Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


3dsuptools : WIP 2D to 3D BDSUP subtitle converter (based on BD3D2MK3D). ( https://gitlab.com/TheGreatMcPain/3Dsuptools )

ass2bdnxml : Convert ASS subtitles into BDN XML + PNG images ( https://github.com/cubicibo/ass2bdnxml )

bdsup2subplusplus : Port of the original BDSup2Sub to C++ and Qt. (captainayy fork) ( https://github.com/captainayy/BDSup2SubPlusPlus )

dovi_tool : CLI tool combining multiple utilities for working with Dolby Vision ( https://github.com/quietvoid/dovi_tool )

hdr10plus_tool : CLI utility to work with HDR10+ in HEVC files. ( https://github.com/quietvoid/hdr10plus_tool )

nvencc : HEVC/H264 video encoder using NVEnc ( https://github.com/rigaya/NVEnc )

obs-looking-glass : Plugin for OBS Studio to stream directly from Looking Glass ( https://looking-glass.io https://github.com/gnif/LookingGlass )

ofsextractor : 3D Plane extractor for 3D Bluray MVC streams. ( https://gitlab.com/TheGreatMcPain/OFSExtractor )

sup2srt : Convert SUP graphic subtitles to text-based SRT format ( https://github.com/retrontology/sup2srt )

Add an ebuild in portage :

The ebuild is now in the portage tree.

You can also use layman : emerge layman then layman -a thegreatmcpain

For Paludis use this rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/thegreatmcpain-portage

If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org