Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


betterlockscreen : sweet looking lockscreen for linux system ( https://github.com/betterlockscreen/betterlockscreen )

dunst : Lightweight replacement for common notification daemons ( https://dunst-project.org/ https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst )

i3lock-color : The world's most popular non-default computer lockscreen ( https://github.com/Raymo111/i3lock-color )

jgmenu : Simple, independent and contemporary-looking X11 menu, designed for scripting, ricing and tweaking. ( https://github.com/jgmenu )

pywal : Generate and change color-schemes on the fly ( https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal )

rofi-calc : Do live calculations in rofi! ( https://github.com/svenstaro/rofi-calc )

Add an ebuild in portage :

The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a spikyatlinux

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/spikyatlinux-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org