Ycarus Gentoo ebuild


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acado_vendor : ament package for ACADO toolkit for MPC code generation ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ackermann_msgs : ROS2 messages for robots using Ackermann steering. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

action_msgs : Messages and service definitions common among all ROS actions. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

action_tutorials_cpp : C++ action tutorial cpp code ( https://wiki.ros.org )

action_tutorials_interfaces : Action tutorials action ( https://wiki.ros.org )

action_tutorials_py : Python action tutorial code ( https://wiki.ros.org )

actionlib_msgs : A package containing some message definitions used in the implementation of[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

adaptive_component : A composable container for Adaptive ROS 2 Node computations. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

affordance_primitives : Library for affordance motion primitives. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_acceleration : CMake macros and utilities to include hardware acceleration into the ROS 2 [...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_clang_format : The ability to check code against style conventions using ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_clang_tidy : The ability to check code against style conventions using ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake : The entry point package for the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_auto : The auto-magic functions for ease to use of the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_catch2 : Allows integrating catch2 tests in the ament buildsystem with CMake ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_clang_format : The CMake API for ament_clang_format to lint C / C++ code using clang format. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_clang_tidy : The CMake API for ament_clang_tidy to lint C / C++ code using clang tidy. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_copyright : The CMake API for ament_copyright to check every source file contains copyr[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_core : The core of the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_cppcheck : The CMake API for ament_cppcheck to perform static code analysis on C/C++ ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_cpplint : The CMake API for ament_cpplint to lint C / C++ code using cpplint. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_export_definitions : The ability to export definitions to downstream packages in the ament build[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_export_dependencies : The ability to export dependencies to downstream packages in the ament buil[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_export_include_directories : The ability to export include directories to downstream packages in the ame[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_export_interfaces : The ability to export interfaces to downstream packages in the ament builds[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_export_libraries : The ability to export libraries to downstream packages in the ament buildsy[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_export_link_flags : The ability to export link flags to downstream packages in the ament builds[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_export_targets : The ability to export targets to downstream packages in the ament buildsyst[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_flake8 : The CMake API for ament_flake8 to check code syntax and style conventions ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_gen_version_h : Generate a C header containing the version number of the package ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_gmock : The ability to add Google mock-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_google_benchmark : The ability to add Google Benchmark tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_gtest : The ability to add gtest-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_include_directories : The functionality to order include directories according to a chain of pref[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_libraries : The functionality to deduplicate libraries in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_lint_cmake : The CMake API for ament_lint_cmake to lint CMake code using cmakelint. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_mypy : The CMake API for ament_mypy to perform static type analysis on python code[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_nose : The ability to add nose-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_pclint : The CMake API for ament_pclint to perform static code analysis on C/C++ ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_pep257 : The CMake API for ament_pep257 to check code against the docstring style co[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_pycodestyle : The CMake API for ament_pycodestyle to check code against the style convent[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_pyflakes : The CMake API for ament_pyflakes to check code using pyflakes. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_pytest : The ability to run Python tests using pytest in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_python : The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_ros : The ROS specific CMake bits in the ament buildsystem. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_target_dependencies : The ability to add definitions, include directories and libraries of a pack[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_test : The ability to add tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_uncrustify : The CMake API for ament_uncrustify to check code against styleconventions ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_version : The ability to override the exported package version in the ament buildsystem. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cmake_xmllint : The CMake API for ament_xmllint to check XML file using xmmlint. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_copyright : The ability to check source files for copyright and license ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cppcheck : The ability to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using Cppcheck ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_cpplint : The ability to check code against the Google style conventions using ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_download : CMake macros for downloading files with ament ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_flake8 : The ability to check code for style and syntax conventions with flake8. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_index_cpp : C++ API to access the ament resource index. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_index_python : Python API to access the ament resource index. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_lint : Providing common API for ament linter packages. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_lint_auto : The auto-magic functions for ease to use of the ament linters in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_lint_cmake : The ability to lint CMake code using cmakelint and generate xUnit test ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_lint_common : The list of commonly used linters in the ament build system in CMake. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_mypy : Support for mypy static type checking in ament. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_nodl : Ament extension for exporting NoDL .xml files ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_package : The parser for the manifest files in the ament buildsystem. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_pclint : The ability to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using PC-lint ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_pep257 : The ability to check code against the docstring style conventions in ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_pycodestyle : The ability to check code against the style conventions in PEP 8 and ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_pyflakes : The ability to check code using pyflakes and generate xUnit test ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_uncrustify : The ability to check code against style conventions using uncrustify ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_vitis : CMake macros and utilities to include Vitis platform into the ROS 2 build s[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

ament_xmllint : The ability to check XML files like the package manifest using xmllint ( https://wiki.ros.org )

angles : This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work ( http://wiki.ros.org/angles )

apex_containers : Containers ( https://wiki.ros.org )

apex_test_tools : The package Apex.OS Test Tools contains test helpers ( https://wiki.ros.org )

apriltag : AprilTag detector library ( https://april.eecs.umich.edu/software/apriltag.html )

asio_cmake_module : A CMake module for using the ASIO network library ( https://github.com/ros-drivers/transport_drivers )

async_web_server_cpp : Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ ( http://ros.org/wiki/async_web_server_cpp )

autoware_auto_msgs : Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto components ( https://wiki.ros.org )

avt_vimba_camera : Camera driver for Allied Vision Technologies \(AVT\) cameras, based on thei[...] ( https://github.com/astuff/avt_vimba_camera )

aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world : AWS RoboMaker package for a warehouse world to use in manufacturing and log[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

backward_ros : The backward_ros package is a ros wrapper of backward-cpp from https://gith[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

bag2_to_image : The bag2_to_image package ( https://wiki.ros.org )

bond : A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has ( http://www.ros.org/wiki/bond )

bond_core : A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has ( http://www.ros.org/wiki/bond_core )

bondcpp : C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when ( http://www.ros.org/wiki/bondcpp )

boost_geometry_util : Utility library for boost geometry ( https://wiki.ros.org )

bosch_locator_bridge : ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator ( https://wiki.ros.org )

builtin_interfaces : A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in t[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

camera_calibration_parsers : camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera[...] ( http://ros.org/wiki/camera_calibration_parsers )

camera_info_manager : This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration ( http://ros.org/wiki/camera_info_manager )

can_msgs : CAN related message types. ( http://wiki.ros.org/can_msgs )

cartographer_ros_msgs : ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package. ( https://github.com/cartographer-project/cartographer_ros )

cartographer_rviz : Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization\[...] ( https://github.com/cartographer-project/cartographer_ros )

cascade_lifecycle_msgs : Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package ( https://wiki.ros.org )

chomp_motion_planner : chomp_motion_planner ( http://ros.org/wiki/chomp_motion_planner )

class_loader : The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins d[...] ( http://ros.org/wiki/class_loader )

color_names : The color_names package ( https://wiki.ros.org )

common_interfaces : common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by ot[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

composition : Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

composition_interfaces : A package containing message and service definitions for managing composabl[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

compressed_depth_image_transport : Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for t[...] ( http://www.ros.org/wiki/image_transport_plugins )

compressed_image_transport : Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transpa[...] ( http://www.ros.org/wiki/image_transport_plugins )

console_bridge_vendor : Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on consol[...] ( https://github.com/ros/console_bridge )

control_box_rst : The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, [...] ( http://wiki.ros.org/control_box_rst )

control_msgs : control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for ( http://ros.org/wiki/control_msgs )

control_toolbox : The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers. ( http://ros.org/wiki/control_toolbox )

controller_interface : Description of controller_interface ( https://wiki.ros.org )

controller_manager : Description of controller_manager ( https://wiki.ros.org )

controller_manager_msgs : Messages and services for the controller manager. ( http://ros.org/wiki/controller_manager_msgs )

costmap_queue : The costmap_queue package ( https://wiki.ros.org )

cudnn_cmake_module : Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

cv_bridge : This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 ( http://www.ros.org/wiki/cv_bridge )

cyclonedds : Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source DDS impleme[...] ( https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/iot.cyclonedds )

demo_nodes_cpp : C++ nodes which were previously in the ros2/examples repository but are now[...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

demo_nodes_cpp_native : C++ nodes which access the native handles of the rmw implementation. ( https://wiki.ros.org )

demo_nodes_py : Python nodes which were previously in the ros2/examples repository but are [...] ( https://wiki.ros.org )

depth_image_proc : Contains components for processing depth images such as those ( https://index.ros.org/p/depth_image_proc/github-ros-perception-image_pipeline/ )

Pour rajouter une e-build dans l'arbre de portage :

L'ebuild est alors rajouté dans l'arbre de portage.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser layman : emerge layman puis layman -a ros-overlay

Pour Paludis utilisez ce rsync : rsync://gentoo.zugaina.org/ros-overlay-portage

En cas de problèmes : ycarus(-at-)zugaina.org