Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


These ebuilds come from .

If you have some problems, go to the official site first.


4store : 4store is an efficient, scalable and stable RDF database ( http://4store.org/ )

SchemaSync : MySQL Schema Versioning and Migration Utility ( http://schemasync.org/ )

apgdiff : Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool is a simple PostgreSQL diff tool that is useful for schema upgrades ( http://apgdiff.com )

barman : Administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers ( http://www.pgbarman.org )

bucardo : An asynchronous PostgreSQL replication system ( http://bucardo.org/wiki/Bucardo )

cdb : Fast, reliable, simple package for creating and reading constant databases ( http://cr.yp.to/cdb.html )

couchdb : Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database. ( http://couchdb.apache.org/ )

cppdb : An SQL connectivity library for platform and database independent connectivity ( http://cppcms.com/sql/cppdb/ )

ctdb : A cluster implementation of the TDB database used to store temporary data ( http://ctdb.samba.org/ )

datadraw : feature rich database generator for high performance C applications ( http://datadraw.sourceforge.net/ )

db-je : Berkeley DB JE is a high performance, transactional storage engine written entirely in Java ( http://www.oracle.com/database/berkeley-db/je/index.html )

dbmodel : Qt4 tool for drawing entity-relational diagrams ( http://oxygene.sk/lukas/dbmodel/ )

derby : An embeddable relational database implemented entirely in Java ( http://db.apache.org/derby/ )

drizzle : Database optimized for Cloud and Net applications ( http://drizzle.org )

etcd : A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery ( https://github.com/coreos/etcd/ )

etcdctl : A simple command line client for etcd ( https://github.com/coreos/etcdctl/ )

firebird : A relational database offering many ANSI SQL:2003 and some SQL:2008 features ( http://www.firebirdsql.org/ )

flamerobin : A database administration tool for Firebird DBMS ( http://www.flamerobin.org/ )

freetds : Tabular Datastream Library ( http://www.freetds.org/ )

gigabase : OO-DBMS with interfaces for C/C++/Java/PHP/Perl ( http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/gigabase.html )

go-etcd : Go client library for etcd ( https://${GO_PN} )

haildb : a relational database in shared library form ( http://www.haildb.com/ )

henplus : Java-based multisession SQL shell for databases with JDBC support ( http://henplus.sf.net )

hsqldb : The leading SQL relational database engine written in Java ( http://hsqldb.org )

hyperdex : A searchable distributed Key-Value Store ( http://hyperdex.org )

innotop : innotop - A text-mode MySQL and InnoDB monitor like mytop, but with many more features ( https://github.com/innotop/innotop )

jxtray : Java based Database Explorer ( http://jxtray.sourceforge.net )

kyotocabinet : A straightforward implementation of DBM ( http://fallabs.com/kyotocabinet/" SRC_URI="${HOMEPAGE}pkg/${P}.tar.gz )

lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4 : MySQL UDFs which converts geographic/cartesian coordinates ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4/ )

lib_mysqludf_json : MySQL UDFs to map relational data to the JSON format ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_json/ )

lib_mysqludf_log : MySQL UDF to write to log files ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_log/ )

lib_mysqludf_preg : MySQL UDFs that provide access to the PCRE library for pattern matching ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_preg/ )

lib_mysqludf_stat : MySQL UDFs with statistical functions ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_stat/ )

lib_mysqludf_stem : MySQL UDFs which provides stemming capability for a variety of languages ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_stem/ )

lib_mysqludf_str : MySQL UDFs of string functions that complement the set of native ones ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_str/ )

lib_mysqludf_sys : MySQL UDFs that allows one to interact with the operating system ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_sys/ )

lib_mysqludf_ta : MySQL UDFs with technical analysis functions ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_ta/ )

lib_mysqludf_udf : MySQL UDFs for reporting internals from the udf interface ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_udf/ )

lib_mysqludf_xql : MySQL UDFs which can be used to create XML output directly from MySQL ( http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_xql/ )

libdbi : libdbi is a database-independent abstraction layer in C, similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl ( http://libdbi.sourceforge.net/ )

libdbi-drivers : The libdbi-drivers project maintains drivers for libdbi ( http://libdbi-drivers.sourceforge.net/ )

libiodbc : ODBC Interface for Linux ( http://www.iodbc.org/ )

libodbc++ : C++ class library that provides a subset of the well-known JDBC 2.0(tm) and runs on top of ODBC ( http://libodbcxx.sourceforge.net/ )

libzdb : A thread safe high level multi-database connection pool library ( http://www.tildeslash.com/libzdb/ )

lmdb : An ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store ( http://symas.com/mdb/ )

lmdb++ : C++11 wrapper for the LMDB database library ( http://lmdbxx.sourceforge.net/ )

m17n-contrib : Contribution database for the m17n library ( https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/m17n )

m17n-db : Database for the m17n library ( https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/m17n )

maatkit : essential command-line utilities for MySQL ( http://www.maatkit.org/ )

mariadb : ( )

mariadb-galera : ( )

maxscale : A content aware, plug-able MySQL proxy server ( http://mariadb.com/MaxScale )

metakit : Embedded database library ( http://www.equi4.com/metakit/ )

mongodb : A high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented database ( http://www.mongodb.org )

mtop : Mysql top monitors a MySQL server ( http://mtop.sourceforge.net )

mycli : CLI for MySQL Database with auto-completion and syntax highlighting ( http://mycli.net )

mydumper : A high-performance multi-threaded backup (and restore) toolset for MySQL and Drizzle ( https://launchpad.net/mydumper )

myodbc : ODBC driver for MySQL ( http://www.mysql.com/products/myodbc/ )

mysql : ( )

mysql++ : C++ API interface to the MySQL database ( http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/ )

mysql-cluster : ( )

mysql-connector-c : C client library for MariaDB/MySQL ( https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/ )

mysql-connector-c++ : MySQL database connector for C++ (mimics JDBC 4.0 API) ( http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/cpp/ )

mysql-init-scripts : Gentoo MySQL init scripts. ( https://www.gentoo.org/ )

mysql-proxy : A Proxy for the MySQL Client/Server protocol ( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-proxy/en/ )

mysql-super-smack : Benchmarking, stress testing, and load generation tool for MySQL and PostGreSQL ( http://vegan.net/tony/supersmack/ )

mysql-udf-base64 : MySQL UDFs that provide base64 encode/decode ( http://mirrors.sohu.com/mysql/Contrib/Old-Versions/ )

mysql-udf-http : MySQL User-defined function (UDF) for HTTP REST ( https://code.google.com/p/mysql-udf-http/ )

mysql-udf-infusion : New functions for MySQL implemented as UDF ( http://www.xarg.org/2010/11/mysql-my-new-playground/ )

mysql-udf-ipv6 : IPv6 and internationalized domain (IDNA) functions for MySQL ( http://labs.watchmouse.com/2009/10/extending-mysql-5-with-ipv6-functions/ )

mysql-workbench : MySQL Workbench ( http://dev.mysql.com/workbench/ )

mysqltuner : MySQLTuner is a high-performance MySQL tuning script ( http://www.mysqltuner.com )

mytop : mytop - a top clone for mysql ( http://jeremy.zawodny.com/mysql/mytop/ )

octopus : A Java-based Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) tool ( http://octopus.objectweb.org )

odbtp : Fast, efficient TCP/IP protocol for connecting to Win32-based databases from any platform ( http://odbtp.sourceforge.net/ )

opendbx : OpenDBX - A database abstraction layer ( http://www.linuxnetworks.de/doc/index.php/OpenDBX )

oracle-instantclient-basic : Oracle 11g Instant Client with SDK ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index.html" eerror " ${HOMEPAGE%/*}/index-097480.html )

oracle-instantclient-jdbc : Oracle 11g Instant Client: JDBC supplement ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index.html" eerror " ${HOMEPAGE%/*}/index-097480.html )

oracle-instantclient-odbc : Oracle 11g Instant Client: ODBC supplement ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index.html" eerror " ${HOMEPAGE%/*}/index-097480.html )

oracle-instantclient-sqlplus : Oracle 11g Instant Client: SQL*Plus ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index.html" eerror " ${HOMEPAGE%/*}/index-097480.html )

percona-server : ( )

percona-toolkit : essential command-line utilities for MySQL ( http://www.percona.com/software/percona-toolkit/ )

pg_activity : Realtime PostgreSQL database server monitoring tool ( https://github.com/julmon/pg_activity/ )

pg_top : 'top' for PostgreSQL ( http://ptop.projects.postgresql.org/ )

pgadmin3 : wxWidgets GUI for PostgreSQL ( http://www.pgadmin.org/ )

pgagent : ${MY_PN} is a job scheduler for PostgreSQL ( http://www.pgadmin.org/download/pgagent.php )

pgbadger : pgBadger is a PostgreSQL log analyzer. ( http://dalibo.github.io/pgbadger/ )

pgbouncer : Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL ( https://pgbouncer.github.io )

pgmemcache : A PostgreSQL API based on libmemcached to interface with memcached ( http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pgmemcache https://github.com/ohmu/pgmemcache )

pgpool2 : Connection pool server for PostgreSQL ( http://www.pgpool.net/ )

pgrouting : pgRouting extends PostGIS and PostgreSQL with geospatial routing functionality. ( http://pgrouting.org/index.html )

pgtap : Unit testing for PostgreSQL ( http://pgtap.org/ )

pgxnclient : PostgreSQL Extension Network Client ( http://pgxnclient.projects.postgresql.org/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pgxnclient )

phpmyadmin : Web-based administration for MySQL database in PHP ( https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ )

phppgadmin : Web-based administration for Postgres database in php ( http://phppgadmin.sourceforge.net/ )

postgis : Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL ( http://postgis.net )

postgresql : PostgreSQL RDBMS ( http://www.postgresql.org/ )

psqlodbc : Official ODBC driver for PostgreSQL ( http://www.postgresql.org/ )

qdbm : Quick Database Manager ( http://fallabs.com/qdbm/ )

recutils : Tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases ( https://www.gnu.org/software/recutils/ )

redis : A persistent caching system, key-value and data structures database ( http://redis.io/ )

repmgr : PostgreSQL Replication Manager ( http://www.repmgr.org/ )

slony1 : A replication system for the PostgreSQL Database Management System ( http://slony.info/ )

soci : A db access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code ( http://soci.sourceforge.net/ )

spatialite : A complete Spatial DBMS in a nutshell built upon sqlite ( http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/ )

spatialite-tools : A complete Spatial DBMS in a nutshell built upon sqlite ( http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite )

sqlcipher : Full Database Encryption for SQLite ( http://sqlcipher.net/ )

sqldeveloper : Oracle SQL Developer is a graphical tool for database development ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/overview/index.html" eerror " ${HOMEPAGE} )

sqlite : A SQL Database Engine in a C Library ( http://sqlite.org/ )

sqlitebrowser : SQLite Database Browser ( http://sqlitebrowser.org )

sqliteman : Powerful GUI manager for the Sqlite3 database ( http://sqliteman.sourceforge.net/ )

sqliteodbc : ODBC driver to access local SQLite database files ( http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/ )

textsearch_ja : Integrated Full-Text-Search for Japanese language using morphological analyze ( http://textsearch-ja.projects.postgresql.org/index.html )

tinycdb : TinyCDB is a very fast and simple package for creating and reading constant data bases ( http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/tinycdb.html )

tokumx : An open source, high-performance distribution of MongoDB ( http://www.tokutek.com/products/tokumx-for-mongodb/ )

tokyocabinet : A library of routines for managing a database ( http://fallabs.com/tokyocabinet/" SRC_URI="${HOMEPAGE}${P}.tar.gz )

tora : TOra - Toolkit For Oracle ( http://torasql.com/ )

unixODBC : A complete ODBC driver manager ( http://www.unixodbc.org/ )

vbisam : replacement for IBM's C-ISAM ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/vbisam )

vsqlite++ : VSQLite++ - A welldesigned and portable SQLite3 Wrapper for C++ ( http://evilissimo.fedorapeople.org/releases/vsqlite--/ )

wxsqlite3 : C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database ( http://wxcode.sourceforge.net/components/wxsqlite3/ )

xbase : xbase (i.e. dBase, FoxPro, etc.) compatible C++ class library ( http://linux.techass.com/projects/xdb/ )

xbsql : An SQL Wrapper for the XBase library ( http://www.rekallrevealed.org/ )

xtrabackup-bin : MySQL hot backup software that performs non-blocking backups fo ( http://www.percona.com/software/percona-xtrabackup )

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If you have a problem : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org