arduino -
0.10.0 (Basic Octave implementation of the matlab arduino extension, allowing communication to a programmed arduino board to control its hardware)
audio -
2.0.5 (Audio and MIDI Toolbox for GNU Octave)
control -
3.4.0 (Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) Tools for GNU Octave, based on the proven SLICOT Library)
data-smoothing -
1.3.0 (Algorithms for smoothing noisy data)
database -
2.4.4 (Interface to SQL databases, currently only postgresql using libpq)
dataframe -
1.2.0 (Data manipulation toolbox similar to R data.frame)
divand -
1.1.2 (divand performs an n-dimensional variational analysis (interpolation) of arbitrarily located observations)
doctest -
0.7.0 (Find and run example code within documentation)
econometrics -
1.1.2 (Econometrics functions including MLE and GMM based techniques)
financial -
0.5.3 (Monte Carlo simulation, options pricing routines, financial manipulation, plotting functions and additional date manipulation tools)
fits -
1.0.7 (The Octave-FITS package provides functions for reading, and writing FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) files)
fpl -
1.3.5 (Collection of routines to export data produced by Finite Elements or Finite Volume Simulations in formats used by some visualization programs)
fuzzy-logic-toolkit -
0.4.6 (A mostly MATLAB-compatible fuzzy logic toolkit for Octave)
level-set -
0.3.0 (Routines for calculating the time-evolution of the level-set equation and extracting geometric information from the level-set function)
linear-algebra -
2.2.3 (Additional linear algebra code, including matrix functions)
lssa -
0.1.4 (A package implementing tools to compute spectral decompositions of irregularly-spaced time series)
ltfat -
2.3.1 (The Large Time/Frequency Analysis Toolbox (LTFAT) is a Matlab/Octave toolbox for working with time-frequency analysis, wavelets and signal processing)
mapping -
1.4.2 (Simple mapping and GIS .shp .dxf and raster file functions)
matgeom -
1.2.3 (Geometry toolbox for 2D/3D geometric computing)
miscellaneous -
1.3.0 (Miscellaneous tools that don't fit somewhere else)
msh -
1.0.10 (Create and manage triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers)
mvn -
1.1.0 (Multivariate normal distribution clustering and utility functions)
nan -
3.7.0 (A statistics and machine learning toolbox for data with and w/o missing values)
ncarray -
1.0.5 (Access a single or a collection of NetCDF files as a multi-dimensional array)
nurbs -
1.4.3 (Collection of routines for the creation, and manipulation of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), based on the NURBS toolbox by Mark Spink)
ocl -
1.2.0 (Package using OpenCL for parallelization of (SIMD) computations, selectively using available OpenCL hardware)
ocs -
0.1.5 (Package for solving DC and transient electrical circuit equations)
octclip -
2.0.1 (This package allows to do boolean operations with polygons using the Greiner-Hormann algorithm)
octproj -
2.0.1 (This package allows to call functions of PROJ library for cartographic projections and CRS transformations)
optics -
0.1.4 (Functions covering various aspects of optics)