Racket package ( https://github.com/jiujiu1123/defensive-to-contracts )

deferred : A simple library for deferring asynchronous tasks until a specified time ( https://github.com/cjfuller/deferred )

define-assets-from : The define-assets-from Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/define-assets-from )

define-attributes : This macro makes certain repetitive access patterns easier to write. ( https://github.com/SimonLSchlee/define-attributes )

define-attributes-lib : This macro makes certain repetitive access patterns easier to write. ( https://github.com/SimonLSchlee/define-attributes )

define-match-spread-out : a version of define that allows definitions to be spread across a file ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/define-match-spread-out )

define-sobj : An anaphoric macro that binds sobj to call syntax object ( https://github.com/sorawee/define-sobj )

define-who : An anaphoric macro that binds who to function name ( https://github.com/sorawee/define-who )

define-with-spec : The define-with-spec Racket package ( https://github.com/pnwamk/define-with-spec )

define2 : The define2 Racket package ( https://github.com/Metaxal/define2 )

defpat : a version of define for defining functions with match-patterns as arguments ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/defpat )

delay-pure : The delay-pure Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/delay-pure )

delimit-app : An #%app macro that changes meaning based on paren shape ( https://github.com/jackfirth/delimit-app )

denxi : The denxi Racket package ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/denxi )

derp3 : The derp-3 Racket package ( https://bitbucket.org/jbclements/derp-3 )

derpy : Presentation Room Control ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-derpy )

describe : Doug Williams's 'describe' package from PLaneT ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/describe )

destruct : Macro that introduces local variables for every field in a struct. ( https://github.com/MichaelBurge/destruct )

deta : A functional database mapper. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/deta )

deta-doc : A functional database mapper. (docs only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/deta )

deta-lib : A functional database mapper. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/deta )

deta-lint-lib : Extensions to the review tool for the custom syntax provided by deta-lib. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/deta )

deta-test : A functional database mapper. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/deta )

detail : detail used to reveal the details of the function ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-detail )

dexter-quickscripts : A collection of scripts for Racket's QuickScript ( https://github.com/DexterLagan/dexter-quickscripts )

dherman-struct : A port of David Herman's struct.plt planet package ( https://github.com/jbclements/dherman-struct )

diagrama : A diagram drawing library, implementation ( https://github.com/florence/diagrama )

diagrama-doc : A diagram drawing library, documentation ( https://github.com/florence/diagrama )

diagrama-lib : A diagram drawing library, implementation ( https://github.com/florence/diagrama )

diagrams : Draw technical diagrams ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-diagrams )

dice-parser : A parser for dice expressions like 1d6-1d4+5. ( https://github.com/cmargiotta/dice-parser )

diff-merge : Myers-Ukkonen diff and diff3-based merge for sequences ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-diff-merge )

digimon : The (typed) core to construct the digital world ( https://github.com/wargrey/digimon )

dirname : Basename and dirname functions ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-dirname )

disassemble : Disassembler for JIT-compiled functions. ( https://github.com/samth/disassemble )

dispatch : Julia-style multiple dispatch in Racket ( https://github.com/a11ce/dispatch )

disposable : The disposable Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-disposable )

disposable-test : Tests for the disposable package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-disposable )

distro-build : Tools for constructing a distribution of Racket ( https://github.com/racket/distro-build )

distro-build-client : client-side part of distro-build ( https://github.com/racket/distro-build )

distro-build-doc : documentation part of distro-build ( https://github.com/racket/distro-build )

distro-build-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of distro-build ( https://github.com/racket/distro-build )

distro-build-server : server-side part of distro-build ( https://github.com/racket/distro-build )

distro-build-test : Tests for distro-build ( https://github.com/racket/distro-build )

dlm-read : The dlm-read Racket package ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-dlm-read )

dm : Linux Device Mapper bindings for Racket. ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-dm )

doc-coverage : The doc-coverage Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/doc-coverage )

dollar : An example #lang extension which uses $ instead of , for unquote. ( https://github.com/rogerkeays/racket-dollar )

domain-coloring : A domain coloring tool for complex analysis ( https://github.com/TrueQueenBee/domain-coloring )

doodle : The doodle Racket package ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/doodle )

dos : Delimited-continuation-based Operating-system Simulator ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/dos )

dotenv : Override environment variables by loading .env files. ( https://github.com/royallthefourth/dotenv )

dotenv-doc : Override environment variables by loading .env files. (docs only) ( https://github.com/royallthefourth/dotenv )

dotenv-lib : The dotenv-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/royallthefourth/dotenv )

dotlambda : The dotlambda Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/dotlambda )

dotmethod : obj.method(x) in racket using mutable-match-lambda ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/dotmethod )

double-linked-ring : A double linked ring data structure ( https://github.com/matteo-daddio/double-linked-ring )

dracula-theme : Dracula color scheme for DrRacket (https://draculatheme.com/) ( https://github.com/dracula/racket )

drcomplete : The package assembles drcomplete plugins ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drcomplete-auto : automatic triggering of autocompletion ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drcomplete-base : basic framework for drcomplete ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drcomplete-filename : A DrRacket plugin for autocomplete for filenames, only active inside string. ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drcomplete-method-names : A DrRacket plugin for autocomplete for class method names ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drcomplete-module : autocomplete for modules ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drcomplete-required : A DrRacket plugin for autocomplete for required identifiers. ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drcomplete-user-defined : A DrRacket plugin for autocomplete for user-defined identifiers. ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drcomplete )

drdr : DrDr, Racket's continuous integration system ( https://github.com/racket/drdr )

drdr2 : Prototype replacement for DrDr ( https://github.com/racket/drdr2 )

dropbox : SDK for Dropbox ( https://github.com/stchang/dropbox )

drracket-ayu-mirage : The drracket-ayu-mirage Racket package ( https://github.com/oransimhony/drracket-ayu-mirage )

drracket-catppuccin : A Catppuccin color theme for DrRacket. ( https://github.com/catppuccin/drracket-catppuccin )

drracket-cmdline-args : Accessible command-line arguments for DrRacket ( https://github.com/sorawee/drracket-cmdline-args )

drracket-custom-keybindings : The drracket-custom-keybindings Racket package ( https://github.com/aowens-21/drracket-custom-keybindings )

drracket-cyberpunk : The drracket-cyberpunk Racket package ( https://github.com/thinkmoore/drracket-cyberpunk )

drracket-material : This package adds a Material colorscheme to DrRacket. ( https://github.com/turbinenreiter/drracket-material )

drracket-one-dark : Atom's iconic One Dark color scheme for DrRacket! ( https://github.com/JoaoBrlt/drracket-one-dark )

drracket-paredit : paredit keybindings for DrRacket ( https://github.com/yjqww6/drracket-paredit )

drracket-red : VsCode Red Theme for DrRacket ( https://github.com/jagen31/drracket-red )

drracket-restore-workspace : Restore workspace for DrRacket ( https://github.com/sorawee/drracket-restore-workspace )

drracket-scheme-dark-green : This is a white-on-black dark green colorscheme for DrRacket. ( https://github.com/shhyou/drracket-scheme-dark-green )

drracket-solarized : Solarized colorscheme for Drracket ( https://github.com/takikawa/drracket-solarized )

drracket-tool-text-lib : The drracket-tool-text-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/racket/drracket )

drracket-vim-tool : DrRacket plugin that simulates vim keybindings ( https://github.com/takikawa/drracket-vim-tool )

drracket-wakatime : wakatime support on DrRacket ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/drracket-wakatime )

drracket-workspaces : Save and reopen groups of files in DrRacket as workspaces. ( https://github.com/stardust66/drracket-workspaces )

drracket-zenburn : The Zenburn colorscheme for DrRacket. ( https://github.com/tautologico/drracket-zenburn )

drrackettheme : set the background image for DrRacketView - Set Background ( https://github.com/Syntacticlosure/DrRacketTheme )

drrackgit : A git plugin for DrRacket. ( https://github.com/bbusching/drrackgit )

dset : Deterministic Sets ( https://github.com/pnwamk/dset )

dssl : The dssl Racket package ( https://github.com/tov/dssl )

dssl2 : A language for data structures students ( https://github.com/tov/dssl2 )

dynamic-ffi : The dynamic-ffi Racket package ( https://github.com/dbenoit17/dynamic-ffi )

dynamic-xml : Apply keyword procedures in a given Racket namespace using X-expressions. ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/dynamic-xml )

ebml : A library for reading and writing EBML files. ( https://github.com/jbclements/ebml )

ebuild : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ebuild-doc : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ebuild-lib : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ebuild-modify-lang : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Modification DSL. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ebuild-templates : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Additional templates. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ebuild-test : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ebuild-tools : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Tools. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ebuild-transformers : Library to ease automatic ebuild creation. Additional helper libraries. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-ebuild )

ec : The ec Racket package ( https://github.com/marckn0x/ec )

echonest : The echonest Racket package ( https://github.com/greghendershott/echonest )

eclass2scrbl : Convert Gentoo Eclasses to Scribble documents. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-eclass2scrbl )

ecmascript : Parser, runtime and #lang for ECMAScript ( https://github.com/lwhjp/ecmascript )

ee-lib : Utilities for defining embedded macro expanders ( https://github.com/michaelballantyne/ee-lib )

eff : A Library Provide Extensible Effects in Racket (Untyped). ( https://github.com/syntacticlosure/eff )

effect-racket : The effect-racket Racket package ( https://github.com/camoy/effect-racket )

effect-racket-doc : The effect-racket-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/camoy/effect-racket )

effect-racket-lib : The effect-racket-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/camoy/effect-racket )

effect-racket-test : The effect-racket-test Racket package ( https://github.com/camoy/effect-racket )

effection : A library for custom side effects. ( https://github.com/rocketnia/effection )

effection-doc : A library for custom side effects. (doc) ( https://github.com/rocketnia/effection )

effection-lib : A library for custom side effects. (lib) ( https://github.com/rocketnia/effection )

effection-test : A library for custom side effects. (test) ( https://github.com/rocketnia/effection )

effects : Delimited-continuation-based effects for Racket ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-effects )

egal : Henry Baker's egal ( https://github.com/samth/egal )

ejs : The ejs Racket package ( https://github.com/jessealama/ejs )

elapsed-nanoseconds : Determine the elapsed time of code with nanosecond precision. ( https://gitlab.com/bhrgunatha/elapsed-nanoseconds )

elasticsearch : The elasticsearch Racket package ( https://github.com/vishesh/elasticsearch.rkt )

elf : Unix executable and linking format read/writing ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/elf )

elle : The elle Racket package ( https://github.com/tail-reversion/elle )

elle-doc : Documentation for the Elle language. ( https://github.com/tail-reversion/elle )

elle-lib : The elle-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/tail-reversion/elle )

emmy : The emmy Racket package ( https://github.com/a11ce/emmy )

emo : A very simple command line emoji finder ( https://gitlab.com/yurb/emo )

emoji : Emoji terminal output for Racket ( https://github.com/whichxjy/emoji )

encode-ita_2 : Encodes strings in the 5 bit ITA2 character encoding. ( https://github.com/Lazerbeak12345/encode-ITA_2 )

endeavor : ((status pre-alpha) (phase design)) ( https://codeberg.org/sunarch/endeavor )

enforest : Enforestation parsing/expansion engine ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/enforest )

enforest-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of enforest ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

english : Utilities for generating English text strings -- e.g. plurals ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/english )

envlang : Prototype of a proof-of-concept for a language with first-class environments. ( https://github.com/envlang/racket )

envy : an environment variable manager for applications ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/envy )

errortrace : The errortrace Racket package ( https://github.com/racket/errortrace )

errortrace-pkg : Errortrace installed packages ( https://github.com/sorawee/errortrace-pkg )

esasm : esAsm is a toy assembly-ish language. ( https://github.com/a11ce/esAsm )

esc-vp21 : Epson ESC/VP21 Projector Control ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-esc-vp21 )

esterel : Esterel implementation in Racket ( https://github.com/rfindler/esterel )

esterel-doc : Documentation for the Esterel implementation in Racket ( https://github.com/rfindler/esterel )

esterel-examples : Some example programs in Esterel ( https://github.com/rfindler/esterel )

esterel-lib : Esterel implementation in Racket ( https://github.com/rfindler/esterel )

esterel-redex : Redex code related to Esterel in Racket ( https://github.com/rfindler/esterel )

esterel-rhombus-lib : Esterel in Rhombus ( https://github.com/rfindler/esterel )

esterel-test : Tests for the Esterel implementation in Racket ( https://github.com/rfindler/esterel )

etf : The etf Racket package ( https://github.com/racaid/etf )

etl : A racket implementation of the etl esolang created by xSK ( https://github.com/Jesse-Hamlin-Navias/etl )

euclid : Data structures and algorithms related to Euclidean geometry ( https://github.com/jackfirth/euclid )

eventfd : Linux eventfd support ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-eventfd )

exact-decimal-lang : a lang-extension that reads decimals as exact rationals ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/exact-decimal-lang )

expander : Racket's implementation of macros, modules, and top-level evaluation ( https://github.com/racket/racket )

expect : The expect Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-expect )

expeditor : Terminal expression editor ( https://github.com/racket/expeditor )

expeditor-doc : documentation part of expeditor ( https://github.com/racket/expeditor )

expeditor-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of expeditor ( https://github.com/racket/expeditor )

expeditor-test : test part of expeditor ( https://github.com/racket/expeditor )

explorer : Utility for interactive exploration of complex data structures. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-explorer )

extenor : The extenor Racket package ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-extenor )

extensible-functions : A solution to the expression problem in Typed Racket ( https://github.com/leafac/extensible-functions )

extensible-parser-specifications : The extensible-parser-specifications Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/extensible-parser-specifications )

extra-srfi-libs : Additional SRFI libraries not included in the standard srfi-lib package ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-extra-srfi-libs )

ez-csv : Reading and writing CSV files from Racket... Except easier. ( https://github.com/sleibrock/ez-csv )

fairyfloss : sailorhg's fairyfloss for DrRacket ( https://github.com/HeladoDeBrownie/DrRacket-Theme-fairyfloss )

fairylog : The Fairylog Racket package ( https://github.com/pezipink/fairylog )

fancy-app : Scala-style anonymous functions ( https://github.com/samth/fancy-app )

fast-convert : Fast conversion from bytes to string for one-byte encoding ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/fast-convert )

fast-sequence : Macros for fast sequences. ( https://github.com/abolotina/fast-sequence-combinators )

fast-sequence-lib : Macros for fast sequences. ( https://github.com/abolotina/fast-sequence-combinators )

fast-xml : a package provide fast read and write xml. ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-fast-xml )

faster-minikanren : A fast implementation of miniKanren with disequality and absento. ( https://github.com/michaelballantyne/faster-miniKanren )

feature-profile : Profile that measures time spent in language/library features ( https://github.com/stamourv/feature-profile )

fector : Persistent Functional Vectors ( https://github.com/dvanhorn/fector )

fexpress : A compilation-friendly fexpr language. ( https://github.com/rocketnia/fexpress )

fexpress-doc : A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (doc) ( https://github.com/rocketnia/fexpress )

fexpress-lib : A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (lib) ( https://github.com/rocketnia/fexpress )

fexpress-test : A compilation-friendly fexpr language. (test) ( https://github.com/rocketnia/fexpress )

fig : Simple and Extensible Configuration ( https://github.com/micahcantor/fig )

file-metadata : The file-metadata Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/file-metadata )

file-watchers : Sensible file watching procedures ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/file-watchers )

files-viewer : a file manager for drracket ( https://github.com/MatrixForChange/files-viewer )

finalizer : Trivial finalizer. Does action when object garbage collected ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/finalizer )

find-parent-dir : Find parent directories matching a criterion. ( https://github.com/samth/find-parent-dir )

fixcopyright : Tool for adding/updating SPDX summaries in source files ( https://github.com/tonyg/fixcopyright )

fixture : The fixture Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-fixture )

fixw : a Racket formatter only fixes whitespaces. ( https://github.com/6cdh/racket-fixw )

flexpr : Expressions rendered as both XML and JSON ( https://github.com/greghendershott/flexpr )

fltest : The fltest Racket package ( https://github.com/samth/fltest )

fluent : UNIX style pipes and a lambda shorthand syntax to make your code more readable. ( https://github.com/rogerkeays/racket-fluent )

fme : Fourier-Motzkin elimination for integer inequality satisfiability ( https://github.com/pnwamk/fme )

fmt : An extensible code formatter for Racket ( https://github.com/sorawee/fmt )

font-finder : Locate font files on your computer ( https://github.com/dstorrs/font-finder )

fontconfig : FFI bindings for fontconfig ( https://github.com/takikawa/racket-fontconfig )

fontland : font processing [in development] ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/typesetting )

for-helpers : Helper macros for racket for macros to avoid intermediate sequences ( https://github.com/yjqww6/for-helpers )

forge : A model-finding language with Alloy-adjacent syntax. ( https://github.com/tnelson/Forge )

forged-ocelot : The forged-ocelot Racket package ( https://github.com/cemcutting/forged-ocelot )

formatted-string : Extends racket string to formatted string ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/formatted-string )

forms : Web form validation (docs and implementation). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-forms )

forms-doc : Web form validation (documentation only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-forms )

forms-lib : Web form validation (implementation only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-forms )

forms-test : Web form validation (tests only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-forms )

forth : Forth emulator, as a Racket #lang ( https://github.com/bennn/forth )

fpbench : The fpbench Racket package ( https://github.com/FPBench/FPBench )

fra : Purely functional implementation of relational algebra ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/fra )

fragments : experimental game ( https://github.com/srfoster/fragments )

fragments-first : experimental game ( https://github.com/srfoster/fragments-first )

frog : Static blog generator application. (No longer under active development.) ( https://github.com/greghendershott/frog )

froglet : The froglet Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/froglet )

from-template : Download template apps to get started building new projects with Racket ( https://github.com/nixin72/from-template )

ftree : Finger Trees ( https://github.com/stchang/ftree )

fulmar : Generate C++ code from S-expressions ( https://github.com/cwearl/fulmar )

functional : generic interfaces and data structures for functional programming ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/functional )

functional-doc : The functional-doc Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/functional-doc )

functional-lib : The functional-lib Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/functional-lib )

funktionuckelt : A dark eye-friendly color scheme for Racket ( https://github.com/DondiBronson/Funktionuckelt )

fuse : Library for creating user-space filesystems with FUSE ( https://github.com/thinkmoore/racket-fuse )

future-visualizer-pict : The drawing and data representation portions of the future visualizer ( https://github.com/racket/future-visualizer )

futures-sort : The futures-sort Racket package ( https://github.com/dzoep/futures-sort )

fuzzy-search : The fuzzy-search Racket package ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/fuzzy-search )

g-code-tools : A collection of tools for manipulating G-code. ( https://github.com/GThad/g-code-tools )

gcstats : Print summary GC statistics after running a program. ( https://github.com/samth/gcstats )

gdbdump : GDB-based Native Thread Backtrace Dumps ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/gdbdump )

gdlisp : A lisp dialect that compiles to GDScript, for the Godot engine. ( https://github.com/eutro/gdlisp )

gemtext : A text/gemini parser for Racket. ( https://github.com/bctnry/gemtext-racket )

gen-queue-lib : Generic interface for some queues. Used by graph-lib ( https://github.com/stchang/graph )

generator-util : Utilities for working with generators ( https://github.com/countvajhula/generator-util )

generic-bind : Generic binding forms. ( https://github.com/stchang/generic-bind )

generic-flonum : Alternative MPFR interface for emulating IEEE-754 floating-point numbers ( https://github.com/bksaiki/generic-flonum )

generic-syntax-expanders : The generic-syntax-expanders Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/generic-syntax-expanders )

geoid : work efficiently with geographic data ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/geoid )

geoip : Geolocation based on MaxMind's GeoIP databases. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-geoip )

geoip-doc : Geolocation based on MaxMind's GeoIP databases. (docs only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-geoip )

geoip-lib : Geolocation based on MaxMind's GeoIP databases. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-geoip )

get-bonus : Get Bonus is a project about discovering the best way to program video games. ( https://github.com/get-bonus/get-bonus )

get-pass : Utility to get passwords from the command line without echoing input. ( https://github.com/smitchell556/get-pass )

get-primitive : Extract low-level primitives ( https://github.com/samth/get-primitive )

gettext : GNU gettext compatible library for internationalization with BSD license ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/free-gettext )

gev-distribution : The gev-distribution Racket package ( https://github.com/HaeckGabriel/gev-distribution )

gg : A tool to discover, catalogue and compare git repos across N machines. ( https://github.com/xandkar/gg )

gillette : XPath for Racket ( https://github.com/jessealama/gillette )

gillette-doc : Docs for Gillette ( https://github.com/jessealama/gillette )

gillette-lib : Implementation for Gillette ( https://github.com/jessealama/gillette )

gillette-test : Tests for Gillette ( https://github.com/jessealama/gillette )

gir : GTK/GLib/GIO/... GObjectIntrospection FFI binding ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/gir )

git-slice : For slicing git repositories into pieces ( https://github.com/samth/git-slice )

github : Github Bindings ( https://github.com/samth/github.rkt )

github-api : Bindings for the GitHub API ( https://github.com/eu90h/racket-github-api )

glass : An optics (lenses, prisms, traversals, etc.) library. ( https://github.com/jackfirth/glass )

glc : A lambda calculus #lang ( https://github.com/GriffinMB/glc )

glfw3 : GLFW wrapper for Racket ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/rkt-glfw )

glm : OpenGL Mathematics ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-glm )

glob : Deprecated. Use file/glob instead. ( https://github.com/bennn/glob )

global : Define global variables and automatically generate a command line parser. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/global )

glossolalia : The glossolalia Racket package ( https://github.com/robertkleffner/glossolalia )

glpk : An interface to the Gnu Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) ( https://github.com/jbclements/glpk )

gls : The gls Racket package ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/gls )

glsl : The OpenGL Shader Language 4.5 (GLSL) ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-glsl )

glu-tessellate : The glu-tessellate Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/glu-tessellate )

gm-pepm2018 : Artifact for On the Cost of Type-Tag Soundness ( https://github.com/nuprl/retic_performance )

gmp : Bindings to gmp (the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library) ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-gmp )

gmp-lib : Bindings to gmp (the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library) ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-gmp )

gnucash : parses gnucash XML files ( https://github.com/jbclements/gnucash )

goblins : Goblins is a transactional, distributed actor model environment ( https://gitlab.com/spritely/goblins )

google : Google APIs (Drive, Plus, ...) for Racket. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-google )

google-spreadsheet-api : Racket interface for Google Spreadsheet APIs ( https://gitlab.com/car.margiotta/google-spreadsheet-api )

gradual-typing-bib : The gradual-typing-bib Racket package ( https://github.com/samth/gradual-typing-bib )

graph : Generic graph library. ( https://github.com/stchang/graph )

graph-doc : Documentation for graph-lib ( https://github.com/stchang/graph )

graph-lib : main graph package ( https://github.com/stchang/graph )

graph-test : Tests for graph-lib ( https://github.com/stchang/graph )

graphic-block : The graphic-block Racket package ( https://git.uwaterloo.ca/djholtby/uwaterloo-racket )

graphics : Essential computer graphics for Typed Racket ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/graphics )

graphics-engine : An accelerated graphics programming environment. ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-graphics-engine )

graphite : A ggplot2-inspired data visualization library ( https://github.com/ralsei/graphite )

graphite-doc : Documentation for Graphite ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/graphite-doc )

graphite-lib : A ggplot2-inspired data visualization library (no documentation) ( https://github.com/ralsei/graphite )

graphite-test : Tests for Graphite ( https://github.com/ralsei/graphite )

graphite-tutorial : A guided tour for Graphite ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/graphite-tutorial )

gref : Generalized references for Racket ( https://github.com/usaoc/gref )

gref-doc : Documentation part of gref ( https://github.com/usaoc/gref )

gref-lib : Implementation part of gref ( https://github.com/usaoc/gref )

gref-test : Tests for gref ( https://github.com/usaoc/gref )

gregor : Date and time library ( https://github.com/97jaz/gregor )

gregor-doc : Documentation part of gregor library ( https://github.com/97jaz/gregor )

gregor-lib : Code part of the gregor date and time library ( https://github.com/97jaz/gregor )

gregor-test : Tests for the gregor library ( https://github.com/97jaz/gregor )

grift : A gradually typed language ( https://github.com/Gradual-Typing/Grift )

gsl-integration : Interface to GNU GSL Numerical Integration. ( https://github.com/petterpripp/gsl-integration )

gsl-rng : Interface to GNU GSL Random Number Generation ( https://github.com/petterpripp/gsl-rng )

gtp-benchmarks : gradual typing performance benchmarks ( https://github.com/utahplt/gtp-benchmarks )

gtp-checkup : Test correctness of typed/untyped interaction. ( https://github.com/utahplt/gtp-checkup )

gtp-measure : Runs programs, collects timing info ( https://github.com/utahplt/gtp-measure )

gtp-paper : Quick-start for SIGPLAN Scribble papers ( https://github.com/bennn/gtp-paper )

gtp-pict : Picts related to gradual typing / performance ( https://gitlab.com/gradual-typing-performance/gtp-pict )

gtp-plot : Plots for gradual typing performance ( https://github.com/utahplt/gtp-plot )

gtp-util : 37 helper functions you won't find anywhere else ( https://github.com/utahplt/gtp-util )

gui-easy : A declarative API on top of racket/gui. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-gui-easy )

gui-easy-lib : A declarative API on top of racket/gui. (implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-gui-easy )

gui-pkg-manager : Graphical tool for managing Racket package installations ( https://github.com/racket/gui-pkg-manager )

gui-pkg-manager-doc : documentation part of gui-pkg-manager ( https://github.com/racket/gui-pkg-manager )

gui-widget-mixins : Tool tips, cue text and validation for text-field% GUI widgets in Racket ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/gui-widget-mixins )

haiku-enum : A language designed for generating Haiku ( https://github.com/rfindler/haiku-enum )

hamt : Hash array mapped tries ( https://github.com/97jaz/hamt )

handin : Handin server and client template ( https://github.com/plt/handin )

handy : The handy Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/racket-dstorrs-libs )

happy-app : A Toolbox of Syntactic Shortcuts ( https://github.com/plane/happy-app )

happy-names : Simple generator for Heroku-like names (random adj + random noun) ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/happy-names )

hash-lambda : using hash-tables for rest-arguments that include keyword-arguments ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/hash-lambda )

hash-star : Additional functions for interacting with nested hash tables ( https://github.com/priime0/hash-star )

hash-view : Struct-like view for hashes ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-hash-view )

hash-view-lib : Struct-like view for hashes ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-hash-view )

hdf5 : FFI bindings to the hdf5 library ( https://github.com/oetr/racket-hdf5 )

helisp : The helisp Racket package ( https://github.com/QYamamoto/helisp )

helpful : Helpfully provide suggestions on unbound identifier error ( https://github.com/sorawee/helpful )

herbie : A tool for automatically improving the accuracy of floating point expressions ( https://github.com/uwplse/herbie )

heresy : A functional Lisp dialect with BASIC-inspired syntax ( https://github.com/jarcane/heresy )

hermits-heresy : Power Tools for Dragon Quest Builders 2 ( https://github.com/default-kramer/HermitsHeresy )

hidapi : Racket bindings to hidapi library. ( https://github.com/jpathy/hidapi )

hive-client : Hive: client-server framework. This is client package. ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/hive-client )

hive-common : Hive: client-server framework. This is library for both client and server. ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/hive-common )

hive-server : Hive: client-server framework. This is server-side package. ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/hive-server )

holy : The HoLy Racket package ( https://github.com/nihirash/holy )

honu : The implementation of the Honu language ( https://github.com/racket/honu )

hostname : Getting Hostname, FQDN, and IP Addresses ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/hostname )

htdf : The htdf Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/htdf )

htdp-examplar : The htdp-examplar Racket package ( https://github.com/dbp/htdp-examplar )

htdp-json : A library for teaching with JSON ( https://github.com/samth/htdp-json )

htdp-trace : The htdp-trace Racket package ( https://git.uwaterloo.ca/djholtby/uwaterloo-racket )

html-examples : Generate an HTML part out of Scribble Examples ( https://github.com/pmatos/html-examples )

html-parsing : Permissive Parsing of HTML to SXML ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/html-parsing )

html-printer : A content-aware HTML5 pretty-printer ( https://github.com/otherjoel/html-printer )

html-template : HTML-Writing Template Language in SXML ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/html-template )

html-writing : Writing HTML from SXML ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/html-writing )

http : Support for HTTP 1.1 including automatic connection pooling. ( https://github.com/greghendershott/http )

http-client : A practical http client library for sending data to http servers. ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/http-client )

http-easy : A high-level HTTP client. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-http-easy )

http-easy-lib : A high-level HTTP client. (implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-http-easy )

http-easy-test : A high-level HTTP client. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-http-easy )

http-proxy : A simple HTTP CONNECT proxy server. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-http-proxy )

http-proxy-lib : A simple HTTP CONNECT proxy server. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-http-proxy )

http-proxy-test : A simple HTTP CONNECT proxy server. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-http-proxy )

http11 : HTTP v1.1 low level protocol library in Typed Racket. ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/http11 )

http11-server : The http11-server Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/http11-server )

http123 : HTTP client with support for HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-http123 )

http123-lib : HTTP client with support for HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-http123 )

http2 : A (wildly unimplemented) http2 client and server for Racket ( https://github.com/jackfirth/http2 )

hygienic-quote-lang : hygienic versions of quote-like racket reader macros ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/hygienic-quote-lang )

hygienic-reader-extension : adding hygiene to racket reader extensions ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/hygienic-reader-extension )

hyper-literate : The hyper-literate Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/hyper-literate )

hyphenate : The hyphenate Racket package ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/typesetting )

ibkre : IBK Actor/Syndicate Library ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/ibkre )

icfp2014-contracts-talk : Slideshow implementation of ICFP 2014 Contracts Keynote Talk ( https://github.com/rfindler/icfp-2014-contracts-talk )

icfp2017-minikanren : The icfp2017-minikanren Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/icfp2017-artifact-auas7pp )

icns : A Racket library for working with Apple's .icns icon file format. ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/icns )

identikon : Tiny framework for generating identicons ( https://github.com/DarrenN/identikon )

image-coloring : For doing bitmap operations on 2htdp/image objects ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/image-coloring )

image-colors : For doing basic pixel operations on 2htdp/image objects ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/image-colors )

impl-excl : The impl-excl Racket package ( https://github.com/philnguyen/impl-excl )

import-profiler : A raco command for profiling module dependency import times. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-import-profiler )

in-covid : Indiana COVID data analysis ( https://github.com/samth/in-covid )

in-new-directory : Run things in new directories ( https://github.com/samth/in-new-directory )

in-out-logged : The in-out-logged Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/in-out-logged )

inexact-number-lang : A lang-extension that reads every number as inexact ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/inexact-number-lang )

infix : Infix Expressions ( https://github.com/soegaard/infix )

infix-prefix : A library to convert prefix expressions to infix and vice versa ( https://github.com/InAnYan/infix-prefix )

infix-syntax : Expansion-time parsing of infix expressions. ( https://github.com/mromyers/infix-syntax )

ini : Racket parser for Ini and UNIX Conf files. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ini )

ini-doc : Racket parser for Ini and UNIX Conf files. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ini )

ini-lib : Racket parser for Ini and UNIX Conf files. Core library. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ini )

ini-test : Racket parser for Ini and UNIX Conf files. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ini )

inotify : Racket bindings for the Linux inotify API. ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-inotify )

intellij : Support IntelliJ editor features ( https://github.com/aymanosman/racket-intellij )

interactive-brokers-api : Client API for Interactive Brokers' Trader Workstation ( https://github.com/evdubs/interactive-brokers-api )

interactive-syntax : (Early) Prototype for Interactive Syntax ( https://github.com/videolang/interactive-syntax )

interconfection : A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. ( https://github.com/lathe/interconfection-for-racket )

interconfection-doc : A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. (doc) ( https://github.com/lathe/interconfection-for-racket )

interconfection-lib : A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. (lib) ( https://github.com/lathe/interconfection-for-racket )

interconfection-test : A library for building extensible systems, especially module systems. (test) ( https://github.com/lathe/interconfection-for-racket )

intern : Type-safe interning of datatype in Typed Racket as a new sub-type of Index ( https://github.com/philnguyen/intern )

io : I/O utilities from dherman's io.plt Planet package ( https://github.com/samth/io.rkt )

ionic : Another way to structure computations ( https://github.com/countvajhula/ionic )

ipoe : interactive poetry editor ( https://github.com/bennn/ipoe )

iracket : Jupyter kernel for Racket ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/iracket )

irandom : The irandom Racket package ( https://github.com/hkrish/irandom )

irc : An IRC client library. ( https://github.com/schuster/racket-irc )

irc-client : A higher-level, typed wrapper around the irc package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-irc-client )

irregex : The irregex Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/irregex )

isl-spec : The isl-spec Racket package ( https://github.com/dbp/isl-spec )

iso-printf : The iso-printf Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-iso-printf )

iso-printf-lib : The iso-printf-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-iso-printf )

iso-printf-test : Implementations of the ISO standard C family of printf procedures. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-iso-printf )

iswim : iswim implementation ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/iswim )

iu-pict : The iu-pict Racket package ( https://github.com/david-christiansen/iu-pict )

j : Racket implementation of J language and related concepts ( https://github.com/lwhjp/racket-jlang )

j-notation : An exploration into an alternate surface syntax. ( https://github.com/jackfirth/j-notation )

jack-ease : Library for easing things between start and stop values fluidly ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-ease )

jack-posn : Library for working with points in 2d space ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-posn )

jack-scribble-example : Deprecated. Use the built in scribble/example instead. ( https://github.com/jackfirth/scribble-example )

java : The java Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/java )

java-array-list : Clone of Java's ArrayList ( https://github.com/johnnyodonnell/java-array-list )

java-lexer : Java syntax highlighting for Scribble. ( https://github.com/stamourv/java-lexer )

java-processing : The java-processing Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/java-processing )

javascript : An implementation of JavaScript ( https://github.com/samth/javascript.plt )

jen : procedural generation DSL embedded in Racket [UNSTABLE] ( https://github.com/HeladoDeBrownie/jen )

jen-doc : procedural generation DSL embedded in Racket (doc) [UNSTABLE] ( https://github.com/HeladoDeBrownie/jen )

jen-lib : procedural generation DSL embedded in Racket (lib) [UNSTABLE] ( https://github.com/HeladoDeBrownie/jen )

jen-samples : procedural generation DSL embedded in Racket (samples) [UNSTABLE] ( https://github.com/HeladoDeBrownie/jen )

jni : Access the Java Native Interface with Racket ( https://github.com/lwhjp/racket-jni )

job-queue : A library for managing sets of workers and their jobs. ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/job-queue )

job-queue-doc : A library for managing sets of workers and their jobs. (doc) ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/job-queue )

job-queue-lib : A library for managing sets of workers and their jobs. (lib) ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/job-queue )

js-voxel : A general-purpose voxel programming environment ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-js-voxel )

json-format : Pretty printers for JSON ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-json-format )

json-lexer : A lexer and pretty-printer for JSON. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-json-lexer )

json-lexer-lib : A lexer and pretty-printer for JSON. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-json-lexer )

json-lexer-test : A lexer and pretty-printer for JSON. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-json-lexer )

json-parsing : JSON Parsing, Folding, and Conversion ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/json-parsing )

json-pointer : Parse, render, and evaluate JSON Pointers (RFC 6901). ( https://github.com/jessealama/json-pointer )

json-socket : JSON-Talking TCP Sockets ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-json-socket )

json-sourcery-lib : library package for json-sourcery ( https://github.com/adjkant/json-sourcery )

json-type-provider : A well-typed JSON parser for Typed Racket inspired by Type Provider ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/json-type-provider )

jsond : A #lang for JSON data ( https://github.com/benknoble/jsond )

jsonic-jf : great jsonic generator ( https://github.com/ErwinKotz/test_racket_package )

jsonrpc : jsonrpc: client and server ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/jsonrpc )

k : k theorem prover ( https://github.com/racket-tw/k )

k-core : core of k theorem prover ( https://github.com/racket-tw/k )

k-doc : documentation of k theorem prover ( https://github.com/racket-tw/k )

k-example : examples of using k theorem prover ( https://github.com/racket-tw/k )

k-infix : The k-infix Racket package ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/k-infix )

k-lib : libraries of k theorem prover ( https://github.com/racket-tw/k )

k-test : The k-test Racket package ( https://github.com/racket-tw/k )

kafka : A client for Apache Kafka. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-kafka )

kafka-lib : A client for Apache Kafka. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-kafka )

karp : A language for NP-Reductions ( https://github.com/REA1/karp )

kernel : Interface to Linux kernel runtime configuration. ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-kernel )

keyring : a library for uniformly accessing secrets ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

keyring-get-pass-lib : Keyring backend using get-pass ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

keyring-keychain-lib : Keyring backend using MacOS Keychain ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

keyring-keychain-test : The keyring-keychain-test Racket package ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

keyring-lib : Implementation of the keyring package. ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

keyring-secret-service-lib : Keyring backend using Freedesktop Secret Service ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

keyring-secret-service-test : The keyring-secret-service-test Racket package ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

keyring-test : The keyring-test Racket package ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-keyring )

kinda-ferpy : An implicit functional reactive model based on MaiaVictor's PureState library ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/kinda-ferpy )

kitco : Precious Metals Market Info. Access ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/kitco )

kittle-buffer : Kittle Buffer, or KBF for short, is an extended Brainf**k implementation. ( https://github.com/KDr2/kittle-buffer )

knitscheme : A domain-specific language for knitting patterns ( https://github.com/t0mpr1c3/knitscheme )

knotty : A domain-specific language for knitting patterns ( https://github.com/t0mpr1c3/knotty )

knotty-lib : The knotty-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/t0mpr1c3/knotty )

knox : The knox Racket package ( https://github.com/anishathalye/knox )

koyo : A web application toolkit (docs and implementation). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo )

koyo-doc : A web application toolkit (docs only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo )

koyo-lib : A web application toolkit (implementation only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo )

koyo-north : A north migrator component for koyo. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo-north )

koyo-postmark : A Postmark mail adapter for koyo. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo-postmark )

koyo-sentry : Integrates koyo and racket-sentry. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo-sentry )

koyo-sessions-redis : A Redis-based session store for Koyo. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo-sessions-redis )

koyo-test : A web application toolkit (tests only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/koyo )

kw-make-struct : Naming struct fields with keywords for constructing and matching ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/kw-make-struct )

kw-make-struct-lib : Naming struct fields with keywords for constructing and matching ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/kw-make-struct )

kw-utils : misc kw utils ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/kw-utils )

lambda-calculus : A lambda-calculus DSL in Racket ( https://github.com/oransimhony/lambda-calculus )

lambda-sh : The lambda-sh Racket package ( https://github.com/wargrey/lambda-shell )

lambdajam2015-racket-pl-pl : The lambdajam-2015-racket-pl-pl Racket package ( https://github.com/rfindler/lambdajam-2015-racket-pl-pl )

lang-file : Functions for dealing with #lang files ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/lang-file )

lang-file-lib : Functions for dealing with #lang files ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/lang-file )

lang-slide : A picture showing all the languages used to implement Racket. ( https://github.com/samth/lang-slide )

langtag : BCP-47 compliant language tag predicates. ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-langtag )

laramie : HTML5 parser ( https://github.com/jessealama/laramie )

laramie-doc : Documentation for Laramie ( https://github.com/jessealama/laramie )

laramie-lib : Implementation for Laramie ( https://github.com/jessealama/laramie )

laramie-test : Tests for Laramie ( https://github.com/jessealama/laramie )

latex-pict : The latex-pict Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/latex-pict )

latex-utils : Some utilities for generating LaTeX markup of various descriptions. ( https://github.com/dented42/latex-utils )

lathe-comforts : A collection of utilities. ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-comforts-for-racket )

lathe-comforts-doc : A collection of utilities. (doc) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-comforts-for-racket )

lathe-comforts-lib : A collection of utilities. (lib) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-comforts-for-racket )

lathe-comforts-test : A collection of utilities. (test) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-comforts-for-racket )

lathe-morphisms : Interfaces for category theory concepts. ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-morphisms-for-racket )

lathe-morphisms-doc : Interfaces for category theory concepts. (doc) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-morphisms-for-racket )

lathe-morphisms-lib : Interfaces for category theory concepts. (lib) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-morphisms-for-racket )

lathe-morphisms-test : Interfaces for category theory concepts. (test) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-morphisms-for-racket )

lathe-ordinals : Ordinal numbers supporting addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-ordinals-for-racket )

lathe-ordinals-doc : Ordinal numbers supporting addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. (doc) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-ordinals-for-racket )

lathe-ordinals-lib : Ordinal numbers supporting addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. (lib) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-ordinals-for-racket )

lathe-ordinals-test : Ordinal numbers supporting addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. (test) ( https://github.com/lathe/lathe-ordinals-for-racket )

laundry : Org mode for Racket. ( https://github.com/tgbugs/laundry )

layout : The layout Racket package ( https://github.com/SimonLSchlee/layout )

layout-interactive : interact utility for use with 'layout' library ( https://github.com/SimonLSchlee/layout-interactive )

lazytree : Lightweight, general-purpose utilities for working with tree-structured data. ( https://github.com/countvajhula/lazytree )

ldap : A native Racket interface to LDAP authentication. ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/ldap )

ldap-ffi : ldap-ffi: a Racket LDAP client built on top of libldap C API ( https://github.com/DmHertz/ldap-ffi )

learn-to-type : A very simple GUI program to learn to type by copying a text. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/learn-to-type )

left-pad : String left pad ( https://github.com/bennn/racket-left-pad )

leftist-tree : Functional priority queues ( https://github.com/97jaz/leftist-tree )

lens : Composable, functional lenses ( https://github.com/jackfirth/lens )

lens-common : Base lens constructors and additional combinators ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/lens-common )

lens-data : Lens constructors for various Racket data structures ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/lens-data )

lens-doc : Documentation for the lens libraries ( https://github.com/jackfirth/lens )

lens-lib : The lens-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/lens )

lens-unstable : Unstable and experimental features for lenses ( https://github.com/jackfirth/lens )

let-expander : The let-expander Racket package ( https://github.com/Jython1415/let-expander )

levenshtein : Levenshtein Distance Metric ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/levenshtein )

levintreesearch_cm : Levin Tree Search with Context Models ( https://github.com/deepmind/levintreesearch_cm )

lex-yacc-example : Examples for lexer and yacc ( https://github.com/petterpripp/lex-yacc-example )

libansilove : FFI to Libansilove ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-libansilove )

libargon2 : The libargon2 Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-libargon2 )

libb2 : The libb2 Racket package ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-salty-crypto )

libbzip3 : FFI to libbzip3 ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-libbzip3 )

libgit2 : Low-level Racket bindings for the libgit2 C library ( https://github.com/libgit2-racket/libgit2 )

libgit2-native-libs : native libraries for libgit2 (meta-package) ( https://github.com/libgit2-racket/native-libs )

libkenji : The libkenji Racket package ( https://github.com/quantum1423/libkenji )

libnotify : FFI bindings for libnotify (desktop notifications) ( https://github.com/takikawa/racket-libnotify )

libopenal-racket : Racket wrapper for the OpenAL library ( https://github.com/lehitoskin/libopenal-racket )

libquiche : The libquiche Racket package ( https://github.com/parnikkapore/rkt-libquiche )

libserialport : FFI bindings for the libserialport library. ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-libserialport )

libsodium : Racket bindings for libsodium. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-salty-crypto )

libsqlite3 : The libsqlite3 Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-libsqlite3 )

libtoxcore-racket : A Racket wrapper for the Tox libraries. ( https://github.com/lehitoskin/libtoxcore-racket )

libuuid : FFI bindings for the libuuid library. ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-libuuid )

libxml2 : Racket bindings for libxml2 ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/libxml2-ffi )

libzstd : The libzstd Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-libzstd )

license-audit : Audit package licenses (including their dependencies) ( https://github.com/sorawee/license-audit )

lindenmayer : The lindenmayer Racket package ( https://github.com/rfindler/lindenmayer )

linea : line-oriented reader ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-rash )

linear-regression : Linear Regression implemented in Racket. ( https://github.com/HaeckGabriel/RacketLinearRegression )

linux-shared-libraries : The linux-shared-libraries Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/linux-shared-libraries )

lipics : Scribble languages for the LIPIcs paper format ( https://github.com/takikawa/lipics-scribble )

list-plus : A form that collects values into a list while supporting internal-definitions ( https://github.com/sorawee/list-plus )

list-util : Additional List utilities in Typed Racket. ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/list-util )

list-utils : Some additional list-processing functions which I have found useful. ( https://github.com/v-nys/list-utils )

literify : The literify Racket package ( https://github.com/kflu/literify )

liturgical-calendar : Compute the dates of Easter and other feasts ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/liturgical-calendar )

live-free-or-die : Freedom from Typed Racket ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/live-free-or-die )

livefrog : Convert ljdump/ljmigrate files for Frog ( https://github.com/ebzzry/livefrog )

lmdb : A wrapper for the LMDB database. ( https://github.com/dergemkr/racket-lmdb )

loci : The loci Racket package ( https://github.com/pmatos/racket-loci )

loess : Local polynomial regressions for Racket. ( https://github.com/ralsei/loess )

logger : A simple logging library with color and 7 log levels. ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/logger )

logman : Improved logging output ( https://github.com/priime0/logman )

logo : A #lang for Logo ( https://github.com/lwhjp/logo )

loop : Advanced named let ( https://github.com/sorawee/loop )

lsl : The lsl Racket package ( https://github.com/logiccomp/lsl )

lsl-lib : The lsl-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/logiccomp/lsl )

lti-freq-domain-toolbox : The lti-freq-domain-toolbox Racket package ( https://github.com/istefanis/lti-freq-domain-toolbox )

lua : The programming language Lua. Targeting version 5.3.5 (Currently unstable) ( https://github.com/shawsumma/lure )

lua-lang : A #lang implementation of the Lua programming language. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lua )

lua-lib : A #lang implementation of the Lua programming language. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lua )

lua-test : A #lang implementation of the Lua programming language. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lua )

lux : brilliant interactive programs ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/lux )

lux-charterm : a lux chaos for terminal programs ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/lux-charterm )

lwc2016 : PLT submision to the 2016 language workbench challenge ( https://github.com/dfeltey/lwc2016 )

lz4 : A Pure-Racket LZ4 decompressor. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lz4 )

lz4-lib : A Pure-Racket LZ4 decompressor. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lz4 )

lz4-test : A Pure-Racket LZ4 decompressor. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lz4 )

macrokey : MacroKey. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-macrokey )

macrokey-doc : MacroKey. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-macrokey )

macrokey-lib : MacroKey. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-macrokey )

macrokey-test : MacroKey. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-macrokey )

macrotypes-example : The macrotypes-example Racket package ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

macrotypes-lib : Types as macros core api, used to create Turnstile lang ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

macrotypes-nonstx : The macrotypes-nonstx Racket package ( https://github.com/macrotypefunctors/macrotypes-nonstx )

macrotypes-test : The macrotypes-test Racket package ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

maelstrom : The maelstrom Racket package ( https://github.com/nikhilm/gossip-glommers )

magenc : Symmetric encryption for magnet URIs (code and docs) ( https://gitlab.com/dustyweb/magenc )

magic : The magic Racket package ( https://github.com/jjsimpso/magic )

magic-loader : The magic-loader Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/magic-loader )

magnolisp : The magnolisp Racket package ( https://github.com/bldl/magnolisp )

majordomo : A job manager that includes automatic retries with updated state on restart. ( https://github.com/dstorrs/majordomo )

majordomo2 : The majordomo2 Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/majordomo2 )

make-log-interceptor : Collect events for a logger, organized by level ( https://github.com/bennn/make-log-interceptor )

malt : Code accompanying The Little Learner: A Straight Line to Deep Learning ( https://github.com/themetaschemer/malt )

map-widget : A Racket GUI Widget to display maps based on OpenStreetMap tiles ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/map-widget )

margrave : A policy analyzer ( https://github.com/jbclements/margrave )

mario : An interpreter for the 2d programming language MarioLANG ( https://github.com/mlang/mario )

marionette : The marionette Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/marionette )

marionette-doc : The marionette-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/marionette )

marionette-lib : The marionette-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/marionette )

marionette-test : The marionette-test Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/marionette )

markdown : Markdown format parser. ( https://github.com/greghendershott/markdown )

markdown-ng : New Generation of a Racket Markdown library ( https://github.com/pmatos/markdown-ng )

markdown-to-scribble : Convert markdown to scribble ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-markdown-to-scribble )

markparam : a convenience library for continuation marks like parameters ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/markparam )

markparam-doc : a convenience library for continuation marks like parameters ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/markparam )

markparam-lib : a convenience library for continuation marks like parameters ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/markparam )

markparam-test : a convenience library for continuation marks like parameters ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/markparam )

match-count : Instrumented match ( https://github.com/samth/match-count )

match-plus : The match-plus Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-match-plus )

match-string : string-append and append as a match patterns ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/match-string )

math-quiz : Math-quiz for grade 1,2,3, ... (elementary school) ( https://github.com/hrvoje064/math-quiz-jasna )

mathler : terminal version of mathler game, and its solver ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/mathler )

mathoak : A Racket library for practical mathematics. ( https://github.com/symbolistics-com/mathoak )

mboxrd-read : Racket functions for reading mboxrd and mboxcl2 (used by dovecot) format ( https://github.com/jbclements/mboxrd-read )

mcfly : Embedded Package Documentation Runtime ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/mcfly )

measures : Units and measures with basic arithmetic operations. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/measures )

measures-with-dimensions : based on measures, but with dimensions and types ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/measures-with-dimensions )

media-type : Structure and predicates for internet media types ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-media-type )

mediafile : Media File Metadata Utilities ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/mediafile )

medic : A debugging tool for better printf ( https://github.com/lixiangqi/medic )

megaparsack : practical parser combinators ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/megaparsack )

megaparsack-doc : The megaparsack-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/megaparsack )

megaparsack-lib : The megaparsack-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/megaparsack )

megaparsack-parser : built-in parsers implemented using megaparsack ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/megaparsack )

megaparsack-parser-tools : helpers for using megaparsack with parser-tools ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/megaparsack )

memcached : A native Racket interface to memcached ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/memcached )

memo : Memoization with finalizers and cleanup ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/memo )

memoize : Memoization for functions ( https://github.com/jbclements/memoize )

memoize-doc : documentation for memoize library ( https://github.com/jbclements/memoize )

memoize-lib : core library for memoize ( https://github.com/jbclements/memoize )

memoize-test : testing code for memoize ... bogus change to refresh checksum? ( https://github.com/jbclements/memoize )

message-loop : A listener-based action handling system ( https://github.com/dstorrs/message-loop )

messagepack : The messagepack Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-messagepack )

messagepack-lib : The messagepack-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-messagepack )

messagepack-test : The messagepack-test Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-messagepack )

meta : Associate metadata with values. ( https://github.com/camoy/meta )

metapict : Create beautiful pictures and diagrams ( https://github.com/soegaard/metapict )

mf-apply : PLT Redex lang-extension for checked metafunction application ( https://github.com/bennn/mf-apply )

mic1 : tools for MIC-1 CPU architecture ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/mic1 )

microformats : A microformats2 parsing library ( https://github.com/jacobwhall/racket-mf2 )

midi-readwrite : simple functions to read MIDI (.mid) files ( https://github.com/jbclements/midi-readwrite )

mike : Micro Make replacement ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-mike )

mime-type : Utilities for working with MIME types. (docs, tests and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-net-mime-type )

mime-type-lib : Utilities for working with MIME types. (implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-net-mime-type )

mind-map : Write and render mind maps in Racket. ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/mind-map )

ming : The ming Racket package ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/ming )

mini-theme : A minimal DrRacket theme ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/mini-theme )

minikanren : A Planet 2 package for minikanren ( https://github.com/takikawa/minikanren )

minikanren-ee : The minikanren-ee Racket package ( https://github.com/michaelballantyne/minikanren-ee )

minipascal : MiniPascal as a Racket language ( https://github.com/soegaard/minipascal )

mintexpp : Minimal Tex Preprocessor, inspired by Pollen ( https://github.com/shhyou/mintexpp )

mintexpp-lib : Implementation of the Minimal Tex Preprocessor ( https://github.com/shhyou/mintexpp )

mintexpp-reader-lib : The at-expression reader of the Minimal Tex Preprocessor ( https://github.com/shhyou/mintexpp )

mintexpp-tex-lib : A TeX backend for the Minimal Tex Preprocessor ( https://github.com/shhyou/mintexpp )

misc : commit f4e70ce966f8592225c58040e97bcc647bd1b235 ( https://github.com/lang-library/racket-misc )

misc1 : Miscellaneous utilities collection. ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-misc1 )

mischief : Mischief: A Racketeer's Toolkit ( https://github.com/carl-eastlund/mischief )

mischief-dev : Mischief: A Racketeer's Toolkit [development branch] ( https://github.com/carl-eastlund/mischief )

mixfix : Mixfix for Racket ( https://github.com/sorawee/mixfix )

mk : The mk Racket package ( https://github.com/WeixiMa/mk )

mm : an environment for exploring memory management ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/mm )

mmap : Wrapper for the system mmap() function ( https://github.com/samth/mmap )

mobilpay : The mobilpay Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/mobilpay )

mock : A library for creating test mocks ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-mock )

mock-rackunit : RackUnit checks for testing with mocks from the mock package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-mock )

mockfighter : Stockfighter-like API for a limit order exchange ( https://github.com/eu90h/mockfighter )

mode-lambda : 2d sprite-based graphics engine ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/mode-lambda )

modern-macros-talk : Slideshow implementation of the Modern Macros keynote talk at PADL 2023 ( https://github.com/rfindler/modern-macros-talk )

mojilang : The mojilang Racket package ( https://github.com/a11ce/esAsm )

molasses : Multi-tabbed browser for the slow internet, including Gopher and Gemini. ( https://github.com/jjsimpso/molasses )

molis-hai : The molis-hai Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/molis-hai )

monad : A generic/polymorphic monad library for Racket. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-monad )

monadicrkt : monadic racket utils ( https://github.com/dbian/monadicrkt )

mongodb : A native Racket interface to MongoDB and BSON ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/mongodb )

monitors : Java style monitors for Racket objects ( https://github.com/howell/monitors )

monotonic : Monotonic time for Racket. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-monotonic )

moonrat : The moonrat Racket package ( https://github.com/zzkt/moonrat )

mordae : Personal utilities, do not use directly! ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-mordae )

morsel-doc : documentation for morsel-lib ( https://github.com/default-kramer/morsel )

morsel-lib : core of Plisqin ( https://github.com/default-kramer/morsel )

mosquitto-ffi : An FFI binding of libmosquitto for racket ( https://github.com/bartbes/mosquitto-racket )

mox : Open XML for Microsoft Office ( https://github.com/wargrey/mox )

mqtt-client : Racket MQTT client implementation based on paho.mqtt.c ( https://github.com/joergen7/mqtt-client )

mred-designer : A WYSIWYG GUI generator for Racket ( https://github.com/Metaxal/MrEd-Designer )

msgpack : Implementation of the MessagePack protocol. ( https://gitlab.com/HiPhish/MsgPack.rkt )

msgpack-rpc : A MessagePack-RPC client for Racket ( https://github.com/wbthomason/msgpack-rpc-racket )

multi-file-lang : a #lang language for multiple files in one ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/multi-file-lang )

multi-id : The multi-id Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/multi-id )

multicolumn : The multicolumn Racket package ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/multicolumn )

multimethod : The multimethod Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-multimethod )

multimethod-doc : The multimethod-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-multimethod )

multimethod-lib : The multimethod-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-multimethod )

multimethod-test : The multimethod-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-multimethod )

multipath-daemon : The multipath-daemon Racket package ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-multipath-daemon )

multiscope : The multiscope Racket package ( https://github.com/michaelballantyne/multiscope )

mumble-ping : Ping Mumble servers ( https://github.com/winny-/mumble-ping )

mutable-match-lambda : The mutable-match-lambda Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/mutable-match-lambda )

mutate : Program mutation library - meta package ( https://github.com/llazarek/mutate )

mutate-doc : Program mutation library - docs ( https://github.com/llazarek/mutate )

mutate-lib : Program mutation library ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/mutate-lib )

mutate-mutators : Program mutation library - mutator library ( https://github.com/llazarek/mutate )

mutate-test : Program mutation library - tests ( https://github.com/llazarek/mutate )

mutt : Racket API for the Mutt email client ( https://github.com/bennn/racket-mutt )

mvar : The mvar Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-mvar )

mvar-doc : The mvar-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-mvar )

mvar-lib : The mvar-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-mvar )

mvar-test : The mvar-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-mvar )

my-cond : The my-cond Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/my-cond )

namecaser : The namecaser Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/namecaser )

named-arguments : A different syntax for specifying named arguments in Racket, by Alex Knauth ( https://github.com/t0mpr1c3/named-arguments )

namespaced-transformer : The namespaced-transformer Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/namespaced-transformer )

namespaced-transformer-doc : The namespaced-transformer-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/namespaced-transformer )

namespaced-transformer-lib : The namespaced-transformer-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/namespaced-transformer )

nanopass : The nanopass Racket package ( https://github.com/nanopass/nanopass-framework-racket )

nasa-open-api : Library for a handful of NASA's Open APIs ( https://github.com/m-hugi/nasa-open-api )

nat-traversal : NAT traversal utilities, including NAT-PMP and UPnP. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-nat-traversal )

natural-cli : Easily write large command-line interfaces (CLIs) ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/natural-cli )

neo4j-lib : Neo4j interface ( https://github.com/tomob/neo4j-lib )

neologia : A language for creating and managing dictionaries and lexicons ( https://github.com/robertkleffner/neologia )

nested-hash : Functions to allow for easy nested hash setting and getting. ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/nested-hash )

net-cookies-test : RFC6265-compliant cookie handling for client and server (test) ( https://github.com/RenaissanceBug/racket-cookies )

net-ip : IP address utilities (implementation and docs). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-net-ip )

net-ip-doc : IP address utilities (docs only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-net-ip )

net-ip-lib : IP address utilities (implementation only). ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-net-ip )

net-ip-test : Tests for net-ip-lib. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-net-ip )

net-jwt : JSON Web Token / JSON Web Signature codec, verification, signing ( https://github.com/RenaissanceBug/racket-jwt )

net-pem : Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) Parsing and Unparsing ( https://github.com/themetaschemer/net-pem )

net2 : The net2 Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-net2 )

netrc : Find entries in ~/.netrc files ( https://github.com/apg/netrc )

neu-cs2500-handin : The neu-cs2500-handin Racket package ( https://github.com/nuprl/cs2500-client )

neuron : Decentralized Software Organisms ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-neuron )

neuron-doc : Documentation for neuron ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-neuron )

neuron-lib : Impelementation of neuron ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-neuron )

nevermore : The nevermore Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/nevermore )

new : The new Racket package ( https://github.com/racket-templates/new )

nlopt : FFI wrapper for the NLopt nonlinear optimization library. ( https://github.com/jkominek/nlopt )

no-vert-bar-lang : a lang-extension that reads | as a normal character ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/no-vert-bar-lang )

noise : The noise Racket package ( https://github.com/jpverkamp/noise )

noise-protocol : Implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework cryptographic transport suite. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-salty-crypto )

noise-serde-doc : Racket - Swift interop library. (docs) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/Noise )

noise-serde-lib : Racket - Swift interop library. (implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/Noise )

noise-serde-lint-lib : Racket - Swift interop library. (linters) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/Noise )

non-det : Racket non-determinism ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/non-det )

north : A database migration tool. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-north )

nproc : A simple wrapper to num_processors in gnulib's nproc module ( https://github.com/jeroanan/nproc )

nsf-scribble : A Scribble document style for NSF proposals ( https://github.com/chrdimo/nsf-scribble )

numformat-old : Number Formatting ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/numformat-old )

numspell : Spelling Numbers as English ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/numspell )

nvim-client : API client for the Neovim text editor ( https://gitlab.com/HiPhish/neovim.rkt )

object-backtrace : The object-backtrace Racket package ( https://github.com/samth/object-backtrace )

odysseus : Library with handy general-purpose functions and macro as well as specific ones ( https://github.com/prozion/odysseus )

oii422-handin-client : Handin Client for PUCV PL course OII-422 ( https://github.com/ifigueroap/oii-422-handin-client )

open-app : A utility for opening a file or url with the default application. ( https://github.com/SimonLSchlee/open-app )

openal : FFI for OpenAL ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/openal )

opencl : A Racket interface to OpenCL using an FFI ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/opencl )

opencv : FFI bindings to the OpenCV library ( https://github.com/oetr/racket-opencv )

openfst : The openfst Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexMaclean/racket-openfst )

opengl : Exhaustive Racket bindings to OpenGL ( https://github.com/stephanh42/RacketGL )

openmpi : A Racket interface to MPI based on an FFI to OpenMPI ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/openmpi )

openweather : The openweather Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/openweather )

operational-transformation : The operational-transformation Racket package ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-operational-transformation )

operational-transformation-demo : Demo collaborative editor using Operational Transformation (OT). ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-operational-transformation )

operational-transformation-lib : The operational-transformation-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-operational-transformation )

opt : The opt Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/opt )

optimization-coach : Optimization Coach Plug-In for DrRacket ( https://github.com/stamourv/optimization-coach )

option-bind : Monadic shorthand for propagating #f in Option types ( https://github.com/RenaissanceBug/option-bind )

org : Org mode as #lang org. ( https://github.com/tgbugs/laundry )

org-mode : A native Racket reader and writer for org-mode files. ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/org-mode )

org-tools : DrRacket tool for Org Mode ( https://github.com/tgbugs/laundry )

orthauth : orthogonal authentication for racket ( https://github.com/tgbugs/orthauth )

osc : Open Sound Control data definitions ( https://github.com/jbclements/osc )

otp : Implementation of one-time passwords as specified by RFC4226 and RFC6238. ( https://github.com/yilinwei/otp )

otp-doc : The otp-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/yilinwei/otp )

otp-lib : The otp-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/yilinwei/otp )

overeasy : Racket Language Test Engine ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/overeasy )

overscan : A toolkit and live coding environment for broadcasting video. ( https://github.com/mwunsch/overscan )

p5 : Uses urlang to give p5.js better syntax. ( https://github.com/a11ce/racket-p5 )

package-analysis : A package for analyzing the Racket package ecosystem ( https://github.com/jackfirth/package-analysis )

package-backward-compatibility-checker : check backward compatibility of changes to Racket and/or base packages ( https://github.com/capfredf/pkg-backward-comp-check )

packet-socket : Access to raw Ethernet frames from Racket ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-packet-socket )

packrat : The Packrat Racket package ( https://github.com/simonhaines/packrat )

pangu : Paranoid text spacing with Racket. ( https://github.com/kisaragi-hiu/pangu.rkt )

parameter : Parameter utilities ( https://github.com/samth/parameter.plt )

paren-shape : Deprecated. Use syntax-classes-lib instead. ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/paren-shape )

parendown : A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. ( https://github.com/lathe/parendown-for-racket )

parendown-doc : A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. (doc) ( https://github.com/lathe/parendown-for-racket )

parendown-lib : A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. (lib) ( https://github.com/lathe/parendown-for-racket )

parendown-test : A weak opening parenthesis, good for eliminating indentation. (test) ( https://github.com/lathe/parendown-for-racket )

parenlog : A language that is like Prolog, but parenthetical. ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/parenlog )

pareto-frontier : Efficient Pareto frontier calculation ( https://github.com/sorawee/pareto-frontier )

parquet : The parquet Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-parquet )

parsack : A basic Parsec (Haskell's monadic parser combinator library) implementation. ( https://github.com/stchang/parsack )

parsack-doc : documentation for parsack ( https://github.com/stchang/parsack )

parsack-lib : core parsack files (no docs or tests) ( https://github.com/stchang/parsack )

parsack-test : tests and examples for parsack ( https://github.com/stchang/parsack )

parse-qif : Basic QIF-parsing code, used to apply categories to downloaded transactions ( https://github.com/jbclements/parse-qif )

parser-combinator : Parser / Lexer Library, and JSON Implementation. ( https://github.com/nixpulvis/parser-combinator )

parted : Interface to GNU Parted Disk Partion Utility ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/parted )

pcg : Permuted congruential generators (PCG) in Racket ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/pcg )

pdf-read : The pdf-read Racket package ( https://github.com/gcr/pdf-read )

peg : PEG parser generator ( https://github.com/rain-1/racket-peg )

peg-gen : Well-formed random PEG generator ( https://github.com/lives-group/pegwfgen )

peg-parser : Racket parser tool based on PEG. ( https://github.com/lives-group/peg-parser )

peony : A small frontend on web-server to make developing some kinds of webapp quicker. ( https://github.com/silver-ag/peony )

persistent-array : A semi-persistent array ( https://github.com/samth/persistent-array )

persistent-union-find : A persistent implementation of the union-find data structure ( https://github.com/samth/persistent-union-find )

pex : Apollo Art PEx System Control ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-pex )

pfds : Purely functional data structures for Typed Racket ( https://github.com/takikawa/tr-pfds )

phc-adt-doc : Documentation for phc-adt (and rendering of the literate programming) ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/phc-adt )

phc-adt-lib : Implementation of phc-adt ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/phc-adt )

phc-adt-test : Tests for phc-adt ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/phc-adt )

phc-toolkit : The phc-toolkit Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/phc-toolkit )

php-parser : A php parser ( https://github.com/antoineb/php-parser )

pict-abbrevs : Pict helper functions ( https://gitlab.com/bengreenman/pict-abbrevs )

pict-balloon2 : The pict-balloon2 Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/pict-balloon2 )

pict-utils : Asumu Takikawa's pict-utils ( https://github.com/samth/pict-utils )

pict3d : Modern 3D engine with a purely functional interface ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/pict3d )

pict3d-die-cut : For Pict3D, generates text and other 2-D shapes from paths ( https://github.com/mflatt/pict3d-die-cut )

picturing-programs-typed : The picturing-programs-typed Racket package ( https://github.com/maueroats/picturing-programs-typed )

pidec : The pidec Racket package ( https://github.com/logc/pidec )

pie : The Pie language, used in The Little Typer ( https://github.com/the-little-typer/pie )

pie-a-let-mode : A little fork of the Pie language (adds let and equal). ( https://github.com/pnwamk/pie )

piecrust : An automated (RESTful) CRUD API generator for use with the Racket web server. ( https://github.com/nadeemabdulhamid/piecrust )

pinyin : The pinyin Racket package ( https://github.com/xuchunyang/pinyin )

pipe : Iteratees in Typed Racket. ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/pipe )

pipechain : The pipechain Racket package ( https://github.com/slaymaker1907/pipechain )

pitfall : PDF generation library [under development] ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/typesetting )

pk : slightly superior print (peek) debugging ( https://gitlab.com/dustyweb/racket-pk )

pkg-build : Build server for pkgs ( https://github.com/racket/pkg-build )

pkg-dep-draw : The pkg-dep-draw Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/pkg-dep-draw )

pkg-push : The pkg-push Racket package ( https://github.com/racket/pkg-push )

pl : Eli's PL course plugin ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/pl )

plai-lazy : A lazy variant of the plai language ( https://github.com/mflatt/plai-lazy )

plai-typed : The plai-typed Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/plai-typed )

plai-typed-s-exp-match : Simple S-expression matcher for use with plai-typed ( https://github.com/mflatt/plai-typed-s-exp-match )

plait : The plait Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/plait )

plaitypus : The plaitypus Racket package ( https://github.com/stamourv/plaitypus )

planet2-example : An example package for testing purposes ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/planet2-example )

planning : A library for automated planning. ( https://github.com/jackfirth/planning )

play : The play Racket package ( https://github.com/pleiad/play )

plisqin : An SQL generator ( https://github.com/default-kramer/plisqin )

plot-bestfit : The plot-bestfit Racket package ( https://github.com/florence/plot-bestfit )

plot-container : Embed plot snips in Racket GUI applications ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/plot-container )

plplot : FFI bindings to PLplot ( https://github.com/oetr/racket-plplot )

plt-build-plot : tools to record and plot raco setup memory use ( https://github.com/racket/plt-build-plot )

plt-service-monitor : service-monitoring and heartbeat tools ( https://github.com/racket/plt-service-monitor )

plt-services : The plt-services Racket package ( https://github.com/racket/racket )

plt-web : Web-page creation libraries ( https://github.com/racket/plt-web )

plt-web-doc : documentation part of plt-web ( https://github.com/racket/plt-web )

plt-web-lib : PLT web page style and generation ( https://github.com/racket/plt-web )

pmap : Implementations of map using parallel futures and places ( https://github.com/APOS80/pmap )

pmsf : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-condition : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Condition component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-depend : PMS formatting and parsing functions. DEPEND component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-doc : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-iuse : PMS formatting and parsing functions. IUSE component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-keywords : PMS formatting and parsing functions. KEYWORDS component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-lib : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Common library. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-license : PMS formatting and parsing functions. License component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-manifest : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Manifest component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-name : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Name component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-required-use : PMS formatting and parsing functions. REQUIRED_USE component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-restrict : PMS formatting and parsing functions. RESTRICT component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-slot : PMS formatting and parsing functions. SLOT component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-src-uri : PMS formatting and parsing functions. SRC_URI component. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

pmsf-test : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

png-image : Library to view and modify PNG chunks. ( https://github.com/lehitoskin/png-image )

point-free : A library for easier and more powerful function composition ( https://github.com/jackfirth/point-free )

pollen : Publishing system for web-based books ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/pollen )

pollen-citations-mcgill : A McGill-style citations system that works within the Pollen publishing system. ( https://github.com/sanchom/pollen-citations-mcgill )

pollen-component : Component-based development for Pollen ( https://github.com/leafac/pollen-component )

pollen-count : The pollen-count Racket package ( https://github.com/malcolmstill/pollen-count )

pollen-rock : An enhanced Pollen server and an in-browser editor for Pollen files ( https://github.com/lijunsong/pollen-rock )

pollen-tfl : Sample Pollen project: source code for Typography for Lawyers website ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/pollen-tfl )

pollen-tuftorial : Pollen tutorial project based on Tufte CSS ( https://github.com/mbutterick/pollen-tuftorial )

polyglot : The polyglot Racket package ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/polyglot )

polyglot-doc : Documentation for polyglot ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/polyglot )

polyglot-lib : Implementation for Polyglot ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/polyglot )

polyglot-test : Tests for Polyglot ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/polyglot )

polysemy : The polysemy Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/polysemy )

pop-pl : A Patient-Oriented Prescription Programming Language ( https://github.com/florence/pop-pl )

popl2012-ryr-talk : The popl-2012-ryr-talk Racket package ( https://github.com/rfindler/popl-2012-ryr-talk )

port-match : Pattern Matching for Ports ( https://github.com/lwhjp/port-match )

portage-admin : A GUI application for inspection of Gentoo-based systems. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-portage-admin )

portage-admin-doc : A GUI application for inspection of Gentoo-based systems. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-portage-admin )

portage-admin-lib : A GUI application for inspection of Gentoo-based systems. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-portage-admin )

portage-admin-test : A GUI application for inspection of Gentoo-based systems. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-portage-admin )

portaudio : Bindings for portaudio, a cross-platform audio library. ( https://github.com/jbclements/portaudio )

postfix-dot-notation : a lang-extension for postfix dot notation ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/postfix-dot-notation )

postmark : A front-end for the Postmark email delivery service API ( https://github.com/jbclements/postmark )

postmark-client : A client for the Postmark HTTP API. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-postmark )

postnet : USPS POSTNET Barcode Encoding ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/postnet )

power-struct : Structure macro that easily defines a tagged default struct. ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/power-struct )

ppict : progressive picts and slideshows ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/ppict )

ppict-slide-grid : The ppict-slide-grid Racket package ( https://github.com/takikawa/ppict-slide-grid )

pprint : A universal pretty printing library ( https://github.com/takikawa/pprint.plt )

pprint-compact : A non-greedy pretty printer ( https://github.com/sorawee/pprint-compact )

predicates : The predicates Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/predicates )

prefab-predicate-compat : The prefab-predicate-compat Racket package ( https://github.com/pnwamk/prefab-predicate-compat )

presentation-big-bang : The presentation-big-bang Racket package ( https://github.com/maueroats/presentation-big-bang )

preserves : The preserves Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/preserves/preserves )

pretty-expressive : A pretty expressive printer ( https://github.com/sorawee/pretty-expressive )

pretty-format : Pretty versions of printf, format, etc. that print according to format strings ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/pretty-format )

print-debug : Debugging tool. Use for debug printing variables and expresions. ( https://github.com/aldis-sarja/print-debug )

priority-queue : Max priority queue data structure ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-priority-queue )

private-in : Require private bindings. ( https://github.com/camoy/private-in )

process-queue : A library for managing a queue of processes. ( https://github.com/llazarek/process-queue )

profile-flame-graph : Library that connects the Racket profiler to the flamegraph tool ( https://github.com/takikawa/racket-profile-flamegraph )

profj : The profj Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/profj )

progedit : Programmatic File Editing ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/progedit )

protobj : Prototype-Delegation Object Model ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/protobj )

protobuf : Protocol Buffer serialization library and ProtoC code generator plugin ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/protobuf )

protocol-buffers : The protocol-buffers Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-protocol-buffers )

protocol-buffers-lib : The protocol-buffers-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-protocol-buffers )

protocol-buffers-test : An implementation of the Protocol Buffers proto2 and proto3 specs. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-protocol-buffers )

psd : Read (and will write) Photoshop Documents ( https://github.com/wargrey/psd )

punctaffy : The punctaffy Racket package ( https://github.com/lathe/punctaffy-for-racket )

punctaffy-doc : The punctaffy-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lathe/punctaffy-for-racket )

punctaffy-lib : The punctaffy-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lathe/punctaffy-for-racket )

punctaffy-test : The punctaffy-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lathe/punctaffy-for-racket )

pure-crypto : a pure crypto implementation for racket ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-pure-crypto )

puresuri : puresuri presentation system ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/puresuri )

puzzler : A language for building 2D grid-based puzzle games. ( https://github.com/aowens-21/puzzler )

pvector : Fast, immutable, persistent vectors ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-pvector )

py-fizz : The py-fizz Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/py-fizz )

pydrnlp : NLP Library for Digital Ricoeur ( https://bitbucket.org/digitalricoeur/pydrnlp )

pyffi-doc : Use Python from Racket. ( https://github.com/soegaard/pyffi )

pyffi-lib : Use Python from Racket. ( https://github.com/soegaard/pyffi )

python : An implementation of the Python programming language for Racket ( https://github.com/pedropramos/PyonR )

python-tokenizer : A fairly direct translation of tokenize.py ( https://github.com/jbclements/python-tokenizer )

qcr : A small chat room on tcp. ( https://github.com/Antigen-1/qcr )

qi : A general-purpose functional DSL. ( https://github.com/drym-org/qi )

qi-cat : Packages for studying the connections between Qi and Category Theory. ( https://github.com/NoahStoryM/qi-cat )

qi-doc : A general-purpose functional DSL. [docs only] ( https://github.com/drym-org/qi )

qi-lib : A general-purpose functional DSL. [implementation only] ( https://github.com/drym-org/qi )

qi-probe : A circuit tester style debugger for Qi. ( https://github.com/drym-org/qi )

qi-quickscripts : DrRacket integration scripts for the Qi language ( https://github.com/spdegabrielle/Qi-Quickscripts )

qi-test : A general-purpose functional DSL. [tests only] ( https://github.com/drym-org/qi )

qiniu-sdk : A simple library for qiniu.com ( https://github.com/MatrixForChange/qiniu-sdk )

qresults-list : enhanced list-box% control ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/qresults-list )

qtops : Perform operations on things with qualities ( https://github.com/emsenn/qtops )

quad : Document processor (unstable) ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/typesetting )

quad-tree : The quad-tree Racket package ( https://github.com/dented42/racket-quad-tree )

quaternion : The Quaternion Racket package ( https://github.com/APOS80/Quaternion )

queue : An amortized O(1) queue struct ( https://github.com/dstorrs/racket-queue )

quickcheck : Quickcheck Clone ( https://github.com/ifigueroap/racket-quickcheck )

quickscript-competition2020 : Scripts from the Quickscript Competition July 2020 ( https://github.com/Quickscript-Competiton/July2020entries )

quickscript-extra : Some scripts for DrRacket's Quickscript. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/quickscript-extra )

quickscript-test : Tests for the quickscript package ( https://github.com/Metaxal/quickscript-test )

quote-bad : A version of quote that helps to rid programs of bad uses of quote ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/quote-bad )

qweather : the qweather Racket package ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/qweather )

r-cade : Retro game engine. ( https://github.com/massung/r-cade )

r-lexer : The r-lexer Racket package ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-r-lexer )

r-linq : LINQ implemented in Racket. ( https://github.com/trajafri/r-linq )

r16 : Community-Driven Interactive Code Evaluation ( https://git.sr.ht/~williewillus/r16 )

r7rs : An implementation of R7RS as a #lang ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-r7rs )

r7rs-lib : The r7rs-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-r7rs )

raart : racket ansi art ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/raart )

rackcheck : A property-based testing library with shrinking support. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/rackcheck )

rackcheck-lib : A property-based testing library with shrinking support. (implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/rackcheck )

rackdis : Redis bindings ( https://github.com/eu90h/rackdis )

racket-build-guide : Racket build and contribution documentation ( https://github.com/racket/racket )

racket-cheat : a user-friendly index into the Racket documentation ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/racket-cheat )

racket-chipmunk : Chipmunk bindings for Racket. ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/racket-chipmunk )

racket-cord : Racket bindings for discord. ( https://github.com/simmsb/racket-cord )

racket-dogstatsd : DogStatsD client for Racket, allowing you to send metrics to Datadog ( https://github.com/DarrenN/racket-dogstatsd )

racket-glossary : The racket-glossary Racket package ( https://git.sr.ht/~sschwarzer/racket-glossary )

racket-graphviz : Make composition of Racket Pict and Graphviz Diagrams possible. ( https://github.com/pykello/racket-graphviz )

racket-immutable : The racket-immutable Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/racket-immutable )

racket-lambda-runtime : The racket-lambda-runtime Racket package ( https://github.com/johnnyodonnell/racket-lambda-runtime )

racket-lang-org : Sources for http://racket-lang.org ( https://github.com/racket/racket-lang-org )

racket-langserver : Language Server Protocol implementation for Racket ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/racket-langserver )

racket-language-server : Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Racket. ( https://github.com/theia-ide/racket-language-server )

racket-llvm : racket llvm C-API bindings ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/racket-llvm )

racket-locale : More, and complete, locale tools. ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-locale )

racket-paint : A simple paint program ( https://github.com/Metaxal/racket-paint )

racket-poppler : Read, search and render pdfs. Use LaTeX in scribble and slidehow. ( https://github.com/soegaard/racket-poppler )

racket-processing : The racket-processing Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/racket-processing )

racket-quandl : Grab data from Quandl with racket for fun and profit ( https://github.com/malcolmstill/racket-quandl )

racket-rackunit-grade : The racket-rackunit-grade Racket package ( https://github.com/ifigueroap/racket-rackunit-grade )

racket-raylib2d : Racket wrapper for Raylib (https://www.raylib.com/) v2.5 2D functionality ( https://github.com/arvyy/racket-raylib-2d )

racket-route-match : The racket-route-match Racket package ( https://github.com/Junker/racket-route-match )

racket-scaffold : Simple templated content generator integrated with raco ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-scaffold )

racket-school-mystery-languages : The racket-school-mystery-languages Racket package ( https://github.com/justinpombrio/RacketSchool )

racket-spider : lightweight http client ( https://github.com/Syntacticlosure/racket-spider )

racket-to : The racket-to Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/racket-to )

racket-to-python : The racket-to-python Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/racket-to-python )

racket-tree-sitter : racket binding to tree-sitter ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/racket-tree-sitter )

racketcon2018-web-devel-workshop : Material for the web development workshop held at RacketCon 2018 ( https://github.com/jessealama/racketcon-2018-web-devel-workshop )

racketframes : A Racket DataFrames package. ( https://github.com/bommysk/RacketFrames )

racketmq : An implementation of W3C WebSub. ( https://git.syndicate-lang.org/syndicate-lang/racketmq-2017 )

racketscript : A lightweight Racket to JavaScript compiler with some batteries included ( https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript )

racketscript-compiler : A Racket to JavaScript compiler ( https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript )

racketscript-doc : Documentation for racketscript. ( https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript )

racketscript-extras : Goodies for RacketScript ( https://github.com/racketscript/racketscript )

racketscript-universe : The racketscript-universe Racket package ( https://github.com/leiDnedyA/racketscript-universe )

racketui : Automated web forms UI generator (especially for HtDP) ( https://github.com/nadeemabdulhamid/racketui )

rackjure : Some Clojure-inspired idioms. ( https://github.com/greghendershott/rackjure )

rackonsole : Lightweight Operator Console for Racket Server Processes ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rackonsole )

rackpgmp : A library for profile-guided meta-programming ( https://github.com/wilbowma/pgmp )

rackpropagator : Reverse-mode automatic differentiation ( https://github.com/ots22/rackpropagator )

rackpropagator-doc : Rackpropagator documentation ( https://github.com/ots22/rackpropagator )

rackpropagator-lib : Reverse-mode automatic differentiation (implementation) ( https://github.com/ots22/rackpropagator )

rackpropagator-test : Rackpropagator tests ( https://github.com/ots22/rackpropagator )

rackterm : The rackterm Racket package ( https://github.com/willghatch/rackterm )

rackunit-abbrevs : Iterated RackUnit tests ( https://github.com/bennn/rackunit-abbrevs )

rackunit-chk : a short hand for writing rackunit tests ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/rackunit-chk )

rackunit-fancy-runner : Command-line RackUnit test runner with fancy output ( https://github.com/c2d7fa/rackunit-fancy-runner )

rackunit-grade : Simple library and raco command for grading homework against a test file ( https://github.com/ifigueroap/racket-rackunit-grade )

rackunit-macrotypes-lib : rackunit extension for use with Turnstile lang ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

rackunit-spec : BDD test helpers for rackunit ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/rackunit-spec )

raco-bug : Submit bug reports ( https://github.com/samth/raco-bug )

raco-cross : A raco command to drive cross compilation. ( https://github.com/racket/raco-cross )

raco-cross-doc : documentation part of raco-cross ( https://github.com/racket/raco-cross )

raco-cross-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of raco-cross ( https://github.com/racket/raco-cross )

raco-exe-multitarget : Create standalone binaries for multiple target platforms ( https://git.sr.ht/~sschwarzer/raco-exe-multitarget )

raco-find-collection : A script to find collections. ( https://github.com/takikawa/raco-find-collection )

raco-format : Format racket source files ( https://github.com/mxork/raco-format )

raco-invoke : The raco-invoke Racket package ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/raco-invoke )

raco-macro-step : Run the macro stepper from the command line ( https://github.com/samth/raco-macro-step )

raco-new : A raco command for quickly creating new Racket projects ( https://github.com/priime0/raco-new )

raco-pkg-env : virtualenv like tool for Racket ( https://github.com/samdphillips/raco-pkg-env )

raco-pkg-env-lib : virtualenv like tool for Racket ( https://github.com/samdphillips/raco-pkg-env )

raco-run : Run submodules from the command line ( https://github.com/samdphillips/raco-run )

raco-static-web : Serve some static files from raco ( https://github.com/samdphillips/raco-static-web )

raco-watch : An extension of raco command that watching files and re-executing subcommand ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/raco-watch )

racquel : Racquel is an object/relational mapper for Racket. ( https://github.com/brown131/racquel )

racr : The racr Racket package ( https://github.com/eeide/racr )

ragg : The ragg Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/ragg )

ralgo : Convenient implementations of various data structures for Racket. ( https://github.com/priime0/ralgo )

ralist : Purely Functional Random Access Lists ( https://github.com/dvanhorn/ralist )

ranked-programming : A library that provides ranked programming functionality in Racket. ( https://github.com/tjitze/ranked-programming )

rapider : web scrape framework ( https://github.com/nuty/rapider )

rapider-lib : The rapider-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/nuty/rapider )

rascas : The rascas Racket package ( https://github.com/Metaxal/rascas )

rash : The Reckless Racket Shell. For interactions and scripting. ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-rash )

rash-demos : Demo code for the Rash package. ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-rash )

ratchet : Toolkit for defining visual languages. ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/ratchet )

ratel : The ratel Racket package ( https://github.com/198d/ratel )

raw-string : Raw string support without at-exp ( https://github.com/cmpitg/racket-raw-string )

rawk : AWK-like scripting in Racket. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-rawk )

rawk-doc : AWK-like scripting in Racket. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-rawk )

rawk-lib : AWK-like scripting in Racket. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-rawk )

rawk-test : AWK-like scripting in Racket. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-rawk )

rawk-tool : AWK-like scripting in Racket. Tool. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-rawk )

raylib : Semi-automatically generated Raylib bindings. ( https://github.com/eutro/racket-raylib )

rbulkresizer : Graphical bulk picture resize tool ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/rbulkresizer )

rdf : The rdf Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-rdf )

rdf-core : The rdf-core Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-rdf-core )

rdf-dc : The rdf-dc Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-rdf-dc )

rdf-io : A more complete set of RDF I/O procedures than the rdf-core package. ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-rdf-io )

reactor : An embedded synchronous reactive language, a la reactiveML ( https://github.com/florence/reactor )

readline-gpl : Cause readline collection to use GNU's readline library. ( https://github.com/racket/readline-gpl )

ream : low-level, and zero dependencies Racket web server ( https://github.com/X-Files-Institute/ream )

rebellion : A collection of infrastructure libraries ( https://github.com/jackfirth/rebellion )

recaptcha : Utilities for using reCAPTCHA with the web-server/formlets API ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/recaptcha )

reconstruct-template : The reconstruct-template Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/reconstruct-template )

recursive-language : A language for writing recursively computable functions ( https://github.com/sorawee/recursive-language )

redex-aam-tutorial : A brief introduction to the Redex and Abstracting Abstract Machines. ( https://github.com/dvanhorn/redex-aam-tutorial )

redex-abbrevs : Tools for PLT Redex ( https://github.com/bennn/redex-abbrevs )

redex-abbrevs-doc : documentation for redex-abbrevs ( https://github.com/bennn/redex-abbrevs )

redex-abbrevs-lib : Implementation of redex-abbrevs ( https://github.com/bennn/redex-abbrevs )

redex-chk : rackunit/chk style checks for redex ('term' quotes automatically) ( https://github.com/pnwamk/redex-chk )

redex-etc : Miscellanea for Redex. ( https://github.com/camoy/redex-etc )

redex-parameter : Parameters for extensions in Redex. ( https://github.com/camoy/redex-parameter )

redis : A redis client for Racket. ( https://github.com/stchang/redis )

redis-doc : Fast, idiomatic bindings for Redis. (docs only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-redis )

redis-lib : Fast, idiomatic bindings for Redis. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-redis )

redis-rkt : Fast, idiomatic bindings for Redis. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-redis )

redis-test : Fast, idiomatic bindings for Redis. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-redis )

reed-solomon : Reed-Solomon implementation ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-reed-solomon )

regex-machine : An implementation of Russ Cox's regular expression machine language ( https://github.com/jackfirth/regex-machine )

regraph : A pure-Racket equivalence graph ( https://github.com/herbie-fp/regraph )

relation : Generic interfaces and convenient utilities for using relations. ( https://github.com/countvajhula/relation )

relation-doc : Generic interfaces and convenient utilities for using relations. [docs only] ( https://github.com/countvajhula/relation )

relation-lib : The relation-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/countvajhula/relation )

relation-test : Generic interfaces and convenient utilities for using relations. [tests only] ( https://github.com/countvajhula/relation )

reloadable : The reloadable Racket package ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-reloadable )

remember : The remember Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/remember )

remote-shell : Tools for running on remote and virtual-machine hosts ( https://github.com/racket/remote-shell )

remote-shell-doc : documentation part of remote-shell ( https://github.com/racket/remote-shell )

remote-shell-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of remote-shell ( https://github.com/racket/remote-shell )

repeated-application : The repeated-application Racket package ( https://github.com/v-nys/repeated-application )

repltest : REPL test: copy-paste REPL interactions and run them as tests ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/repltest )

reporter : A util toolbox for compiler error reporting ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/reporter )

reprovide-lang : a #lang for reproviding modules ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/reprovide-lang )

reprovide-lang-lib : a #lang for reproviding modules ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/reprovide-lang )

req : Dependency manager for Racket projects. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-req )

req-doc : Dependency manager for Racket projects. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-req )

req-lib : Dependency manager for Racket projects. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-req )

req-test : Dependency manager for Racket projects. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-req )

request : The request Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-request )

require-latency : A raco command for measuring the latency in requiring any module. ( https://github.com/countvajhula/require-latency )

require-typed-check : require/typed, but skips contracts on already-typed imports ( https://github.com/bennn/require-typed-check )

resource-pool : A generic blocking resource pool. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-resource-pool )

resource-pool-lib : A generic blocking resource pool. (implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-resource-pool )

response-ext : Extended HTTP response functions for Racket Web Server ( https://github.com/Junker/response-ext )

restore : protocol for restore program state ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/restore )

resyntax : A refactoring tool built on top of syntax-parse. ( https://github.com/jackfirth/resyntax )

retry : Composable configurable retryers for flakily failing operations. ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-retry )

review : A surface-level linter for #lang racket modules. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-review )

rex : Language for deterministic finite state machines ( https://github.com/alehed/rex )

rfc3339-old : RFC 3339 Timestamps ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rfc3339-old )

rfc6455 : RFC 6455 WebSockets support for Racket. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-rfc6455 )

rhombus : Rhombus base language ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rhombus )

rhombus-draw : Rhombus drawing library ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rhombus-draw )

rhombus-draw-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of rhombus-draw ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-gui : Rhombus GUI library ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rhombus-gui )

rhombus-gui-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of rhombus-gui ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of rhombus ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-main-distribution : A package that combines all of the packages in the main Rhombus distribution ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-main-distribution-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of rhombus-main-distribution ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-pict : Rhombus functional-picture library ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rhombus-pict )

rhombus-pict-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of rhombus-pict ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-prototype : A compatibility package that combines original Rhombus packages ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-scribble : Rhombus text-document and documentation library ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rhombus-scribble )

rhombus-scribble-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of rhombus-scribble ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

rhombus-slideshow : Rhombus slide-presentation library ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rhombus-slideshow )

rhombus-slideshow-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of rhombus-slideshow ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

ricoeur-kernel : A standard library for Digital Ricoeur ( https://bitbucket.org/digitalricoeur/ricoeur-kernel )

ricoeur-tei-utils : Digital Ricoeur library for TEI XML files ( https://bitbucket.org/digitalricoeur/tei-utils )

riff : riff is a racket wrapper for FLIF ( https://github.com/lehitoskin/riff )

rifl : A playing card stack language ( https://github.com/Jesse-Hamlin-Navias/RifL )

rilouworld : Decentralized game universe in which players create and share their own levels ( https://github.com/euhmeuh/rilouworld )

rince : The rince Racket package ( https://github.com/lwhjp/rince )

ring-buffer : An imperative overwriting ring buffer data structure ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/ring-buffer )

riposte : Language for testing JSON-based HTTP APIs ( https://github.com/vicampo/riposte )

rival : Interval analysis for real computation ( https://github.com/herbie-fp/rival )

rkt-tree-widget : Yet another tree widget for racket/gui ( https://github.com/yjqww6/rkt-tree-widget )

rktermios : The rktermios Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/racketeer/rktermios )

rktfetch : rktfetch is an info fetch tool (like neofetch) but written in Racket ( https://github.com/mythical-linux/rktfetch )

rmacs : An EMACS written in Racket. Runs in ANSI-compatible terminals. ( https://github.com/tonyg/rmacs )

rmc : Racket-made C ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/rmc )

rml-core : The rml-core Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/rml-core )

rml-decisiontrees : The rml-decisiontrees Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/rml-decisiontrees )

rml-knn : The rml-knn Racket package ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/rml-knn )

rml-neural : Pedantic implementation of neural networks for deep learning in Racket ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/rml-neural )

rockstar : The rockstar Racket package ( https://github.com/whichxjy/rockstar-rkt )

rokit-racket : The rokit-racket Racket package ( https://github.com/thoughtstem/rokit-racket )

roman-numeral : Utilities for parsing and writing Roman numerals ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/roman-numeral )

roomba : iRobot Roomba/Create Interface ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/roomba )

rosetta : The rosetta Racket package ( https://github.com/aptmcl/rosetta )

rosette : The Rosette Language ( https://github.com/emina/rosette )

routy : Routy is a lightweight high performance HTTP request router for Racket. ( https://github.com/Junker/routy )

rparallel : High-level parallel forms ( https://codeberg.org/montanari/rparallel )

rpn : The rpn Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/rpn )

rpp : The rpp Racket package ( https://github.com/derkachdaniil/racket-c-plus-plus )

rs : The rs Racket package ( https://github.com/mcdejonge/rs )

rs-l : Library with loop and event tools for rs (the Racket Sequencer) ( https://github.com/mcdejonge/rs-l )

rsa : An rsa encryption library for racket ( https://github.com/mgbowe1/racket-rsa )

rsc3 : The rsc3 SuperCollider client ported to Racket ( https://github.com/quakehead/rsc3 )

rsharp : attempt at create c# - like syntax for teaching purposes ( https://github.com/derkachdaniil/rsharp )

rsound : The rsound Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/RSound )

rsvg : FFI bindings to libRSVG, a library for loading SVG documents ( https://github.com/takikawa/racket-rsvg )

rtlv : Tools for reasoning about circuits in Rosette/Racket ( https://github.com/anishathalye/rtlv )

rtmidi : The rtmidi Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/rtmidi )

rtnl : Racket FFI Bindings for the Route-Netlink Library ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-rtnl )

ruckus : Procedural CAD system for solid modeling ( https://github.com/cbiffle/ruckus )

ruinit : A small unit testing framework. ( https://github.com/LLazarek/ruinit )

runomatic : A bot and API client for runogame.com ( https://github.com/winny-/runomatic )

russian : Russian internationalization bits ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/russian )

russian-lang : Programming language based on russian language ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/russian-lang )

rustc-wrapper : Run Rust code inside Racket with rustc. ( https://github.com/csmoe/rustc-wrapper )

rwind : An X11 window manager written in Racket (still in early stage) ( https://github.com/Metaxal/rwind )

rws-html-template : Racket Web Server html-template Support ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/rws-html-template )

rx : Functional Regular Expressions ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-rx )

rx-tx-async-channel : The rx-tx-async-channel Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/rx-tx-async-channel )

s-lib : A collection of functions for string and word manipulation ( https://github.com/caisah/s-lib )

s3-sync : Sync filesystem with an S3 bucket ( https://github.com/mflatt/s3-sync )

safe-case : Like case but with stronger checks to avoid uncaught typos ( https://github.com/Metaxal/safe-case )

sameday : A Racket client for the Sameday API. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-sameday )

sasl : SASL authentication client support ( https://github.com/racket/sasl )

sasl-doc : SASL authentication client support ( https://github.com/racket/sasl )

sasl-lib : SASL authentication client support ( https://github.com/racket/sasl )

sasl-test : SASL authentication client support ( https://github.com/racket/sasl )

sass : Bindings to libsass. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-sass )

sat : A simple SAT solver based on DPLL. ( https://github.com/Kraks/SAT.rkt )

satore : The satore Racket package ( https://github.com/Metaxal/satore )

sau-cptr405 : SAU CPTR-405 W20 handin plugin for DrRacket ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/sau-cptr-405 )

sauron : A DrRacket plugin to make it experience like an IDE ( https://github.com/dannypsnl/sauron )

sawzall : A grammar for data wrangling ( https://github.com/ralsei/sawzall )

sawzall-doc : Documentation for Sawzall ( https://github.com/ralsei/sawzall )

sawzall-lib : A grammar for data wrangling (no documentation) ( https://github.com/ralsei/sawzall )

sawzall-test : Tests for Sawzall ( https://github.com/ralsei/sawzall )

scapegoat-tree : Dictionaries and Sets backed by scapegoat trees. ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-scapegoat-tree )

scgi : Web Server HTTP SCGI and CGI ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/scgi )

schema : A data modeling tool for Typed Racket ( https://github.com/wargrey/schema )

scheme-plus-for-racket : The Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket Racket package ( https://github.com/damien-mattei/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket )

scheme2d : The future of programming. ( https://github.com/eutro/scheme2d )

sci : Floating point matrices using CBLAS and LAPACK. ( https://github.com/soegaard/sci )

scone : SCheme Object Notation (Economized) -- scone ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-scone )

scope-operations : The scope-operations Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/scope-operations )

scramble : Assorted utility libraries (tests and documentation) ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-scramble )

scramble-lib : Assorted utility libraries ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-scramble )

scrapyard : Light helper for web scrapers. Caches and parses downloaded files. ( https://github.com/lassik/racket-scrapyard )

scratch : The scratch Racket package ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-scratch )

scratchy : Scratch-like runtime and language ( https://github.com/mflatt/scratchy )

scribble-abbrevs : Scribble-to-LaTeX helper functions ( https://github.com/bennn/scribble-abbrevs )

scribble-bettergrammar : The scribble-bettergrammar Racket package ( https://github.com/wilbowma/scribble-bettergrammar )

scribble-bettergrammar-doc : The scribble-bettergrammar-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/wilbowma/scribble-bettergrammar )

scribble-bettergrammar-lib : The scribble-bettergrammar-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/wilbowma/scribble-bettergrammar )

scribble-cheatsheet : Quick reference for Scribble ( https://github.com/a11ce/scribble-cheatsheet )

scribble-code-examples : A scribble examples form that works with non-s-exp languages ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/scribble-code-examples )

scribble-code-examples-lib : A scribble examples form that works with non-s-exp languages ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/scribble-code-examples )

scribble-enhanced : The scribble-enhanced Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/scribble-enhanced )

scribble-frog-helper : scribble helper functions especially for writing blogs with frog ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/scribble-frog-helper )

scribble-include-text : Put the contents of a file directly in a Scribble doc ( https://gitlab.com/bengreenman/scribble-include-text )

scribble-lp2-manual : Literate programming in style ( https://github.com/benknoble/scribble-lp2-manual )

scribble-math : The scribble-math Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/scribble-math )

scribble-minted-lib : A scribble library for using pygmentize (library only). ( https://github.com/wilbowma/scribble-minted )

scribble-rainbow-delimiters : Colorizing matched brackets of codes on HTML pages generated by Racket Scribble ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/scribble-rainbow-delimiters )

scribble-slideshow : Write slideshows using Scribble. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/scribble-slideshow )

scribble-slideshow-lib : Write slideshows using Scribble. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/scribble-slideshow )

scriblogify : Scribble your blog! ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/scriblogify )

scripty : The scripty Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/scripty )

scripty-doc : The scripty-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/scripty )

scripty-lib : The scripty-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/scripty )

scrypt : Racket binding to Colin Percival's scrypt function. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-scrypt )

sdl : Racket bindings for SDL ( https://github.com/cosmez/racket-sdl )

sdl2 : Racket bindings to the Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 library: the full package. ( https://github.com/lockie/racket-sdl2 )

sdraw : The sdraw Racket package ( https://github.com/jackrosenthal/sdraw-racket )

search-list-box : A list-box% with a search field ( https://github.com/Metaxal/search-list-box )

search-upward : The search-upward Racket package ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/search-upward )

secd : An SECD to ARM Assembler compiler, supporting a small subset of instructions. ( https://github.com/GPRicci/secd )

secp256k1 : Utilities for the secp256k1 curve, used in Bitcoin. ( https://github.com/MohamedLEGH/secp256k1 )

semaphore-utils : A small library for working with semaphores. ( https://github.com/dstorrs/semaphore-utils )

semilit : Semi-literate programming for any Racket language ( https://github.com/samth/semilit )

semver : An implementation of the semver (semantic versioning) specification ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-semver )

send-exp : Terse syntax for object-oriented message sending ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-send-exp )

sendinblue : A client for the Sendinblue transactional email API. ( https://github.com/sxn/racket-sendinblue )

sendinblue-test : A client for the Sendinblue transactional email API. (tests only) ( https://github.com/sxn/racket-sendinblue )

sentry : A Sentry SDK for Racket. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-sentry )

sentry-doc : A Sentry SDK for Racket. (docs only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-sentry )

sentry-lib : A Sentry SDK for Racket. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-sentry )

sentry-test : A Sentry SDK for Racket. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-sentry )

seq : A generic, isomorphic, sequence library. ( https://github.com/countvajhula/seq )

seq-doc : A generic, isomorphic, sequence library. [docs only] ( https://github.com/countvajhula/seq )

seq-lib : A generic, isomorphic, sequence library. [implementation only] ( https://github.com/countvajhula/seq )

seq-no-order : ~seq-no-order and ~no-order as pattern-expanders that work with syntax/parse. ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/seq-no-order )

seq-test : A generic, isomorphic, sequence library. [tests only] ( https://github.com/countvajhula/seq )

serialize-syntax-introducer : The serialize-syntax-introducer Racket package ( https://github.com/macrotypefunctors/serialize-syntax-introducer )

set : Use racket/set instead ( https://github.com/samth/set.rkt )

set-exp : Literal set syntax ( https://github.com/jackfirth/set-exp )

set-extras : The set-extras Racket package ( https://github.com/philnguyen/set-extras )

sew : A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. ( https://github.com/lathe/sew-for-racket )

sew-doc : A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. (doc) ( https://github.com/lathe/sew-for-racket )

sew-lib : A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. (lib) ( https://github.com/lathe/sew-for-racket )

sew-test : A meta-language for assembling a file with custom preprocessing logic. (test) ( https://github.com/lathe/sew-for-racket )

sexp-diff : Diffs s-expressions based on Levenshtein-like edit distance. ( https://github.com/stamourv/sexp-diff )

sexp-diff-doc : Diffs s-expressions based on Levenshtein-like edit distance, documentation. ( https://github.com/stamourv/sexp-diff )

sexp-diff-lib : Diffs s-expressions based on Levenshtein-like edit distance, library only. ( https://github.com/stamourv/sexp-diff )

sexp-diff-test : Tests for sexp-diff-lib ( https://github.com/stamourv/sexp-diff )

sexp-enforest : enforestation in sexp ( https://github.com/syntacticlosure/sexp-enforest )

sfont : A package for manipulating and creating fonts in Racket. ( https://github.com/danielecapo/sfont )

sha : SHA-1 and SHA-2, via FFI to OpenSSL. ( https://github.com/greghendershott/sha )

shell-pipeline : Shell pipeline library ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-rash )

shlex : shlex for Racket: Simple lexical analysis ( https://github.com/sorawee/shlex )

shootout : Expression Performance Comparison ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/shootout )

shplait : The shplait Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/shplait )

shrubbery : Shrubbery notation parser and printer ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/shrubbery )

shrubbery-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of shrubbery ( https://github.com/racket/rhombus )

sicp : SICP Support for DrRacket ( https://github.com/sicp-lang/sicp )

signature : Syntax and utilities for writing function contracts as signatures ( https://github.com/thinkmoore/signature )

simple-barcode : Barcode tool ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-simple-barcode )

simple-http : Very small lib for making HTTP requests, usually to APIs. ( https://github.com/DarrenN/simple-http )

simple-matrix : A very simple library for basic matrix arithmetic. ( https://bitbucket.org/derend/simple-matrix )

simple-oauth2 : Simple OAuth 2.0 client implementation ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/simple-oauth2 )

simple-obfuscation : The simple-obfuscation Racket package ( https://github.com/rfindler/simple-obfuscation )

simple-polynomial : Basic polynomial arithmetic and interpolation. ( https://bitbucket.org/derend/simple-polynomial )

simple-qr : QR code tool ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-simple-qr )

simple-svg : svg generate tool for racket ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-simple-svg )

simple-xlsx : read and write .xlsx file. ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-simple-xlsx )

simple-xml : Simplify xml's read and write. ( https://github.com/simmone/racket-simple-xml )

simplelog : Simple logging library ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/xgqt-lang-lib-simplelog4all )

simply-scheme : The simply-scheme Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/simply-scheme )

sinbad : The sinbad Racket package ( https://github.com/berry-cs/sinbad-rkt )

sirmail : An IMAP mail client ( https://github.com/mflatt/sirmail )

sketching : Sketching - Language, documentation and examples ( https://github.com/soegaard/sketching )

sketching-doc : Documentation for Sketching ( https://github.com/soegaard/sketching )

sketching-lib : The sketching-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/sketching )

sl2014 : The sl2014 Racket package ( https://github.com/mfelleisen/sl2014 )

slack-api : Racket bindings for the Slack API ( https://github.com/octotep/racket-slack-api )

slack-archive-viewer : Generate a static site to view slack archives ( https://github.com/benknoble/slack-archive-viewer )

slib-format : SLIB's Common Lisp compatible format ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-slib-format )

slide-easy : Create slides and templates easily ( https://github.com/Antigen-1/slide-easy )

slideshow-latex : Slideshow extensions to embed LaTeX and math, as well as other goodies ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/slideshow-latex )

slideshow-pretty : Slideshow extensions to add pretty transitions between slides. ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/slideshow-pretty )

slideshow-repl : The slideshow-repl Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/slideshow-repl )

slideshow-text-style : Small library that helps with formatting text in a slideshow ( https://github.com/takikawa/slideshow-text-style )

smart-completion : The smart-completion Racket package ( https://github.com/syntacticlosure/smart-completion )

smathml : SMathML is a way to write math on the web. ( https://github.com/alpha-beta-eta/SMathML )

sml : S-Markup Language ( https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-sml )

smtp : A practical library to send emails using SMTP protocol ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/smtp )

smtp-server : An implementation of RFC5321 for Racket. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-smtp-server )

smtp-server-test : An implementation of RFC5321 for Racket. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-smtp-server )

snack : The snack Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/snack )

snappy : FFI bindings to snappy, a fast compression library ( https://github.com/stchang/snappy )

snappy-lib : A pure-Racket decompressor for Snappy data. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-snappy )

snappy-rkt : A pure-Racket decompressor for Snappy data. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-snappy )

snappy-test : A pure-Racket decompressor for Snappy data. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-snappy )

social-contract : High-level, composable syntax for describing contracts. ( https://github.com/countvajhula/social-contract )

socks5 : SOCKS5 TCP Client ( https://github.com/cloudrac3r/racket-socks5 )

softposit-herbie : SoftPosit support for Herbie ( https://github.com/herbie-fp/softposit-herbie )

softposit-rkt : The softposit-rkt Racket package ( https://github.com/DavidThien/softposit-rkt )

sonic-pi : The sonic-pi Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/sonic-pi )

soundex : Soundex Index Keying ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/soundex )

soup-lib : Assorted things too minor to go into packages of their own ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-soup-lib )

spacemacs-theme : Spacemacs lite and dark color themes for DrRacket. ( https://github.com/massung/spacemacs-racket )

sparse : The sparse Racket package ( https://github.com/ricky-escobar/sparse )

spipe : A 'super-pipe' that threads over Racket hash-tables ( https://github.com/BourgondAries/spipe )

split-by : The split-by function from Mathematica ( https://github.com/samth/split-by )

splitflap : Atom and RSS feed generation ( https://github.com/otherjoel/splitflap )

splitflap-doc : Documentation for splitflap ( https://github.com/otherjoel/splitflap )

splitflap-lib : Implementation of splitflap ( https://github.com/otherjoel/splitflap )

spmatrix : Semi-persistent matrices based on spvectors ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/matrix )

spreadsheet-editor : Flexible spreadsheet editor built on top of Racket's GUI controls ( https://github.com/kugelblitz/spreadsheet-editor )

spvector : The spvector Racket package ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/spvector )

sql : an S-expression notation for SQL ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/sql )

sql-sourcery : The sql-sourcery Racket package ( https://github.com/adjkant/sql-sourcery )

sqlite-table : The sqlite-table Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/sqlite-table )

squicky : A parser for a wiki syntax (a mild extension of WikiCreole) ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/squicky )

srfi-doc-nonfree : The srfi-doc-nonfree Racket package ( https://github.com/racket/srfi )

srfi-lib-nonfree : parts of srfi implementation that are licensed restrictively ( https://github.com/racket/srfi )

ss-rpc-server : RPC for using Racket as GNU Emacs extension language ( https://github.com/sk1e/ss-rpc-server )

sse : Server Sent Events for Racket ( https://gitlab.com/oquijano/sse )

ssh-hack : A simple Dgamelaunch client ( https://github.com/winny-/ssh-hack )

stacker : The Stacker Racket package ( https://github.com/LuKC1024/stacker )

staged-slide : Helpers for building staged slides in Slideshow ( https://github.com/stamourv/staged-slide )

stardate : Compute the current TNG stardate. ( https://github.com/dyoo/stardate )

static-rename : The static-rename Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-static-rename )

static-rename-doc : The static-rename-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-static-rename )

static-rename-lib : The static-rename-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-static-rename )

static-rename-test : The static-rename-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-static-rename )

statsd : statsd client for racket ( https://github.com/apg/statsd-rkt )

stencil-vector-utils : Functions for working with stencil vectors ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-stencil-vector-utils )

stockfighter-racket : Stockfighter API client ( https://github.com/eu90h/stockfighter-racket )

stomp : STOMP messaging protocol codec and client ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-stomp )

stream-etc : Miscellaneous stream operations. ( https://github.com/camoy/stream-etc )

stream-values : A library for multiple values manipulation in streams ( https://github.com/sorawee/stream-values )

stretchable-snip : Racket library for stretchable (scalable) editor snips ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/stretchable-snip )

string-constants-lib-lgpl : The string-constants-lib-lgpl Racket package ( https://github.com/racket/string-constants )

string-interpolation : String interpolation syntax in string literals ( https://github.com/Grafcube/racket-string-interpolation )

string-searchers : String search algorithms ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-string-searchers )

string-sexpr : a supplementary package for Fundamentals I ( https://github.com/mfelleisen/string-sexpr )

string-util : Additional string utilities in Typed Racket. ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/string-util )

stripe-integration : Unofficial Stripe API integration with Racket ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/stripe-integration )

struct-defaults : Default values in struct ctors and patterns. ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-struct-defaults )

struct-define : quickly pull out struct fields ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/struct-define )

struct-like-struct-type-property : Creating struct-type properties with a struct-like interface ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/struct-like-struct-type-property )

struct-persist : The struct-persist Racket package ( https://github.com/javiervivanco/struct-persist )

struct-plus-plus : The struct-plus-plus Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/struct-plus-plus )

struct-set : Helpers for immutably updating structs. ( https://github.com/camoy/struct-set )

struct-update : The struct-update Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/struct-update )

struct-update-doc : The struct-update-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/struct-update )

struct-update-lib : The struct-update-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/struct-update )

struct-update-test : The struct-update-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/struct-update )

stxparse-info : The stxparse-info Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/stxparse-info )

subtemplate : The subtemplate Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/subtemplate )

sudo : Sudo Command Processes ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/sudo )

sudoku-solver : Sudoku solver that can also show the solution process as a GraphViz dot file ( https://git.sr.ht/~sschwarzer/sudoku-solver )

suffixtree : An implementation of Suffix Trees using Ukkonen's algorithm ( https://github.com/jbclements/suffixtree )

sugar : shortcuts for simplicity and readability ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/sugar )

super : The super Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/super )

superc : A language for writing C with Racket macros and an easy interface to Racket ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/superc )

superv : Supervise your subprocesses with Racket ( https://github.com/sleibrock/superv )

sweet-exp : Sweet expressions: an alternative to s-expressions ( https://github.com/takikawa/sweet-racket )

sweet-exp-lib : Implementation part of sweet-exp ( https://github.com/takikawa/sweet-racket )

sweet-exp-test : Tests for sweet-exp ( https://github.com/takikawa/sweet-racket )

sxml : SXML family of tools (including SXPath) ( https://github.com/jbclements/sxml )

sxml-extra : Utilities to use with sxml ( https://github.com/kurinoku/sxml-extra-utils )

sxml-intro : SXML in Racket: Tools for XML and HTML ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/sxml-intro )

symalg : Expressing and manipulating symbolic algebraic expressions in Racket. ( https://github.com/pyohannes/racket-symalg )

syncvar : A library of synchronous variables. ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-syncvar )

syncvar-lib : A library of synchronous variables. ( https://github.com/samdphillips/racket-syncvar )

syndicate : The syndicate Racket package ( https://git.syndicate-lang.org/syndicate-lang/syndicate-rkt )

syndicate-classic : The syndicate-classic Racket package ( https://github.com/tonyg/syndicate )

synology-decrypt : The synology-decrypt Racket package ( https://github.com/nikhilm/synology-decrypt )

syntax-class-or : Combining syntax classes together as multiple variants ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/syntax-class-or )

syntax-classes : Additional useful syntax classes for use with syntax/parse ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/syntax-classes )

syntax-classes-doc : The syntax-classes-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/syntax-classes )

syntax-classes-lib : The syntax-classes-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/syntax-classes )

syntax-classes-test : The syntax-classes-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/syntax-classes )

syntax-extension : A helper collection of syntax ( https://github.com/racket-tw/syntax-extension )

syntax-highlighting : The syntax-highlighting Racket package ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/syntax-highlighting )

syntax-implicits : The syntax-implicits Racket package ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-syntax-implicits )

syntax-lang : Mini-library for creating new #lang languages from simple macros ( https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-syntax-lang )

syntax-macro-lang : The syntax-macro-lang Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/syntax-macro-lang )

syntax-parse-example : Example macros written using syntax/parse ( https://github.com/syntax-objects/syntax-parse-example )

syntax-sloc : counts the number of source lines of code in a racket syntax object ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/syntax-sloc )

syntax-spec-v1 : The syntax-spec-v1 Racket package ( https://github.com/michaelballantyne/syntax-spec )

syntax-warn : The syntax-warn Racket package ( https://github.com/jackfirth/syntax-warn )

syntax-warn-base : Base library for defining and attaching syntax warnings ( https://github.com/jackfirth/syntax-warn )

syntax-warn-cli : Command line raco tools for checking and fixing syntax warnings ( https://github.com/jackfirth/syntax-warn )

syntax-warn-doc : Documentation for the syntax-warn packages ( https://github.com/jackfirth/syntax-warn )

syntax-warn-lang : #lang racket/base/warn - Racket with syntax warnings ( https://github.com/jackfirth/syntax-warn )

syrup : The syrup Racket package ( https://github.com/ocapn/syrup )

sysfs : Linux /sys utilities. ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-sysfs )

systemd : SystemD Support ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-systemd )

t-test : Simple implementations of Welch's and Student's t-tests ( https://github.com/jbclements/t-test )

table-panel : The table-panel Racket package ( https://github.com/spdegabrielle/table-panel )

tablesci : The tablesci Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/hashimmm/tablesci )

tabtree : A library to handle files of Tabtree format ( https://github.com/prozion/tabtree-racket )

tabular : Experimental tabular data package ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-tabular )

tabular-asa : A fast, efficient, immutable, dataframes implementation. ( https://github.com/massung/tabular-asa )

taglib : The taglib Racket package ( https://github.com/takikawa/taglib-racket )

taino : HTMX, Racket, and ClickHouse Framework ( https://github.com/juliojimenez/taino )

talk-typer : A tool to make live coding during talks easier ( https://github.com/florence/talk-typer )

tandem : Cooperative Communication Framework for Racket ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-tandem )

tangerine : A library for constructing and executing signed distance functions. ( https://github.com/aeva/tangerine )

taro : The taro Racket package ( https://github.com/orreksu/taro )

taskibble : Fork of Scribble for task management ( https://github.com/sorpaas/taskibble )

tasks : Sugar for sync. ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-tasks )

teachpacks : Racket Turtle for drawing turtle-graphics. ( https://github.com/tyynetyyne/teachpacks )

temp-c : temporal contracts ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/temp-c )

temp-c-doc : temporal contracts ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/temp-c )

temp-c-lib : temporal contracts ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/temp-c )

temp-c-test : temporal contracts ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/temp-c )

template : Template Macros ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-template )

termconfig : Cross-platform terminal helper library in Racket. ( https://github.com/dodgez/termconfig )

terminal-phase : Terminal Phase is a space shooter video game that runs in your terminal! ( https://gitlab.com/dustyweb/terminal-phase )

termination : Dynamic enforcement of size-change termination ( https://github.com/philnguyen/termination )

tesira : Biamp Tesira Client Library ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-tesira )

tessellation : A library to assist in the creation of geometric designs. ( https://github.com/zkry/tessellation )

test-more : The test-more Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/racket-test-more )

tetris : A colorful version of tetris. ( https://github.com/mosceo/tetris )

texmath : Pseudo-(La)TeX mathematical notation for Scribble ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-texmath )

text-block : Similar to pict, but for 2d unicode text and math formulas ( https://github.com/Metaxal/text-block )

text-date : Widget for Racket/gui for date enter ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/text-date )

text-markdown : Support for markdown in racket/gui text% ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/text-markdown )

text-table : A simple package to display text tables with unicode frames. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/text-table )

text-tree : Functions to write tree-structured data in text form. ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-text-tree )

the-unicoder : Universal unicode input system ( https://github.com/willghatch/the-unicoder )

thread-utils : Error-safe infinite loop and until-timeout ( https://github.com/Kalimehtar/thread-utils )

thread-with-id : The thread-with-id Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/thread-with-id )

threading : The threading Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/threading )

threading-doc : The threading-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/threading )

threading-lib : The threading-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/threading )

thrift : Support for the Apache Thrift messaging framework ( https://github.com/johnstonskj/racket-thrift )

tightlight : The tightlight Racket package ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/tightlight )

timable : The timable Racket package ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/timable )

tinybasic : TinyBASIC (Install this package for all goodies) ( https://github.com/winny-/tinybasic.rkt )

tinybasic-doc : TinyBASIC (Documentation only) ( https://github.com/winny-/tinybasic.rkt )

tinybasic-examples : TinyBASIC (Examples only) ( https://github.com/winny-/tinybasic.rkt )

tinybasic-lib : TinyBASIC (Implementation) ( https://github.com/winny-/tinybasic.rkt )

tjson : Basic Typed Racket Json Parser and Emitter ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/tjson )

tmux-vim-demo : A #lang for writing and running scripted demos with tmux and vim ( https://github.com/benknoble/tmux-vim-demo )

todo-list : A list of goals + interactive commands for solving them in DrRacket ( https://github.com/david-christiansen/todo-list )

todo-txt : The todo-txt Racket package ( https://git.sr.ht/~sschwarzer/todo-txt )

tomato-timer : Command-line timer ( https://github.com/bennn/tomato-timer )

toml : TOML Library (Install this for all TOML goodies) ( https://github.com/toml-racket/toml-racket )

toml-compliance : Toml Library (scripts to drive toml-test compliance suite) ( https://github.com/toml-racket/toml-racket )

toml-doc : Documentation for TOML library ( https://github.com/toml-racket/toml-racket )

toml-lib : TOML Library (library component) ( https://github.com/toml-racket/toml-racket )

towers : The GUI client interface for the Towers game. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/towers )

towers-lib : Library for the Towers game. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/towers )

towers-server : The server for the Towers game. Not required to play. ( https://github.com/Metaxal/towers )

tr-immutable : The tr-immutable Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/tr-immutable )

traces : The traces Racket package ( https://github.com/philnguyen/traces )

treap : Balanced binary search trees implemented through treaps ( https://github.com/spencereir/treap )

trie : The trie Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/racket-trie )

trivial : type-tailored standard library functions ( https://github.com/bennn/trivial )

try : The try Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/try )

try-catch : The try-catch Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/try-catch )

try-catch-finally : Tests and Docs for try-catch-finally-lib ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/try-catch-finally )

try-catch-finally-lib : A macro for catching exceptions and running teardown operations. ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/try-catch-finally )

try-catch-match : A try-catch-finally macro that binds with match. ( https://github.com/eutro/try-catch-match )

try-make-sarna-happy : A try macro for sarna ( https://github.com/benknoble/try-make-sarna-happy )

try-racket-client : An API client for try-racket.defn.io. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/try-racket-client )

tulip : The tulip Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-tulip )

tulip-lib : The tulip-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-tulip )

tulip-test : The tulip-test Racket package ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-tulip )

turing : The turing Racket package ( https://github.com/curiousyogurt/turing )

turn-based-game : interfaces and tools for defining and playing turn-based games ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/turn-based-game )

turnstile : #lang for implementing typed languages with Racket ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

turnstile-doc : The turnstile-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

turnstile-example : The turnstile-example Racket package ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

turnstile-lib : The turnstile-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

turnstile-test : The turnstile-test Racket package ( https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes )

tweedledee : Conflicts with tweedledum, or any other package with a hill/king module. ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/tweedledee )

tweedledum : Conflicts with tweedledee, or any other package with a hill/king module. ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/tweedledum )

twilio : A Twilio client for Racket. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-twilio )

twixt : A library for modeling the board game TwixT ( https://github.com/jackfirth/twixt )

txexpr : Handy tools for working with HTML-style tagged X-expressions ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/txexpr )

txexpr-stxparse : syntax-parse patterns for parsing Tagged X-expressions ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/txexpr-stxparse )

type-conventions : Forms for giving specific argument names implicit types ( https://github.com/jackfirth/type-conventions )

type-expander : Type expanders for typed/racket, which work like match expanders for match ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/type-expander )

typed-colorize : Typed Racket interface to the colorize package ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-typed-colorize )

typed-ini-lib : Racket parser for Ini and UNIX Conf files. Typed interface. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ini )

typed-map : The typed-map Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/typed-map )

typed-map-doc : Documentation for typed-map ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/typed-map )

typed-map-lib : Implementation of typed-map ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/typed-map )

typed-map-test : Tests for typed-map ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/typed-map )

typed-minikanren : An implementation of miniKanren in typed racket. ( https://github.com/dalev/minikanren-typed-racket )

typed-otp-lib : The typed-otp-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/yilinwei/otp )

typed-peg : The typed-peg Racket package ( https://github.com/lives-group/typed-peg )

typed-pmsf : PMS formatting and parsing functions. Typed interface. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-pmsf )

typed-racket-datatype : Algebraic Datatypes for Typed Racket (tests and docs) ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/typed-racket-datatype )

typed-racket-datatype-lib : Algebraic Datatypes for Typed Racket (implementation) ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/typed-racket-datatype )

typed-racket-hacks : The typed-racket-hacks Racket package ( https://github.com/philnguyen/typed-racket-hacks )

typed-racket-stream : Streams for typed racket ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/typed-racket-stream )

typed-stack : A simple stack library written in TR. ( https://github.com/lehitoskin/typed-stack )

typed-struct-props : The typed-struct-props Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/typed-struct-props )

typed-worklist : The typed-worklist Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/typed-worklist )

typeset-rewriter : Simple, low-level rewriter tools for typesetting PLT Redex models ( https://github.com/pnwamk/typeset-rewriter )

tzdata : zoneinfo data mainly for Windows systems using tzinfo ( https://github.com/97jaz/tzdata )

tzgeolookup : The tzgeolookup Racket package ( https://github.com/alex-hhh/tzgeolookup )

tzinfo : API for querying the IANA tz database ( https://github.com/97jaz/tzinfo )

udelim : Add more parens and string delimiters. ( https://github.com/willghatch/racket-udelim )

udev : udev bindings for Racket ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-udev )

ugly-app-lib : The ugly-app-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/AlexKnauth/ugly-app )

ulid : Universally unique lexicographically sortable identifiers. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-ulid )

umask : umask - set default permissions on unix-like systems ( https://github.com/winny-/umask )

umask-doc : Documentation for umask ( https://github.com/winny-/umask )

umask-lib : Library code portion of the umask collection ( https://github.com/winny-/umask )

uni-table : Unicode tables rendering with ECMA-48 Select Graphic Rendition codes support ( https://gitlab.com/racketeer/uni-table )

unicode-breaks : The unicode-breaks Racket package ( https://github.com/shawnw/racket-unicode-breaks )

unicode-properties : The unicode-properties Racket package ( https://github.com/jbclements/unicode-props )

unix-signals : Sending and handling Unix signals from Racket ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-unix-signals )

unlike-assets-doc : (OLD EDITION) Documentation for unlike-assets ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/unlike-assets )

unlike-assets-lib : (OLD EDITION) Implementation of unlike-assets ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/unlike-assets )

unlike-assets-test : (OLD EDITION) Tests for unlike-assets ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/unlike-assets )

unmozlz4 : decompress Mozilla's custom mozlz4 files. ( https://git.sr.ht/~nut/racket-unmozlz4 )

unreachable : Utilities for expressing supposedly unreachable code ( https://github.com/philnguyen/unreachable )

unstable : Experimental libraries ( https://github.com/racket/unstable )

unstable-contract-lib : Experimental libraries for working with contracts ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-contract-lib )

unstable-debug-lib : Experimental libraries for debugging ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-debug-lib )

unstable-doc : documentation part of unstable ( https://github.com/racket/unstable )

unstable-flonum-doc : Experimental libraries for flonum computations (documentation) ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-flonum )

unstable-flonum-lib : Experimental libraries for flonum computations ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-flonum )

unstable-latent-contract-lib : Experimental libraries for contracts at definitions ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-latent-contract-lib )

unstable-lib : implementation (no documentation) part of unstable ( https://github.com/racket/unstable )

unstable-list-lib : Experimental libraries for list operations ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-list-lib )

unstable-macro-testing-lib : Experimental libraries for testing macros ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-macro-testing-lib )

unstable-options-lib : Experimental libraries for option contracts ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-options-lib )

unstable-parameter-group-lib : Experimental libraries for parameter groups ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-parameter-group-lib )

unstable-pretty-lib : Experimental libraries for pretty printing ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-pretty-lib )

unstable-redex : Experimental libraries for typesetting PLT Redex models ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-redex )

unstable-test : tests for unstable ( https://github.com/racket/unstable )

unstable2d : Experimental 2d syntax ( https://github.com/racket/unstable-2d )

upi : Racket library inspired by UNIX tools. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-upi )

upi-doc : Racket library inspired by UNIX tools. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-upi )

upi-lib : Racket library inspired by UNIX tools. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-upi )

upi-test : Racket library inspired by UNIX tools. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-upi )

uri : URI and URL api in Typed Racket. ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/uri )

uri-old : Web URI and URL ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/uri-old )

uri-template : Implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template). ( https://github.com/jessealama/uri-template )

urlang : The urlang Racket package ( https://github.com/soegaard/urlang )

used-imports : The used-imports Racket package ( https://github.com/Metaxal/used-imports )

uu-cs3520 : Utah CS 3520 homework submission plugin for DrRacket ( https://github.com/mflatt/uu-cs3520 )

uu-cs5510 : Utah CS 5510 homework submission plugin for DrRacket ( https://github.com/mflatt/uu-cs5510 )

uuid : Generate cryptographically-random UUIDs in pure Racket ( https://github.com/LiberalArtist/uuid )

uwaterloo-racket-tools : The uwaterloo-racket-tools Racket package ( https://git.uwaterloo.ca/djholtby/uwaterloo-racket )

value-evt : The value-evt Racket package ( https://github.com/dstorrs/value-evt )

values : functional multi-valued computation ( https://github.com/dedbox/racket-values )

values-plus : The values-plus Racket package ( https://github.com/mflatt/values-plus )

vdb : Racket interface the to Portage VDB. Metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-vdb )

vdb-doc : Racket interface the to Portage VDB. Documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-vdb )

vdb-lib : Racket interface the to Portage VDB. Core. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-vdb )

vdb-test : Racket interface the to Portage VDB. Tests. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-vdb )

vdb-tools : Racket interface the to Portage VDB. Tools. ( https://gitlab.com/gentoo-racket/racket-vdb )

vdt-herbie : Herbie support code for the VDT math library ( https://github.com/herbie-fp/vdt-herbie )

vec : A simple vector math library loosely inspired by GLSL and HLSL. ( https://github.com/Aeva/vec )

vector-struct : A simple abstraction to use vectors like structs for performance ( https://github.com/lexi-lambda/racket-vector-struct )

vela : Simple web framework to build RESTful app in Racket. ( https://github.com/nuty/vela )

vela-docs : The vela-docs Racket package ( https://github.com/nuty/vela )

vela-lib : The vela-lib Racket package ( https://github.com/nuty/vela )

version-case : Conditional behavior based on the version of Racket ( https://github.com/samth/version-case )

version-string-with-git-hash : Do you want your package version string to contain a git commit hash? ( https://gitlab.flux.utah.edu/xsmith/version-string-with-git-hash )

video : The latest version of #lang video ( https://github.com/videolang/video )

video-samples : The video-samples Racket package ( https://github.com/videolang/test-samples )

video-testing : The video-testing Racket package ( https://github.com/videolang/video )

video-unstable : The latest and greatest build of Video. This build will occasionally fail. ( https://github.com/videolang/video )

video-v00 : v0.0 of #lang video ( https://github.com/videolang/video )

video-v02 : v0.2 of #lang video ( https://github.com/videolang/video )

virtual-mpu : Universal Emulator and Assembler for Old Microprocessors ( https://github.com/euhmeuh/virtual-mpu )

vk : The package allows to make some requests to vk.com by its API ( https://github.com/prozion/vk-racket )

vlc : VideoLAN VLC Media Player Control ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/vlc )

vlibench : The vlibench Racket package ( https://gitlab.com/racketeer/vlibench )

vscode-dark-theme : VSCode default dark theme for DrRacket ( https://github.com/kurtisvetter/drracket-vscode-dark )

vulkan : Vulkan API integration. ( https://github.com/zyrolasting/racket-vulkan )

w3s : W3 Standards Implemented in Typed Racket ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/w3s )

wasm-lib : WIP Wasm tooling for Racket. ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-wasm )

wavelet-transform-haar1d : A library to perform forward and reverse 1-d Haar Wavelet transforms ( https://github.com/jbclements/wavelet-transform-haar-1d )

wavenet : An interface for the Google Cloud text-to-speech API ( https://github.com/otherjoel/wavenet-api )

web-galaxy : A minimalist web framework for the Racket web-server ( https://github.com/euhmeuh/web-galaxy )

web-galaxy-doc : Documentation for web-galaxy. ( https://github.com/euhmeuh/web-galaxy )

web-galaxy-lib : Implementation of web-galaxy. ( https://github.com/euhmeuh/web-galaxy )

web-galaxy-test : Tests for web-galaxy. ( https://github.com/euhmeuh/web-galaxy )

web-io : a replacement teach pack for F I at NEU (2016) ( https://github.com/mfelleisen/web-io )

web-sessions : Simple web sessions ( https://bitbucket.org/nadeemabdulhamid/web-sessions )

webapi : Implementations of a few web APIs, including OAuth2, PicasaWeb, and Blogger. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/webapi )

webscraperhelper : Generating SXPath Queries from SXML Examples ( https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/webscraperhelper )

wffi : The wffi Racket package ( https://github.com/greghendershott/wffi )

whereis : The whereis Racket package ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-whereis )

while-loop : Danny Yoo's while-loop package ( https://github.com/jbclements/while-loop )

with-cache : Filesystem-based caching ( https://github.com/bennn/with-cache )

wn : An FFI interface to WordNet 3.0 -- A Lexical Database for English ( https://github.com/themetaschemer/wn )

word : Signed and Unsigned Word datatype for Racket using refinement types. ( https://gitlab.com/RayRacine/word )

wordle-solver : A simple solver for Wordle ( https://github.com/Metaxal/wordle-solver )

words : generate lists of words ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/words )

wort : A tiny concatenative language with polymorphic type inference ( https://github.com/robertkleffner/wort )

wsync : API that makes the server time in milliseconds available to the clients ( https://gitlab.com/oquijano/wsync )

wy-posn-util : Functions to work with 2d vectors (posn) in 2htdp. ( https://github.com/maueroats/wy-posn-util )

x11 : X11 bindings for Racket. Initially Jon Rafkind's work. ( https://github.com/kazzmir/x11-racket )

x509 : Support for X.509 certificates. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/crypto )

x509-lib : Support for X.509 certificates. ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/crypto )

x64asm : a simple x64 assembler written in Typed Racket ( https://github.com/yjqww6/racket-x64asm )

x64asm-doc : The x64asm-doc Racket package ( https://github.com/yjqww6/racket-x64asm )

x64asm-lib : a simple x64 assembler written in Typed Racket ( https://github.com/yjqww6/racket-x64asm )

xe : xexpr XML and HTML utilities, plus traversal and filtering ( https://github.com/tonyg/racket-xe )

xenomorph : binary encoder [in development] ( https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/typesetting )

xexpr-path : XML Expression Path Lookup ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-xexpr-path )

xfunctions : Extended Functional Combinators ( https://github.com/wesleybits/xfunctions )

xfunctions-doc : Documentation for xfunctions ( https://github.com/wesleybits/xfunctions )

xfunctions-lib : Functional bits of XFunctions ( https://github.com/wesleybits/xfunctions )

xlang : A minimal combinator language, created for PLT Game #1 ( https://github.com/samth/xlang )

xlist : The xlist Racket package ( https://github.com/jsmaniac/xlist )

xml-html : The xml-html Racket package ( https://github.com/zaoqi/xml-html )

xml-rpc : A native Racket XML-RPC client and server library ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/xml-rpc )

xmlns : XML namespace support ( https://github.com/lwhjp/racket-xmlns )

xmpp : An XMPP library. ( https://gitlab.com/navlost.eu/xmpp/libraries/racket/xmpp )

xsmith : Generator of highly effective fuzz testers. ( https://gitlab.flux.utah.edu/xsmith/xsmith )

xxhash : An implementation of the xxHash digest algorithm. (docs and implementation) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lz4 )

xxhash-lib : An implementation of the xxHash digest algorithm. (implementation only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lz4 )

xxhash-test : An implementation of the xxHash digest algorithm. (tests only) ( https://github.com/Bogdanp/racket-lz4 )

yacp : [WIP] Yet Another C-Preprocessor ( https://github.com/xiaoyu2006/yacp )

yaml : A library for parsing and emitting YAML. ( https://github.com/esilkensen/yaml )

yaml-exp : Write s-expressions in YAML ( https://github.com/eutro/yaml-exp )

yaragg : Yet another Racket AST generator generator. ( https://github.com/jackfirth/yaragg )

yijing : Chinese Yijing Icons. ( https://github.com/yanyingwang/yijing )

yotsubapi : A Racket Client for the 4chan API ( https://github.com/g-gundam/yotsubAPI )

z3 : Z3 bindings for Racket ( https://github.com/philnguyen/z3-rkt )

zeromq : A Racket interface to zeromq based on an FFI ( https://github.com/jeapostrophe/zeromq )

zeromq-guide-examples : See https://zguide.zeromq.org/ ( https://github.com/aymanosman/racket-packages )

zeromq-r : Bindings for ZeroMQ ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-zeromq )

zeromq-r-lib : Bindings for ZeroMQ ( https://github.com/rmculpepper/racket-zeromq )

zippers : Utilities for working with and deriving Huet-style zippers ( https://github.com/david-christiansen/racket-zippers )

ziptie : ZipTie, metapackage. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ziptie )

ziptie-completion : ZipTie, completion component. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ziptie )

ziptie-distro : ZipTie, distro component. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ziptie )

ziptie-doc : ZipTie, documentation. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ziptie )

ziptie-git : ZipTie, git component. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ziptie )

ziptie-make : ZipTie, make component. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ziptie )

ziptie-monorepo : ZipTie, monorepo component. ( https://gitlab.com/xgqt/racket-ziptie )

zkanren : The zKanren Racket package ( https://github.com/the-language/zKanren2 )

zmq : Minimal Racket ZeroMQ Bindings ( https://github.com/mordae/racket-zmq )

zordoz : Explorer for .zo bytecode files ( https://github.com/bennn/zordoz )

zstd : The zstd Racket package ( https://git.sr.ht/~williewillus/racket-zstd )

zubat : The zubat Racket package ( https://github.com/kalxd/zubat )

zuo-doc : Documentation for the Zuo language ( https://github.com/racket/racket )

Pour rajouter une e-build dans l'arbre de portage :

L'ebuild est alors rajouté dans l'arbre de portage.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser layman : emerge layman puis layman -a racket-overlay

Pour Paludis utilisez ce rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/racket-overlay-portage

En cas de problèmes : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org