Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


alist : A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages ( https://alist.nn.ci )

aliyundrive-webdav : WebDAV server for AliyunDrive ( https://github.com/messense/aliyundrive-webdav.git )

aliyunpan : aliyunpan cli client, support Webdav service, JavaScript plugin ( https://github.com/tickstep/aliyunpan )

apifox : API 文档、API 调试、API Mock、API 自动化测试 ( https://www.apifox.cn/ )

avsocks : 科学操长城软件 ( https://github.com/avplayer/avsocks )

baidunetdisk : Baidu Net Disk is a cloud storage client (Linux Version) ( https://pan.baidu.com/ )

baidupcs-go : The terminal utility for Baidu Network Disk (Golang Version). ( https://github.com/qjfoidnh/BaiduPCS-Go )

bbdown-bin : 一款命令行式哔哩哔哩下载器 ( https://github.com/nilaoda/BBDown )

biliup-app : A Tool for Upload video to bilibili ( https://github.com/ForgQi/biliup-app )

biliup-app-bin : A Tool for Upload video to bilibili ( https://github.com/ForgQi/biliup-app )

biliup-rs : Upload video to bilibili. ( https://github.com/biliup/biliup-rs )

networkmanager-l2tp : NetworkManager L2TP plugin ( http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/ )

nomachine-enterprise-client : NoMachine Enterprise Client ( https://www.nomachine.com )

pcmanx-gtk2 : PCMan is a gtk+ based free BBS client ( https://github.com/pcman-bbs/pcmanx )

prips : print the IP addresses in a range ( http://devel.ringlet.net/sysutils/prips/ )

remmina-plugin-rustdesk : A protocol plugin for Remmina to launch a Rustdesk connection. ( http://www.muflone.com/remmina-plugin-rustdesk/ )

rustdesk : Open source virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone ( https://rustdesk.com/ )

todesk : ToDesk不一样的远控体验,轻松打破物理限制,随时随地高效使用所有计算终端 ( https://www.todesk.com/ )

uuplugin : UU Game Accelerator for Linux ( https://uu.163.com/ )

you-get : A video downloader for YouTube, Youku, niconico and a few other sites ( http://www.soimort.org/you-get )

Add an ebuild in portage :

The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a gentoo-zh

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/gentoo-zh-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org