Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


injector : Python dependency injection framework, inspired by Guice ( https://github.com/python-injector/injector )

jellyfin-apiclient-python : Python API client for Jellyfin ( https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-apiclient-python )

proxy_tools : Simple proxy (as in the GoF design pattern) ( https://pypi.org/project/proxy_tools/ )

py3nvml : Python 3 bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library ( https://github.com/fbcotter/py3nvml )

pystray : Python library for creating system tray icons ( https://github.com/moses-palmer/pystray )

python-mpv-jsonipc : Python API to MPV using JSON IPC ( https://github.com/iwalton3/python-mpv-jsonipc )

pywebview : A lightweight cross-platform wrapper around a webview component ( https://github.com/r0x0r/pywebview )

quantumrandom : A Python interface to the ANU Quantum Random Numbers Server ( https://github.com/lmacken/quantumrandom )

reactivex : ReactiveX for Python ( http://reactivex.io/ )

Add an ebuild in portage :

The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a thegreatmcpain

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/thegreatmcpain-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org